Sunday, November 30, 2008

Reading Photos

I LOVE READING PHOTOS. One my clients sent me this photo (and gave me permission to use it).

She is standing at a crossroads right now, as many of us are, with this Pluto transit. There's something she's always wanted that she's waiting for.

The changes we all look for will take some time to manifest, as Pluto moves slowly and deliberately, but inexorably. Pay attention to the subtlest signals. As YOU change, so changes your WORLD.

Now for the photo. Here she is literally surrounded by Spirit and Light, even in the midst of darkness. Behind her, finally, are all the thorns, pricks and dangers. She glows with the changes that have taken place inside her. Her head has changed, but not her heart. (We sometimes have to change our beliefs, in order to change, and become the kind of person who has what we've always wanted.)

In front of her lie two alternatives, two choices. One is the lighted treasure, her heart desires (to the left as you look at the photo). It literally glows. To the right is a dark, dead stump of wood. Which one will she choose?

Her leg is crossed pointing toward her heart's desire.


Pluto works slowly but absolutely

Pluto works slowly and absolutely. Another word to use would be inexorably. It means IT WILL HAPPEN.

Pluto is now in Capricorn, and likely this has been a long and arduous time for you. Now for the changes to manifest! Listen for the whisperings, look for the subtle signs, feel the tinglings ... that who you always wanted to be and what you always wanted to have, will begin to manifest.

As this transition unfolds, if you do not (and did not) resist change, you will have what you always wanted because Pluto will have evolved you into the kind of person who has that.

So keep the faith and hope! Put discouragement and despair and lack of faith behind you. As Pluto moves on, so do you! This is crucial to this time period, so that what is within can manifest in the outer world.

Know that you can have what you always wanted. Allow this to unfold gracefully, in Pluto's time. Your faith and positive mantras, readings, and symnolically watering and sheltering the little sprout, and allowing it to turn always toward the sun, will make it grow to fruition - that which you desire.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Wal-Mart Employee Dies in Hobbesian Frenzy

"A Hobbesian frenzy," it was called, referring to the philosophy of Thomas Hobbes.

Wal-Mart Employee Trampled to Death reads the headline in the New York Times article.

A Hobbesian frenzy. Thomas Hobbes wrote: "The condition of man... is a condition of war of everyone against everyone."

The young employee, from a temp agency, was Jdimypai Damour, only 34 years old, God rest his soul in peace. From the article:

A Wal-Mart employee in suburban New York was trampled to death by a crush of shoppers who tore down the front doors and thronged into the store early Friday morning, turning the annual rite of post-Thanksgiving bargain hunting into a Hobbesian frenzy.

The article is a nightmare to read. Crowds lined up all night stampeded through the doors to the holiday sale, Black Friday sale at Wal-Mart, trampling anything in their way.

I have said all along that in this transit we will be re-thinking our attitude toward money. There are so many thoughts when you read an article like this. A temporary employee, so desperate for work that he takes a job like this. People pushing the doors off the hinges. Lining up at 9 pm the night before. Is it the economy that people would line up for such a sale, or greed, or what?

Hobbesian frenzy? David Bordwell uses this phrase in his blog on cinema.

Cheang Pou-soi’s Dog Bite Dog: This tale of a hired killer from Thailand and the raging young cop who pursues him presents a world in Hobbesian frenzy, with all against all. The most unrelentingly violent Hong Kong film I’ve seen in years...

Quotes from Thomas Hobbes

During the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that conditions called war; and such a war, as if of every man, against every man.

I put for the general inclination of all mankind, a perpetual and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death.

Words are the money of fools.

Thomas Hobbes (5 April 1588 – 4 December 1679) was an English philosopher, whose famous 1651 book Leviathan, according to wikipedia, established the foundation for most of Western political philosophy from the perspective of social contract theory.

In the article you also read that the police were called away from the scene to go to Best Buys and Circuit City, also having problems.

All this for a television set? A new ipod?

What on earth has happened to our social contracts?

Social contract describes a broad class of republican theories whose subjects are implied agreements by which people form nations and maintain a social order. Such social contract implies that the people give up some rights to a government and other authority in order to receive or jointly preserve social order.

And this on the following the terrorist attacks that have stunned Mumbai this week.

There is a lot of frenzy associated with this transit. Pluto has now entered Capricorn, and so the big changeover begins. Stay calm and cool. Get a reading if you need some direction. And let's pray for GOOD changes.

Frenzied shoppers even disturbed the work of police trying to give CPR.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Venus in the 1st house: Lawrence of Arabia

Let us begin with The Top 10 Replies of Lawrence of Arabia to his Editors
Handsome, isn't he? More on this to come ...
Lawrence of Arabia's book, The Seven Pillars of Wisdom, is a classic. His replies to his editor's comments on spelling are also classics.

1. In his preface, T. E. Lawrence writes: Particularly it owes great thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Shaw for countless suggestions of great value and diversity:
and for all the present semicolons.

