Thursday, January 29, 2009

Inspiration from Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients

Inspiration from Congressional Medal winners ...

"Just go straight in shooting..."
"And so you pray..."
"You gotta fight your way out. You're on your own."
"We don't wear it for ourselves, we wear it for all those who can't..."
"The real honor is that a handful of young men who were with you at the time thought you was worthy of it..."


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Alma Salsera - You define your limits - tu te pones tus propios limites

Never say "never."

From youtube: You define your own limits - Tu te pones tus propios limites.

This is a couple of FRIENDS: Reynaldo Ojeda and Claudia Lopez from Bogotá, Colombia - South America. Reynaldo sometimes dances with Claudia and his wife (also named Claudia), at the same time. I will upload a new video soon. Suscribe to my videos by clicking the "suscribe" orange button, or visit once in a while my webpage(in spanish):

Make you want to call Reynaldo? Here's his number:
Cell Phone Reynaldo: 573-313-329-59-99


Obama's Election signals You Go World

Italians are in Love with Obama is the title an article on The Huffington Post. America has pulled a rabbit out of its hat!

Pluto in Capricorn .. some say we will be "righting old wrongs." I like to put a more positive spin on it. I think we are finally going to be able to bring to fruition more parts of the ideals for the world that most of us good people in the world believe in. Obama's election is the perfect kickoff!

"The American Dream" has always been that if you did the work, it would happen - regardless of your race, religion, creed, etc. This is a harbinger - that we can do it, it will happen.

It just takes time, intention, and dedication. It is more like the healing of an estrangement, as the American-Italian blogger writes so eloquently. They add:

Our friends across Europe have similar stories to tell. Everywhere there is a sense of hope and wonder that America, after reaching perhaps an all time low in world opinion, has pulled a rabbit out of its hat and done the unimaginable - elected an inspirational leader with intelligence and honesty, who believes that it is possible to transcend the confines of race and religion that have stalled dialogue throughout the world, and who arrives with an agenda aimed at comforting the afflicted even if that means afflicting the comfortable

My generation went through "integration" which was one of the early steps: Equal and not separate Education. Then there was affirmative action, another step along the way. Now we have put the polish on the pearl. Any job or opportunity in the US is available to anyone. Period.

Let's hope we can do this yet again with the current problems facing this country that need addressing.

From today's email bag, but let me begin with a comment from one of my clients in the UK, that "America needed a friendlier face and now it has one": in Mr. Obama’s victory is shared by whites all around the world.

“We have great hopes that we are standing at the dawn of a new era,” wrote the Norwegian daily Aftenposten.

“One Giant Step for Mankind” read the front page of England’s Sun newspaper.

A headline on the London Telegraph website declared: “Barack Obama Victory Allows Britain to Love US Again.”

The Times modestly headlined its election story, “The New World.”

Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada spoke of Mr. Obama’s “tremendous, historic” victory, and the Toronto Sun called it “an historic milestone like no other.”

Le Monde in Paris noted that “from Left to Right, [French] politicians have been competing for superlatives with which to praise the election of Barack Obama.”

Milan’s Corriere della Sera wrote that Mr. Obama was “the man who
can save America from utter breakdown.”

But what about Italy? From an two American ex-pats in Italy:

It would be unfortunate to think Berlusconi expresses the sentiments most Italians have towards Obama. In fact, if you want to know what most Italians think about Obama, forget about Silvio Berlusconi -whenever he opens his mouth a large portion of Italians react the same way a large portion of Americans have reacted to George W. Bush over the last eight years: They wish they could run away and hide. As two Americans who have lived for some time Italy, we can attest that the election of Obama has been a source of great joy and admiration throughout Italy. Joy, because for most Italians the Bush years have felt like an unwanted eight-year estrangement from a close friend for whom they still feel deep affection; and now this rift may finally be healed. Admiration, because Obama's victory is seen as proof that America still has the capacity to innovate and renew itself, to represent a better future, and to remain a source of inspiration.

They write so beautifully, I'll continue:

The phenomenonal reaction to Obama is much more than just relief that the Bush years will finally end. It signifies the clear understanding that the Obama's election was extraordinary, a once-in-a-lifetime event, and that his election has set a new mark to which Italy and the rest of Europe will need to aspire.

