Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mercury Retrograde - Tips for Handling Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde starts September 24 so lets review what Mercury rules.

Most of the time you read communication and commerce, but we need to look at the downside of Mercury as well.

Here's a list of Mercury archetypes and themes

  • communication including all types of information exchange (this means your GPS, traffic lights and air controllers, and what your doctor or lawyer try to say to you ... as well as the expected emails, phones, etc.
  • Theft and lies - be on your guard. He's the Trickster!
  • Nutrition and wellness
  • Business indices, like the stock market
  • Weather patterns (air and wind)
  • Math, science and music
  • Travel (plans, connections, and the form of transportation)
  • Dexterity and eye-hand coordination
  • Learning - school programs and classes (how's the professor communicating about what's on the exam??)
If nothing else from this, you should get - GO SLOW. For instance see all the things in there about your daily commute. If not you, then the other person, has problems with eye-hand coordination, the GPS may malfunction, the traffic lights, and the normal flow of traffic!

How to manage this time? REMEMBER to REMEMBER. When you leave the house make sure you have what you need - briefcase, papers, purse, cell phone, GPS, directions. Be alert when you drive. Allow extra time. Don't allow others to get you mad on the road. (When emotions go up, logic and reason go down.)

Check and double check.

Once there, pretend you're on the infamous Paris Metro where the purse snatchers, straight off the downside of Mercury, can remove the lens cap off your expensive camera without you're noticing it, or grab your purse right off your shoulder. Keep your eyes and ears open. Keep your possessions IN HAND and know where they are at all times.

With the coordination and dexterity thing, know where your body is. See the curb, make sure the ladder is secured if you're going up one, if someone bumps into you on the subway, check where your belongings are! Know where you're sticking your hand. Look on the ground occasionally, like for fire ants and pot holes.

Wear layers of clothing and take along rain coat, hat or umbrella.

Remember to remember! Check and double check!

For a reading, email me at sdunn@susandunn.cc .

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