2. Q. I attach a list of queries raised by F. who is reading the proofs. He finds these very clean, but full of inconsistencies in the spelling of proper names, a point which reviewers often take up. Will you annotate it in the margin, so that I can get the proofs straightened?
A. Annotated: not very helpfully perhaps. Arabic names won't go into English exactly, for their consonants are not the same as ours, and their vowels, like ours, very from district to district. There are some 'scientific systems' of transliteration, helpful to people who know enough Arabic not to need helping, but a wash-out for the world. I spell my names anyhow, to show what rot the systems are.

3. Q. Slip 1. Jeddah and Jidda used impartially throughout. Intentional?
A. Rather.

4. Q. Slip 16. Bir Waheida, was Bir Wahheidi.
A. Why not? All one place.

5. Q. Slip 20. Nuri, Emir of the Ruwalla, belongs tro the 'chief family of the Rualla.' On Slip 23, "Rualla horse', and Slip 38, 'killed one Rueli'. In all later slips "Rualla'.
A. Should have also used Ruwala and Ruala.

6. Q. Slip 28. The Bisaita is also spelt Biseita.
A. Good.

7. Q. Slip 47. Jedha, the she-camel, was Jedhah on Slip 40.
A. She was a splendid beast.

8. Q. Slip 53. 'Meleager, the immoral poet'. I have put 'immortal' poet, but the author may mean immoral after all.

A. Immorality I know. Immortality I cannot judge. As you please: Meleager will not sue us for libel.

9. Q. Slip 65. Author is addressed 'Ya Auruns', but on Slip 56 was 'Aurans'.
A. Also Lurens and Runs: not to mention 'Shaw'. More to follow if time permits.

10. Q. Slip 78. Sherif Abd el Mayin of Slip 68 becomes el Main, el Mayein, el Muein, el Mayin, and el Muyein.
A. Good egg. I call this really ingenious.

Yes, Sir Lawrence had Venus in his 1st house. How does this play itself out, when Venus is about beauty, values, and needs for, and propensities for, relationships and adoration?

Often they are highly attractice and able to use this appeal to bring on relationships and also create a sort of Ideal Image which they project. "They" are their own best asset, so to speak. They can use the persona - their looks and personality to make things happen. (Of course at the downside, the needs can be insatiable, and thus not able to be met.)

Lawrence of Arabia has this in his chart, and if you know your history, was sent to make peace with (read: subdue) the Bedouins, for the British. As you can tell from his cheeky replies above ... he was one to do it HIS way, and certainly never lacking in confidence. As the movie portrays, he liked the Bedouins, adopted their dress and customs and thought they should be allowed to be self-determined.

He was rather charming about all this (1st house Venus in Virgo), and also quite able to analyze the situation, apply his own deep values which he was able to communicate well, and use his charm (and "beauty")to tranform and inspire. He later became an advisor to Winston Churchill. And communicate he did - in voluminous writing, and several books.

Much of this portrayed in the movie, "Lawrence of Arabia." Quite the stuff that legends are made of.

Being a Leo, of course, didn't hurt his charisma either (August 16).

He died at age 46 from a motorcycle accident and even then his influence extended. The neurosurgeon who attended him began to ponder the head injuries of motorcyclists ... and his research led to crash helmets.

The downside of the Venus is that he exaggerated things in his book The Seven Pillars of Wisdom, and also hired people to whip him (masochist) ... and perhaps the speculations that he was homosexual (not proven). But just how beautiful is a man allowed to be? And the head injury ... to the place of the greatest beauty in the man.

Venus in 1st house rules.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Uranus Pluto Poster Child


It's probably been at least half a century since Uranus and Pluto made this configuration at the same time.

If you're feeling massive upheaval, you aren't alone. So is your neighbor, so is the US, so is the world.

I call it whiplash. Others call it getting slammed. There's a sense that what's over is over, you may have hit a rock you can't figure out ... and everyone's a little scattered and maybe swearing more than usual.

I was interviewed today by a reporter from a national news source. The reporter wanted to know how people were adjusting to "the economic crisis" and how it was affecting, among other things, their Thanksgivings. She wanted me to to send people to her who would be willing to be interviewed about the changes in their plans. I didn't ask any clients - that's confidential, but I was out doing errands and I mentioned it to several people. I chose ones who seemed outgoing. Everyone clammed up. No one wanted to talk about "it."

What is "it"? Well "it" isn't just Thanksgiving.

It's that things are changing, big things, and we can feel it. I told the reporter we would be taking a new look at our relationship to money. For instance, does it matter how much you spend, or don't spend for Thanksgiving. Isn't it about getting together with loved ones, and feeling gratitude for what you DO have (not being upset about what you DON'T have.) Of course this is easier when you're 'forced' to cook your own Thanksgiving meal rather than the usual catering ... v. someone who is so close to the line, it's becoming precarious.

I talked to one man today who must fire 7 people tomorrow. "The day before Thanksgiving," he mused, and shook his head.

But just so we don't get off the deep end on this, let me give you some of the Pluto Uranus POSTER CHILDREN:

F has lost about as much, financially, as a person can lose. Her job, license, a lawsuit about a debt, and the ability to continue in her formerly lucrative profession. What did she do? She ordered her Spiritual Life Path Report. She tells me it showed her The Path. She tells me her kids are doing great. She says she's never had to live without money, and the divorce is proceeding, but that she guesses she'll be learning how. I think Sag is giving her the Spirit.