Which just about sums it up! You Go World!


Friday, January 23, 2009

Annular Solar Eclipse January 26, astrologically speaking

This solar eclipse, January 26, I' m calling the Turn Around Bright Eyes eclipse.

Here is a huge picture of what this will look like.

This is what it will feel like.

I think of eclipses as serving to bring things into focus. They obscure some part of your life in the dark, so you can see better what needs your attention. "Turn around, Bright Eyes," don't be "always in the dark."

The timing of this eclipse heralds new beginnings brought about by radical change - chosen or not chosen.

As in the song, if you get a little bit lonely and he's not coming around ... it's time to look at that. I have recently helped several clients to get their man to "turn around."

Hang on for the ride during this one. It helps to be prepared with a reading. Think of it like the big cosmic washing machine - if you can endure the sloshing and churning of the wash and spin cycle, at the end it all comes out fresh and clean, smelling like new.

Email me for a reading: Free mini-readings for new clients if you mention this offer.


Famous INFJs - Geoffrey Chaucer, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Hadley Ajana

Are you a Myers-Briggs fan (aka Keirsey)? On this site you can purchase a tshirt saying what your type is, and listing the famous people who share this type.

For instance, here's the INFJ. We weren't surprised to see California attorney Hadley Ajana right there between Tom Selleck and Geoffrey Chaucer, followed by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Are YOU an INFJ (Counselor) or an ESTJ (Supervisor), or an ESFJ (Provider) or an ENTJ (Fieldmarshal)? I sometimes ask clients to take this profile because it helps to know whether you're an extrovert Aries, or an introvert Aries.

This assessment is based on Dr. Carl Jung 's types, and he, himself, a famous psychologist, was an INFJ (Counselor). See how accurate it is! :-)

You can take the test here, online. Here you can read about the 4 basic groups, called temperaments.

Here are the famous people who are INFJs. There's a t-shirt for each type, so have fun!

Adam Sandler, Anthony Kiedis, Aristophanes, Billy Crystal, Carrie Fisher, Fanny Crosby, Fred McMurray, Garry Trudeau, Gillian Anderson, James Reston, Jamie Foxx, Martin Van Buren, Mel Gibson, Michael Landon, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Nelson Mandela, Nicole Kidman, Paul Stookey, Piers Anthony, Robert, Shirley Temple Black, Sudi-Kate, Tom Selleck, Hadley Ajana, Geoffrey Chaucer, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Mohandas Gandhi, Johann Von Goethe, Carl Jung, Eleanor Roosevelt, Calista Flockhart, Jessica Tovey, Jimmy Carter, Martin Luther King Jr.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It is assumed that our presidents will know how to dance

Time for perspective. Take a look at Time photo-essay about past inaugural balls. Did you know?

Jimmy Carter attempted to strip the galas of their glitz and glamour. He asked that they be called "parties" and insisted that guests be charged no more than $25 each.
I wonder ...

I wonder if any of the presidents or their wives had to take quick dancing lessons in preparation for this event.

It's assumed the president knows how to dance.

That's quite an assumption.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

True Love for All Eternity

This will be a theme from now until approximately Valentine's Day, with a very auspicious time around January 23-24, 26th:

I love you .... More than you will ever know ... We'll never part .. Remember my love is true .. No matter what I may do ...




is true

Couples will be forgiving one another, forgiving things, forgiving their childhoods and past lives, and forgiving themselves in order to love for all time

Couples will be reuniting, because they never really parted

Couples will be realizing their love will last for this lifetime, and the next one, and the next one

I'm already hearing this from clients. These are clients who have worked with me sometimes for years. Periodic readings are very helpful.

EMAIL ME FOR A READING TO GUIDE YOU IN THIS PROCESS. (Mainly staying out of your own way -- and you know who I'm talking to girl friend!)

Particularly women will be forgiving men for past transgressions (including their fathers, which they have mixed up with their lovers) and men will be changing what they do, because their love is true.