I told S to get her retirement fund out of the stock market about 2 months ago. She did. She asked someone to go on a cruise with her, a nice cheap one (she's being frugal and doing the math), and they declined. For the third time. Then she asked someone else - in another direction - who was THRILLED to go with her. "It opened my eyes," she said. "Now I will go where I'm wanted and welcomed." She's getting ready to quit her job and move to another state, to be with people who say "Come as soon as possible. We will all help you find a job." Big CHANGE of scene, and attitude. New Life.

M has been struggling with chronic pain from undisclosed source for nearly two years, visiting doctor after practitioner. During this transit she finally found The Healer. Her voice is coming back, and this is symbolic. There's a new man in her life, who looks like The One, and she is open to it. Her whole life, she says, is about to change. P.S. She's laying the groundwork to move as well.

J had a long and tortured relationship from afar with a woman he met online and visited once. She loved him at first sight. He had to go back and divorce his wife, who had left. To settle his professional practice. To deal with a chronic physical condition. He dangled the woman on a string for 4 years, saying it was this and that, but now he writes me, "finally I have changed." He is recontacting the woman in earnest, and she is slowly beginning to respond. Is this True Love? If it is, it was hard won. "God," he wrote me, quoting Ghandi, "sometimes does try to the uttermost those whom he wishes to bless."

Out of the darkness, we will find the light at the end of the tunnel. And our collissions will all be elastic collisions.

Elastic collisions is a physics term meaning - think of two identical steel balls colliding. Since the collision is perfectly elastic, the identical balls come together with the same speed, and depart one another in the opposite directions with exactly the same velocities. No harm done! Off we go. So be it with any adversities you think you are encountering.

With time, it will all work out. This is a fantastic energy and time to make a huge leap forward.


Come on Aquarius, ante up.


But I bet you're gonna love it! Don't be so nervous, Gem.

Scorpios -- you did the best you could with the information you had at the time. Now let it go, and get going!


eMail me to schedule a reading - . I'm here to help.

Monday, November 24, 2008

New Moon in Sagittarius for Thanksgiving

November 28 - the day we've all been waiting for: PLUTO ENTERS CAPRICORN to stay there until 2023

Fantastic energy!!

We have already seen the beginnings of Pluto breaking down the Capricorn structures of finance and government, and we look forward to their re-building - with the sort of faith that Sagittarius brings, appearing as it does in the dark of winter. Capricorn also rules difficult tasks and challenges. With Uranus opposing Saturn ON election day, could what is happening be more obvious?

Now we have a NEW MOON IN SAGITTARIUS, which rules the law, attitudes, beliefs, YOUR attitudes and beliefs (just a reminder ;-)), honesty, and also honorable behavior -- and the faith, idealism and enthusiasm we need to accomplish anything. The archer points toward the deepest meanings of life, and generosity of spirit and community. What we need to have at all times, symbolized by its appearance at the darkest time of the year. When we want to gather together ... "Let your light so shine…"

Let Thanksgiving be a time to remember the strength of joining together, and the attitude of gratitude. It is one holiday that we have not managed to commercialize. With Pluto going in to Capricorn, and as we watch the banking failures, it's a time to realign your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes about money. What it can buy and what it can't. (It can buy a house, not a home. It can buy a watch, not time ... and so forth.)

So here we have a New Moon, the time to sow the seeds for NEW - new attitude, hope, faith and honesty.

Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, revolution, transformation and rehabilitation will enter Capricorn which rules structure - like our body's skeletons, and the worldly infrastructures that hold us together and get us around. No coincidence that President-elect Obama has talked of improving these.

The sky happenings at this time just BEG you to believe what you already know -- that life is what you THINK it will be; that your attitudes and beliefs determine the outcome. And BEG you to get rid of what isn't working, including your beliefs. (If you don't, Pluto will!) It's a good time to look at your "projections" - and remember that "we despise most our own faults in others." It's a call (with the help behind it) to BE the change you want to see in YOUR world, and in THE world.

All you have to do ... is to change.


QUOTES FOR THIS TIME, all from Mohandas Gandhi:

A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.

As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves.

Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position.

Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.

Gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one race or religion.

God sometimes does try to the uttermost those whom he wishes to bless.

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

Ready for some changes. Here they come, ready or not.

For a reading on how best to use this fantastic energy in your life, email me at .

I am grateful you you, my blog readers, and to my clients and supporters and all those who are part of my community. Happy Thanksgiving!

Graphic created by Minesweeper and donated to Wikipedia, released under GNU Free Documentation License.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Help During the Holidays

As Saturn/Uranus continues to bat us about like badminton birdies

I have two things for you today:

1. Watch this beautiful and inspirational movie; or cut and paste: . And remember that "IN THE WINDS OF CHANGE, WE SOMETIMES FIND OUR DIRECTION."

2. Schedule a reading with me. I'm here to help. Email or call 817-741-7223. I've saved appointment time during this week and all through the holidays.

Dealing with a Scorpio Now?

What's up with those gorgeous, secretive Scorpios these days?

Found on a website. The topic at hand was how unattractive it is to be needy on any level.

This was the reply:

I agree with this one: "how unattractive it is to be needy on any level"

Neediness is rooted in fear and cowardice & it is a really debilitating and ugly emotion to carry.

I know because I'm fighting temporary neediness right now!! LOL.

And as a Scorp, I hate feeling I need someone... but sometimes you just ache.

Scorpios do have a hard time "admitting" things like needing someone, like they think it's a weakness or something. I don't think it's rooted in fear and cowardice, but that's the way those normally COURGEOUS Scorpios sometimes look at it. Especially during this Pluto transit that's stressing us in points where we need to loosen up and/or change or grow. It could even be some karma in your chart we could take a look at.

We need each other. It's the DESPERATE neediness that needs a second look. And yes, sometimes we do just ache.

Need to talk about this? Email me to schedule a reading - .

I'll be waiting.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Psychic Reading Can Help with Saturn-Uranus


How to get through this period of Saturn-Uranus, and Pluto ...

This is the horoscope for Leos from, but it is good advice for you, whatever your sign, and for any day, not just today.

As you watch the sun dip below the horizon tonight and you observe the clouds turning from pink to purple, review the day, Susan. Lock your head in with your heart and make sure that the two are in tune. Think about your emotions and thought patterns of the day and how they affected your actions. Determine if your actions were a result of either your rational mind or your fluctuating moods.

If you would like to learn more about this getting the head and heart together, let me know. I offer a course in emotional intelligence, because that's about your emotions (intuition) and your intelligence(thinking).

Part of this is learning about "hemisphere dominance.: Take this online 'test' and let me know how you do. Or click and past this into your browser:,21598,22492511-5005375,00.html

Those of you who have already taken it, if you could make the lady change directions at will, you'll have an easier time switching from intuition to intellectual thinking. Take the test. If you can't make her change directions, or she doesn't automatically change directions, I can give you some of the ways my clients have been able to do this.

Intuition (heart, right-brain) is best for knowing what you really want. Then use your intellect to map out the strategy. I can help you with both.

Through readings. I also offer an Internet Course on Intuition. Click here to register and pay.

Your INTUITION is what tells you what is true to your heart.

Those of you who could make the dancing lady change directions now know that you can switch from left to right brain at will. Use intuition first. Get your answer. (During this transit,this procedure can take a lot of time, and some back and forth. Both alternatives are likely to have some appeal. It is also likely at least one other option will enter the picture for you.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Gift from Your Reader at This Hard Saturn-Uranus Opp

The Saturn-Uranus opposition would be enough stress (the old, the new; the push, the pull; caution v. adventure; whiplash offers given and rescinded; indecision!!) but we have the Pluto transit as well.

AND THEN THERE'S THE HOLIDAYS starting to amp up more every day. Plus the economy.

Ways my clients are using this energy:

1. Resting and being good to themselves.
2. Tabling anything that can be tabled.
3. Waiting to see how and when the ball will drop.
4. Taking action on things that now are clearly over -- Filing for divorce. Cutting the funds off to the adult kid who won't get a job. Moving to another city. Changing jobs. Getting rid of negative friends.
5. Praying for intuition and guidance from Spirit.
6. Getting a Pluto reading. $50. Please send time, date and place of birth.
7. Getting a Spiritual Life Purpose Report. (To order click here.) Please send time, place and date of birth. Report will be emailed to you.
6. Getting frequent readings.

MY GIFT TO YOU: A free mini-reading by email. Send time, date and place of birth, and one concern only for this reading. Email me at and mention this offer.

On a more practical note, take the HANDLING DIFFICULT PEOPLE COURSE. "You love them, now learn how to get along with them." Yours for just $29.99.

Testimonial: "Okay that course really helped. This time instead of sitting around the Thanksgiving table wanting to scream, I felt sorry for their behavior and tried some things and they worked. I saw how I'd been making a bad situation worse. It really was OK this year. THANK YOU THANK YOU. I use that course all the time." Diane R., New Bedford, CT

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Celebs get roughed up and so do you?

Lindsay Lohan doused with flour? Rough week for celebs, says yahoo. Well it's probably been a rough week for YOU too. EXHAUSTION seems to be the rule ... you're either sick or you've hurt yourself, with this energy. We need a break. And maybe you're thinking a little flour on your coat would be mild compared to what's been thrown at you?

PLUTO and URANUS/SATURN continue to wreak havoc in our lives. OH THE DRAMA.

But Pluto deals with magic ... real magic ... like a cardinal in the midst of winter ... the intricate beauty of a snowflake ... like a tiny seed that grows into a mighty oak tree ... like transforming you into the person you always wanted to be ... like looking into the eyes of your true love ... like getting what you always wanted finally ...

Yes, you're probably getting slammed around right now. It's part of it. Saturn wants to control, but Uranus pulls out into left field.

You clamp down and there's revolt. You loosen up and someone else plays the heavy.
You thought you'd made up your mind (Saturn) but no one and nothing is cooperating with you (Uranus).