Both may be forgiving romantic misadventures in their past and past lives. This is an excellent time for healing:

  • betrayal by past loves in your life
  • being raped by marauding tribes in past lives
  • incest by father
  • incest by mother
  • S&M in Medieval times
  • being sent to Siberia and used as a love slave
  • being castrated as a boy in the hopes you would become a castrati
  • King marrying you and then taking mistresses
  • Having been abused as a slave
  • Boy rape in Greek and Roman times
  • Being forced to marry in ancient India
  • Being in a sect that allowed sex with minors
  • All such things in childhood and past lives that have blocked Spirit's desire for us all to love and be loved

Our theme song: "I Love You So," by Ron Holden, the #1 song the sensuous summer of 1960:

There is Muzak at the boutique convenience store I use in Southlake, Texas. When this song plays at night, yes this version, it is always a show-stopper. People will either start humming it, dance to it, or just stand still.

The story behind this song is also about forgiveness, synchronicity and things meant to be. Holden, a teenager at the time, was arrested for driving with alcohol and marijuana. When jailed, he started singing this song. One of the policeman heard it, told Holden he (the policeman) was leaving police work and going to form a band, and gave Holden his card.**

And the rest, as they say, is history.

P.S. We'll also be learning that close-up, good and bad can be indistinguishable or mixed up. With distance (perspective) we see correctly. The person who locked you up may in fact be the person who sets you free. Think about it. Call for a reading and let me give you the key: 817-734-1471.



Saturday, January 17, 2009

Natal Chart of Sully Sullenberger, pilot of US Airways flight 1549

Miracle on the Hudson ... or Shall We Gather at the River?

Captain Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger III, the heroic pilot of US Airways flight 1549, was born January 23, 1951, in Denison, Texas. We do not have his birth time. His natal chart:

Sun sign: Aquarius.
Moon: Leo.
Venus in Aquarius
Mars and Jupiter in Pisces
North Node in Pisces
Mercury in Capricorn
Saturn in Libra
Uranus in Cancer
Neptune in Libra
Pluto in Leo

Are you getting here the picture of someone who cares about humanity and would do an heroic deed to save them if called upon?

We know of the humanitarian Aquarian, and of the courage and magnanimous nature of the Leo, but lets look at two other pertinent things:

  • Second Saturn Return: Cpt. Sullenberger will turn 58 on the 23rd of this month, and is therefore approaching his Second Saturn Retutn.
  • Life Purpose: The node that indicates Cpt. Sullenberger's spiritual or life purpose is in Pisces (opposite node being in Virgo)

Just a brief look here. A full Spiritual Life Path Report and a full Saturn Return Report are extensive. If you would like your own Spiritual Life Purpose Report or Saturn Return Report, email me for information.


The First Saturn Return occurs between the ages of 28-30 and is a chance to redo your life as you progress from childhood to adulthood. At the Second Saturn Return, occurring between the ages of 58-60, we have our second big chance to redo our life. Many people make career changes at this time, some choose to cross over, others make changes in their personal lives and relationships, some move or retire, some take steps that put them on their life purpose path, and some do an all-out "do-over".

There's nothing like a life-changing experience such as Cpt. Sullenberger had to usher in a bigtime Second Saturn Return.


The North Node in Pisces calls for subordinating the self in service to others. Martin Shulman describes it as, "[The person] must learn how to immerse himself in the waters of Cosmic Consciousness, and in this baptism of thought he can truly experience a new birth."

And into the water went Captain Sullenberger.

More things about Pisces/Virgo (Pisces is the "head" and Virgo is the "tail") Node:

Being able to focus deeply, analyze, rely on facts and logic and preference for structure and order are all learned from childhood or past lives. At the same time, they have remarkable intuition, but need to become conscious of this fact, to trust it and use it.

Watch the simulation below and you will see how little time this hero had to make any sort of "rational" decisions and by all accounts how "cool headed" he was. The South Node Virgo (the starting position) will panic at chaos or emergency.

It is pertinent to note that Cpt. Sullenberger majored in psychology and combined his passion for flying and psychology in also running a safety-consulting firm. Briand says in his article "[Sullenberger] had been studying the psychology of keeping airline crews functioning even in the face of crisis."