You decided to move and they beg you to stay. You say and they 'agree' you're better off going. Huh????

Let's just say the cat's out of the bag and you aren't going to be stuffing it back in.

How to handle all this drama? Be in a 'preference' state, not a 'demand' state. You don't want to rouse someone else to play the role of Saturn or Uranus or to play those roles in someone else's drama. Watch out for turning it inward and getting sick - or outward, and getting hurt. Move slowly and with care.

Hammered? Getting batted about like a birdie?
Call me and lets talk about it. What you want and how to get there.

Key for the week - tone it down. Others will over-interpret, over-react.

Email for reading or call me at 817-741-7223. Email me to get on my email list, so you can stay current.

Snowflakes from

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturn Returns ... and Saturn Returns ... and Saturn Returns


Perfect timing for us all, as Saturn opposes Uranus; perfect timing for us all, as we will all have Saturn Returns.

Saturn Returns take place roughly every 30 years in our life - at 28-30, 58-60, and 88-90. A Saturn Return presents you with an opportunity for a second chance, third chance at life. It's about growing up (Saturn) and also about growing.

The play Saturn Returns is written by Noah Haidle. In the off-Broadway play, 70 minutes without an intermission, one man, Gustin (played by 3 different actors), takes a look at his life and the three women in it.

Interestingly, another play on the same astrological theme, called Saturn's Return (See To Have and to Hold Onto Forever - It's the Siren Call from Planet Possibility) written by Tommy Murphy played in Sydney, Australia this summer. Lisa Pryor writes:

Murphy describes Saturn's Return as a crisis of confidence and identity, as you reach an age where you are "asked to lock some things in and it tests some decisions and choices you have made...I was interested in the notion of a more authentic person emerging after this process of upheaval and the consolidation of adulthood."

What to expect from a Saturn Return? Changes. Decisions. Lessons Saturn is trying to teach you. For more on this, I defer to my esteemed colleague, astrologer Nancy Fenn. You simply MUST get a Saturn Return Reading from her - first, second, or third. Nancy Fenn is the nation's Saturn Return Expert. Nancy Fenn was chosen SATURN RETURN EXPERT for the gigantic self growth community served by SELF GROWTH, the #1 Self Improvement Site On The Web, as Ranked by Google and Yahoo!

Says Nancy Fenn:

Many people are confused about the Saturn Return. Maturity is no protection. It's about choosing your real life instead of the one you thought was yours....If you have been pursuing a career or lifestyle to please someone else, there is a sense of urgency at the Saturn Return to make important changes."

The band Tool also wrote a song called Saturn's Return which you can see below.


Saturn comes back around. Lifts you up like a child or
Drags you down like a stone
To consume you till you choose to let this go.

Give away the stone.
Let the oceans take and transmutate this cold and fated anchor.
Give away the stone.
Let the waters kiss and transmutate these leaden grudges into gold.
Let go.

What's it all about? If you are approaching one of your Saturn Returns, contact Nancy Fenn.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Pluto Transit, Whiplash, and Bouncing Back

During this Pluto Transit, which I call "Whiplash," take a moment to watch Pixar's Boundin'.

Boundin - Pixar animation - Pixar Studios

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pluto Transit - When It's Time to Say Goodbye

What Pluto demands is change. He wants to remove from your life the things that aren't working. This allows you to move forward, sometimes in a totally new direction.

A Pluto Transit cantruly put you at your wit's end. Often the thing you really want will require your giving up something of great value to you. Something you are very attached to. Sometimes the thing you love the most.

To get the body you want, you have to give up food.
To get peace of mind, you have to leave your dysfunctional family.
To marry the man you love, you have to leave your Father.
To get your dream job you have to give up being able to tavel every 3 months.
To be able to travel every 3 months, you have to give up a fancy car.
And, when it hits even closer to the core - to grow and transform, you must change and give up past behavior patterns.
To become your own person you have to give up being dependent on other people's thoughts and opinions.

The conflicts and decisions in a Pluto transit can be excruciating. I'm with you in thought and prayer, and ready to guide you on your path. Pluto Transit reading for $50. Email me to order yours. Must have date, time and place of birth.

You can also order one about someone you love, to learn more, or to give it to them.

This if for you, when It's Time to Say Goodbye:

You Learn (Alanis Morissette) From a Pluto Transit

Be as a child, reading under the light of the Full Moon, if that is the only light you have.

Your theme song for this Pluto Transit - You Learn, by Alanis Morissette:

She recommends biting off more you can chew.

For peace during the more difficult times:

And get a massage while you're listening to it. Be patient with your transformations and other people's. It's all for the best.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pluto Transit: Hit in Pluto in 5th, North Node Aries, 2nd

Examining where Pluto is in your chart, as well as what your Spiritual Life Purpose is can help you make the best use of this fabulous transformational energy of Pluto right now. Pluto wants to remove what isn't working, so you can have what you want.

And, dear Reader, this isn't an easy process because we are attached to ... well, what we are attached to. Many of you may be pulling your hair out right now. Feeling trapped, stagnant, unable to get what you want (or even to figure it out)frozen in ambivalence. A reading can show you what is likely to be the focus of the need for change.

In the meantime, avoid lashing out, negativity, doubt and fear, retribution, provocative words and behavior, and solutions that are worse than the problems. Wait it out. It will work itself out.

With your special Pluto Transit reading ($50 if you mention this offer), I also provide music fitting to your current conflict/change/transformation areas, as well as palative music, to soothe you.

If Pluto is in your 5th, and your North Node is in Aries, 1st house, see if this combination resonates for you:




For Pluto Transit Report, email me at, or call me at 817-734-1471.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Pluto Transit: The Change that Nearly Kills You

Pluto is now in transit. (It will arrive in Capricorn November 27-28th.) If you feel like you've been going through hell lately, well, Pluto is the god of the Underworld. It could be said that Pluto gives mastery of the past- what's dead and buried -- or should be, allowing us to come back above ground and live. It's no coincidence that the gates to the Underworld swung both ways for only one individual, the god Mercury, the god of communication, the Messenger of the gods.

There are few renditions of Pluto (Hades) in ancient art. Understandably he was not popular. He took things away. But when he was sculpted or painted, he was always shown with Cerberus, the 3-headed Hound of Hell, that guarded the gates to the Underworld.

Now Pluto was the god of the Underworld and also of wealth, because one thing people have known since time immemorial is that there are things like gold, diamonds, and oil down there. In the literal "underworld." And if you use the information from Mercury and do the work of the Pluto transition, you will receive wealth beyond mreasure. Perhaps even the one thing you've always wanted to have, and never have been able to have.

Now 3 is a magical number. So what might this 3-headed guardian to the gates of entrapment and delivery to freedom and wealth be all about?

Some think Cerberus was guarding the gate to the skull - the brain. After all, the brain is where things are taken away. A hand-clapping in the forest thing: Would you miss anyone or anything if you didn't know it was gone? One thing Pluto will do is make you know what you "almost know."

But lets consider other things about the 3-headed dog. It could represent the triune brain: the reptilian, the limbic and the neocortex. Pluto can force you to give up anything from any of them: Addiction to pornography or being a pedophile or unfaithful (lust from the reptilian brain); an attachment to your mother or child (limbic) that is keeping you from a mature love with someone of your own age; or an idea -- a thought that is, okay, making your life hell. Such as? Such as that you think you should be a lawyer, or that you can't be happy until blah blah, or that although Harriet is driving you nuts, you "can't" divorce her, or that everyone should be nice to you and everyone else or else you can't stand to live int he world.

Another 3 that comes to mind is the mental, the physical, and the emotional. A balanced life attends to the mental, the physical, the emotional and the spiritual, but Spirit is in charge of the spiritual, so lets look at the other three. Perhaps you need to give up obesity or drugs (physical). Perhaps you need to give up thinking you can't manage your anger, or give up repressing your grief over the death of your son, which is suppressing all your emotions (because that's like a rule of physics), or give up denial and get with Reality (emotional). Or perhaps you need to give up devotion to logical, rational thinking as god, or reading books and seeing movies about life instead of getting involved and living life, or give up being lazy and not "doing the math. Or give up ignorance and start learning. (mental)"

The good news is that Pluto's aim is to make your life work. The bad news is that Pluto's aim is to remove what isn't working in your life, and that you are attached to those things or they wouldn't be there.

Because we're humans.

Dogs, for instance … I asked an outspoken Aquarian, who had two old dogs, how the surviving dog was acting after the death of the older one. "Is she grieving?" I asked. "No," said the AQ with Sag, "actually she's relieved."

If only we could be that honest. That honest and that guilt-free. We do not cause deaths and removals. If we could be honest, like Verdi, the great opera composer who said opera was about the most important things in life … love, hate …

Since we are dealing with the magical number 3, here are 3 ways to deal with Pluto transits.

1. Find out what the purpose of the transit is for you and then get to work on it.

And don't try and bargin falsely with Pluto. The faster you get rid of things, WITHOUT LOOKING BACK, the better this will go. About this looking back - the only person who ever almost made it back from the Underworld, in myth, was Eurydice. Her lover, Orpheus made a bargain with Pluto to get her back, and the deal was that Orpheus promised NOT TO LOOK BACK. He did, and Eurydice was lost forever. (See the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice.

Get with Pluto, "the most moralistic planet there is." Get out of denial and see what's going on in your life. This means facing the hell from the past and present: that you WERE wrong, that it WAS incest, that your Mother DOES NOT CARE, that your boss IS a sociopath, that your daughter IS a parasite, that you hate where you live ... And even harder - that your pathetic career is because YOU have created it that way, or that the obstacles in your path have been placed there by YOU. Pack it all up, take it to "goodwill" and then DON'T LOOK BACK.

2. Grieve.

Grieve so that you can move forward. Grieving is part of letting go. GROW through it, don't just GO through it. One great soul-soother at such times is always music. Orpheus was a great musician with his lyre. It was said that with his lyre, he could "move rock, and change the course of streams." He used his music on Pluto (aka Hades), too. He says

With my song
I will charm Demeter's daughter,
I will charm the Lord of the Dead,
Moving their hearts with my melody.
I will bear her away from Hades.