The person with this Node will go through experiences which force him to grow more compassionate and forgiving, and also will be challenged with experiences where their preference for structure and order does not work.

Others who went into the water with him seemed to have learned something (from

Gov. Jon Corzine said last night that by all accounts, the passengers appeared to have avoided panic and worked together to save themselves. "The people inside the plane pulled together," Corzine said during a visit to Palisades Medical Center.

And those of us who watched, in awe (Who was it that said "the heavens belong to the birds, and the plane entered their space?" and the Internet comment: "birds are helpless creatures on earth like all of us. Its not their fault.")

And perhaps in keeping with the Overall Plan, many passengers when rescued expressed the desire to thank the pilot, the man who had saved them, that is, their Savior.

We will all be watching to see where this experience will lead Cpt. Sullenberger next. He has already become the Poster Boy for the Boomer generation, because it took great experience to be able to handle that situation. (The pilots' association recently won federal legislation moving mandatory retirement back to the age of 65, a coup for them, and for all Boomers who want to continue working.) Briand wrote: "One thing pilots have always said is 'Don't take the experience out of the cockpit.'"

Simulation of flight:


Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Good Things about 2008

It was a good year for playing Uno.

We are all reviewing the past year. What a turbulent one it has been for the US, and the world. I was just looking at Cagle's cartoons for the exit of President Bush. Out new President Obama has his hands full. Our thoughts and prayers are with him. BTW, he's got a lot of Leo in his chart, so watch for some drama from "no-drama Obama".

So gas rising again, war still going on, new war in the Middle East, failing economies ... but what about your own life last year, your private and personal life?

I decided to look back over my own past year, and focus on the good things, the sweet things, the meaningful things. As Claudia says, "The least of things with a meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it." C. Jung

For me, in 2008,
Just playing. Little Meg took this photo of me at the park.

Being with my son. He doesn't like his photo on the 'net, but that's how I look when he puts his arm around me.

Playing Uno with my sister on the cruise. She loves to play Uno. At the end of the cruise, which was my gift to her, she thanked me for playing Uno with her. You never know what's going to mean something to someone.

Going to the kids' productions and plays during the year.

Appreciating all the beautiful emails that friends, clients and family send me. This is from a series called Interspecies Love. I love the humorous ones too.

Visiting the nation's capitol. I spent my middle school years in D. C. (Forest Glen, Md.) so its history and history for me. Last year we took my granddaughter there for a "field trip."

Watching the bride and groom dance their first dance at the Family Wedding in October. The groom is a Sag. He said when he met her, "it just felt right."

Watching the newest member of our family grow and seeing how much her parents are enjoying her. Her mom is great about sending photos and youtubing videos. She is named for my mother, and she is a Leo.

Getting the family to attend the 75th Anniversary of the SEC Historical Society dinner in June of this year. Reservations for tables had to be in by the end of the year, and me and my sister worked hard. My father, Ray Garrett, Jr., was the 19th chairman of the SEC.
Getting my collage done and finding out I look most like Clara Bow, the "It" girl.

Helping my niece Hale hold the setting sun in the palm of her hand on our cruise to the Yucatan. Hale is an Aries. While drving around the still-hurricane-stricken port of Galveston, she thought I was driving "where you weren't supposed to" and you should've seen her take charge! She's not from Texas so she didn't know it was a Texas "road."

My grandchildren love webkins and were sad they didn't have Pegasus. I was able to find TWO of them on ebay. Hooray for ebay! Here they are at my piano.

Gianni is Italian, a humanity-loving Aquarius, and he taught me about his Italian heritage. I love to cook, so I made him struffoli. My version!

Tell me about your special experiences last year.

And now we go forward! Still time for a New Year's reading. Two VERY IMPORTANT dates coming right up here - Jan. 23-24, and Jan. 26 (eclipse). More on this! Email me for your reading.

Hallelujah Comments by Astrological Sign

From Cohen: "I wanted to write something in the tradition of the hallelujah choruses but from a different point of view... It's the notion that there is no perfection ~ that this is a broken world and we live with broken hearts and broken lives but still that is no alibi for anything. On the contrary, you have to stand up and say hallelujah under those circumstances."