Many of the great musical composers have been to hell and back, and their music can aid you on your journey. See Verdi, below, and Vivo Per Lei for the healing effects of music.

3. Sweat.

It's hard work. Pluto is giving you a rebirth, and the birth process is long, laborious, messy, exhausting …but the the successful outcome is that you are then alive! And like giving birth, where you get the greatest reward on the earthly plane -- your baby -- the sooner you get with Pluto, the quicker He'll reward you.

If you won't or can't, Pluto will kick it up and torture you some more until you finally "get it". He wants to move you from suspecting, and inklings, to knowing for sure. A Pluto transit is when you've been suspecting your lover is unfaithful for years, wanting to 'know' if he's 'really' cheating, and finally step in it like a pile of Cerberus' poop. You are then removed from your state of denial and free to take action. That's Pluto.

And then you have to cry and grieve, because if you don't, and you suppress it, you suppress all the other emotions too. That's like a rule of physics. It's another twist on "no pain, no gain." If you won't feel grief, you will never feel happiness again.

Getting in touch with those raw emotions is how you get your moral compass back, and Pluto is the most moralistic planet of all. It heals us and lets us move on. This doesn't mean you put sugar in his gas tank, it means you cry. Because? You know why. Because you were hoping, pretending, fooling yourself … and Pluto doesn't like that. Get to the core. Let go of the attachment (See Stockholm Syndrome). Quit going back for more abuse pretending that isn't what it is, pretending that it won't happen again.

The quicker you get with Pluto, the quicker he'll reward you.

Do the work of the Pluto transition and you'll say, like Verdi did, and I substitute words: "I adored and adore this art [of living]; and when I am alone and wrestling with my [life], then my heart pounds, tears stream from my eyes, and the emotions and pleasures are beyond description."

Incidentally, when young, Verdi lost his wife and two babies to a disease in a matter of months. Tormented as he was, he went on to write some of the most magnificent operas ever written, which, because of his own monumental losses allow us to bleed our own emotions and heal when listening to his soul-in-music.

Plumb the depths of Pluto for the treasure to be found there.

The power of music? You could not pray to Pluto, beg for mercy, bargain or plead with him. What did Orpheus do? Music.

[Orpheus' music] Drew iron tears down Pluto's cheek,
and made Hell grant what Love did seek

How can an astrologer help you? The house that Pluto is in in your chart can give you an idea of where you are going to take the hit. Where you'll have to make the dramatic change, what actions to take, and where your power lies.

Let me do your chart and check out the placement of Pluto. I will combine this with your Spiritual Life Path Report to tell you why you are here, and what you are supposed to be doing. In addition, I will recommend the perfect piece of music for you, for healing.

On special this month, during this Pluto transit, for $100. PayPal, credit cards and personal checks accepted. Email me at for your Pluto transit reading and chart. To pay by PayPal, go here.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ever wonder why you are here?

When I read, sometimes I think I channel angels. Here's a graphic of me done by a special little girl in my life.


This is the best reading I’ve ever gotten and I have promised myself not to do what I have always done in the past this time. Nancy Worcester

Rating by Emily (from an Expert site I'm on)

knowledgeability - 10
helpfulness - 10
timeliness - 10
politeness - 10
Comment - Those 10's are not accidents. I see the boxes and I'm giving her 10's for all of it. Not only did she answer me fast and accurate but she gave me ideas I never even thought of or forgot to write about. She doesn't sugar coat. That puts a film on things that makes it impossible to learn. Excellent expert you have here.

"I wanted to thank you again for the reading today. You ARE an angel in my life." - RB

"Thank you for everything you are my start into something I have a true passion for. This has been a wonderful experience for me. THANK YOU!!" Sunnaman

"The classes I took from you saved my mind" -B. T.

"Susan, I am so glad she called you I have been raving about you forever!" - Julie

"Thank you yet AGAIN!! You are a source of guidance and reassurance and support in this difficult time for me. How much longer does this transit last? You are like an angel to me at this time in my life and I feel I will never forget you (not that I won’t want to continue to be in contact with you." - R. M.

Readings by phone, email and in-person. To schedule your appointment, email . Credit cards, PayPal and personal checks accepted.

Readings, natal charts, Spiritual Life Purpose Reports.

The holidays are a perfect time to order the Spiritual Life Purpose Report. This beautifully presented and detail chart answers the question "Why am I here? What am I supposed to be doing?" Click HERE to order and pay by PayPal, and Susan will contact you for the necessary information.

Sean Conner and Ithaca - Pluto Transit

For all of you, for this Pluto transit, with peace and love
Susan (Semiramis)

The most important way to handle this challenging transit is to know what its PURPOSE is for YOU. Let me look for the Plutonic in your chart to see where the stressors will be and where the change will be the most difficult ... and therefore the most rewarding.

I mean this with all my heart.
Email me at for special "Ithaca" reading - just $50.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Michelle Obama's Dress: Do the Math


Email from client today: "He seems strange today. He ...."