Cohen's original has now been viewed 6,323,398 times on youtube..

Scorpio - Tied you to a kitchen chair? What a turnon! But really this song has deep meanings that go way below the surface. It has a lot of Judaism in it, the Old Testament, spirituality.

Libra - At first I was sure Buckley's was the best, but then I took the time to listen to the other ones and I have to admit I was wrong.

Leo - It's about the big picture. It's so big I don't think a lot of people really get it. The only thing I don't get is, what does that mean "All I've ever learned from love is how to shoot somebody who outdrew you"?

Aries - Take a look at K. D. Lang's. She has the fire.

Cancer - It all went wrong? He said he'd been in that room before and he used to live alone. That's so sad. I hope he doesn't have to end up living alone.

Virgo - A shame he had to use "ya" to rhyme with "hallelujah". Is it really a 4th, a 5th? Better check that out. And how does that incident give "proof" of faith. It certainly isn't anything scientific. BTW it isn't the pop chart, it's the Christmas chart.

Taurus - Bathing at night in the moonlight .. nice touch.

Sagittarius - If you'd been anywhere, like I have, I've traveled to Tibet and done the Buddhist thing too, you would see the deep spirituality of this song and how the chord of David means saying the right thing at the right time to the right person in the right tone and pitch of voice, you know, so it's music to their ears.

Capricorn - Seems to me that he shouldn't have gotten involved with her. I mean if you say you can't feel then you shouldn't lead someone on.

Pisces - If your faith is strong, you don't need proof. This song is about heaven, about other worlds beyond this one, about the oneness of it all. There really is a blaze of light in every word. Who's to say it all went wrong? There's a bigger design.

Aquarius - At least he knows how the world is supposed to be. As to the versions, I think everyone should have the freedom to choose the one they like, and that all the opinions should be equal.

Gemini - Kinda tired of listening to it. The emotions are too complex, whatever he's saying. Makes my stomach hurt.

From BBC News Magazine's "Just whose hallelujah is it anyway?"

As the Bishop of Croydon put it in a recent Radio 2 documentary, "what it comes from is being open and transparent before God and the world and saying 'this is how it is, mate'".

Send us your comments on the song, and your zodiacal sign. Here are some early comments:

Leo with Cancer rising: Play this at my funeral. Play this and then Handel's real "Hallelujah Choris" and then send 'em home.

Taurus: I really like this version. I didn't realize how handsome he is. I guess I haven't seen his picture for decades!

Leo: To keep living in the face of inevitable “Bafflement” or God forbid, even despair we must agree to that last line. THAT is to praise the Lord, to agree to life, to be fully alive. It’s not whether it’s broken or holy but that you still say Hallelujah.

Erich (sign uknown): recommends Allison Crowe's version, a double Scorpio he says. "The song itself is just so emotionally resonant," said Crowe. Crowe, like Lang, like Cohen, is Canadian.

Announcer: It means totally different things to whoever listens to it, and whoever sings it.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cohen's Hallelujah, by Cohen, by K. D. Lang

Oh the Virgo, my readers, the tender-hearted Virgo.

This song, this prayer, Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah can be taken at many different levels. Taken at the level of a relationship between a man and a woman, THE defining line is "But you don't really care for music, do ya?" Watch below, it occurs at .18.

Look at Cohen, the Virgo's eyes - the pain of making such a statement about a loved one ... the gentle acceptance of the unalterable. The utter soul-kindness, IMO, of the evolved Virgo. Watch closely his eyes.

Watch, keeping in mind that according to my Canadian source, apparently none of his exes has an unkind word to say about him. Do you doubt why?

We will now do a comparison. Take a look at how fellow Canadian, K. D. Lang, does the cover, and this is a powerful version in its own right. This is at the Juno awards in Winnepeg, 2005.

First of all, this is SCORPIO. The sexy, secretive, intense Scorpio.

It takes her 22 seconds to prepare, and watch the focus of the preparation. According to her chart, her temperament is nervous. Her chart has lots of water signs. Her heart and her emotions are her driving force and she can't do anything on Earth if she doesn't feel a strong affective charge. With fewer than the average fires signs, chart says she may appear to lack warmth, enthusiasm, appearing indifferent to others, which is not true .. and watch her work her way up to this, to let go.