My Reply: "EVERYONE seems strange right now. You know that "nudge" you get on IM, the one that seems to shake the whole room? We all just got one."

Saturn nudged Uranus ... on election day. We are now shaken and stirred, and standing on unsure ground. The earth has shifted beneath our feet.

The best index? The most emotional thing on the planet - the US stock market.

So take a deep breath. Get a reading to re-stabilize. (Email me at ). Get prepared for November 28th, because it's Get Ready, Get Set, Go! Remember, $28 email readings from now until the 28th of November, when Pluto arrives in Capricorn, if you mention this offer.

About this nudge. Distract yourself. OK, here's an idea that's harmless and interesting. Let's discuss


What's her sign? First of all, no one apparently knows the time of her birth, but we have the date, January 17th ,1964. So she's a Capricorn. "The Ultimate Capricorn" says Lutin in his assessment Michelle Obama: The Ultimate Capricorn. Personally I like to work with a person's Rising Sign, especially when it's a polished performer like a politician, or a politician's wife, because it's how we perceive a person ... but her rising sign we don't know either. I agree with another astrologer who suspects it might be Leo.

StarsOverWashington thinks she's a Cap with an Aquarius Moon, like Carl Sandburg and Muhammed Ali. Yeah, she packs a wallop. Carl Sandburg isn't your average kinda poet. I dozed off during poetry time in high school English class until I got hit with (I'll never forget):

HOG Butcher for the World,
Tool Maker,
Stacker of Wheat,
Player with Railroads and the Nation's Freight Handler;
Stormy, husky, brawling,
City of the Big Shoulders:

from Carl Sandburg's poem "Chicago."

It has words like teeth, and sneer, and kill, and brawling, fierce, and wanton ... my luv is like a red, red ... butcher's knife?

Interesting too that we're talking about Chicago - my hometown, Michelle's home grounds. My grandfather even was a partner at Sidley Austin.

But I digress. Ok, an "Ultimate Capricorn" might include someone who is classy, and probably the ultimate mom in the sense that her kids eat right, get enough sleep, mind their manners and have life goals. (I see Leo there, as well.)

But lets get down to what this dress really is. It's geometric. It's bold. It's not being what we would have expected. (If Berlusconi is waiting eagerly to give Barack advice, can you imagine how Carla Bruni-Sarkozy feels?) That dress has that sense to it where we say "Oh. Okay. So that's what she likes." And that's the tone this woman is going to be setting.
Red and black - could it be more forceful?
But wait a minute, could that be fractal what's going on there with the red?

And it's designed by Narciso Rodriguez, a statement in itself. An intentional one.

Let me sum it up this way: Nothing this woman does is not calculated. Why? Because she can do the math.

She shares Capricorn, with Moon in Aquarius with a poet who writes like a boxer, and a boxer who writes like a priest ("Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.")

Do the math!

To see Michelle Obama's astrological natal chart go here:

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Saturn Opposes Uranus: Time for Debates and an Election in YOUR OWN LIFE

It isn't just election time for the president, it's election time for your life.
It's no coincidence that a presidential election focusing on the old established order v. change and revolution occurs on November 4th,
as Saturn moves to oppose Uranus.

Saturn Opposes Uranus
November 4, 2008 - July 2010

Get ready for the ride!

This planetary oppostion is no small event. The last time it happened was in the 60s, and you know what a time of great social and political upheaval that was. The Hippies ... our first (ever) Catholic president ... assassinations ... LBJ and affirmative action ... emptying the mental institutions ... Vietnam which left thousands of Vietnam vets with PTSS ... the stock market heading into the lowest territory in decades (to be fixed by Ray Garrett's deregulation of stock commissions) ... "Things were never the same again."

It's no coincidence this Opposition happens on Election Day when we have two candidates whose stands almost speak for Saturn (represents the old established order, the old way of doing things, and security) and Uranus (whose Name is Change, and doing it all a new way).
I'm not telling you who to vote for for president, I'm asking you a much, much more important question: HOW ARE YOU GOING TO VOTE IN YOUR OWN LIFE.

The excitement builds ... can you feel the tension, fear, giddiness? The immense life-changing force of the Old Man Saturn moves in opposition to Uranus - the Great Awakener, the Loose Cannon on Deck.

This rare and forceful Opposition will literally FORCE you to take a hard look at your life and making changes. When Chaos and Structure take a stand-off, it breaks downs walls and limitations and brings in creative new ideas for ways of doing Your Life. It's a good time to take a look at what is not working in your life. And yes, for sure it can be upsetting.

I felt from the beginning this Election was like no other. Now it's coming out in the news (The 08 Race: A Sea Change for Politics as We Know It, NY Times) New Rules. Beginning to get the idea?
Take a look at my blog and you'll see I called the Palin/Baden right, and based on the fact that Palin wouldn't be playing by the Old Rules.

So now YOU are going to have your own debate and election about your own Life. Let it be positive and life-changing, and let me be your guide.

Ger readings often and regularly. It will help with the bends ... sea change, you know.

Love and peace,
For readings, remail me at or call 817-734-1471. Readings by email or phone (I have clients all over the world), or in-person in the Dallas area.