(A Virgo "let go"? Uh uh)

Sensitivity dominated by reason, it's like she analyzed how to show this, and show it she did. Watch the incredible hand motions -- they remind me of Edith Piaf's, what defined "the little sparrow." And these are orchestrated as only a Scorpio can -- watch what she does with the mike cord when she sings about "tied you to her kitchen chair."

Now when SHE sings the line at .36 secs, watch her go into what I call "that Scorpio scorn." In ending relationships, dear reader, the Scorpio usually takes no prisoners.

Also note her subdued reaction at the end, as the crowd applauds. Ah, the mystery of what is broiling inside a Scorpio!

Beautiful, beautiful. Thank you Leonard Cohen for your work.

Email me for a free mini-reading. New clients only, please.


Hallelujah for Leonard Cohen!

Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah! update. From BBC article, "Just whose Hallelujah is it anyway?"

Fans of Leonard Cohen (and of the late Jeff Buckley, whose 1994 version is treated as sacrosanct) are predictably outraged at [the new version] ... But maybe they need not worry so much.

For one thing, viewings of the other Hallelujahs on the global jukebox YouTube are rising every day, with comments underneath such as "Glad the song won X Factor - even with a rubbish version - otherwise I wouldn't have discovered this".

And for another, Cohen was last in the news when a court ruled that his manager had stolen £5.4m which he was unlikely to recover. So there may be another kind of joyous cry this Christmas - the kind that means "a beautiful woman has sung my song and restored my financial solvency". Hallelujah.

I'm so glad this has happened for Leonard Cohen.

Cohen's advice to young song writers, BTW, "if you stick with a song long enough, it will yield." He says he spent at least 5 years on Hallelujah. There were 80 verses. Hear interview HERE.


Monday, January 12, 2009

Hallelujah makes the UK Chart under two covers

Hallelujah! Currently two covers on the British top 50 chart.

Hallelujah! was written (and also sung) by Leonard Cohen. (See below) So much response to my previous blog. Leonard Cohen: Virgo.

According to wiki:

On the 21st of December 2008, "Hallelujah" became the first song in 51 years to
occupy the first and second positions on the UK Singles Chart; ...Alexandra Burke's and American singer Jeff Buckley's covers were the two highest-selling songs in the week beginning 15 December 2008

This song has been covered by more people than you can name, all over the world. It made #1 in Norway. The lyrics change; one speculation is that cover-singers are choosing among the originally 80 verses Cohen wrote.

The man? According to my Canadian source, "Apparently none of his ex-women friends have ANYTHING bad to say about him." Are you thinking "Virgo" here?

Leonard, CC GOQ, still alive, says he doesn't know how many verses there are because everyone who sings it adds their own. Alernatively, he has said he has added verses himself. It's true, one is tempted to add one's own, this touches such a universal (David) chord. (see below)

And yes, he's a Virgo, born September 21, 1934 in Westmount Quebec. Leave it to a Virgo to touch every chord, every David's chord, you ever had ... in a totally understated way. As he says in his lyrics "I couldn't feel so I tried to touch." IMO, no one can comfort the way a Virgo male can.

This song touches us all, at the chord of David level. I think because he goes to the core - sex, religion, and the complexity of relationships .... "Dance me to the end of Love,".

A poet first, Leonard Cohen published his first poetry in 1956. Then an album in 1967, with songs rooted in European folk music. Around 1980, his high baritone became the bass or bass baritone you hear in the video below, accompanied by electronic synthesizers and female backup. With smashing results.

I think it is a song whose time has come.

From wik:

Over a thousand renditions of Cohen's songs have been recorded and his work has been cited as an influence on a wide range of singer-songwriters around the world. He has been inducted into both the Canadian Music Hall of Fame and the Canadian
Songwriters Hall of Fame
and is also a Companion of the Order of Canada, the nation's highest civilian honour. Whilst giving the speech at his induction into the American Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on 10 March 2008, Lou Reed described Cohen as being up amongst the "highest and most influential echelon of songwriters".[1].10 March 2008, Lou Reed described Cohen as being up amongst the "highest and most influential echelon of songwriters".

He was never as popular in the US, where his work was considered "too dark."

Lyrics listed elsewhere not in this video.

Baby I have been here before
I know this room, I've walked this floor
I used to live alone before I knew you
I've seen your flag on the marble arch
Love is not a victory march
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah


There was a time you let me know
What's really going on below
But now you never show it to me, do you?
And remember when I moved in you
And the holy dove was moving too
And every breath we drew was Hallelujah

Yet another appears in the videos of K. D. Lang and Alexandra Burke:

Maybe there's a god above
But all I've ever learned from love
Is how to shoot somebpdy
Who outdrew you
It's not a cry that you hear at night
It's not someone that's seen the light
It's a cold and it's broken Hallelujah

Photo a gift from LOOK magazine (wik).


Friday, January 9, 2009

Reading Christmas Photos

I love to read photos. Send me yours when you get a reading.

This is a photo someone sent me. That's Morgan holding Ivy. It was taken Christmas Day at Anne's house.

Did you catch the Snowman peeking in? That is sooo Anne.

My 'read' is, this is a family that incorporates and includes everyone. Anyone peeking in the window would want to come inside and be part of it. And I'm sure they would open the door and invite them in.

What a beautiful Christmas photo. It represents what most Christmasses are for us ... we can't all be together, there wouldn't be room. Some have crossed over, some live far away, some have other families to attend to ... but our Spirit, like the snowman, is at every Christmas, past, and present.

Email me your special Christmas or holiday photo and I'll post it.

Add to My Yahoo!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Gu Gu DEFENDS Again. Was it the Full Moon?

Gu Gu, a 240 lb. panda at the Beijing Zoo attacked a visitor who jumped in to his pen. See story here. Gu Gu has attacked two others who have done this. In this case, zookeepers had to use tools to pry open the panda's jaws.

This article on has at its side a "special feature" video, Pandas at Play, calling them cute and cuddly.

Was it the Full Moon?

It's always good to keep in mind that the moon effects the tides, and emotions. Those who are "vulnerable" (old, sick, weak, under pressure) can snap.

Pandas are mammals, like humans. When someone violates our space, threatens our territory, we react. It's instinctive to defend your territory. Two others have been attacked; one was a teenager, another was drunk. Someone in their right might probably wouldn't try something like that.

During Full Moons, BACK OFF. People who have high-set rheostats are prime to over-react.

And don't go jumping in to someone else's home territory uninvited and unannounced!

We hope the man, unnamed, recovers, and that zookeepers will do the smart thing - restructure the situation so that people can't just jump in. Right now there is only a 5' retainer.


New Moon in Cancer - Family. Take Care of You. Wellness.

"A Safer Place" by Fenerty

Are you watching the moon now? It won't be long.

The coming Full Moon will be in Cancer, making us more aweare about nurturing. This means you too, sweetie!

Now some astrologers are seeing this as "the ideal time to pursue your existing health and fitness goals ... or to get inspired and create new ones for yourself." (Jeff Jawer)

Since I also work in a field called emotional intelligence, I jump to the essence of Cancer (to me) - the home, the family; and the bottom line on wellness: not being isolated. Studies show that isolation ("not being emotionally connected to others"), is worse on our health than high blood pressure, obesity and smoking, perhaps even combined.

Considering that the Sun's beneficent angle to Uranus will MAKE CHANGE EASIER (at last!), I see this as the big go-ahead to change/create/re-create your "Family."

Change + family =

  • Maybe you need another boyfriend

  • Maybe you need to divorce

  • Time to pop the question to that gal you know is the Right One

  • Maybe you should move to be closer to family

  • Time to adopt a child?

  • Time to get pregnant?
  • Maybe you should tell him to quit wasting your time
  • Time for you to start dating for real?

  • Maybe the conflicts within your own family have reached critical mass and it's time for you to go get another family, one that works for you

You've got thrust for wellness right now with the Sun in a harmonious angle to Uranus. It's easier to make changes, and also to envision changes, which is the beginning of being able to do it. Probably with the Pluto transit you've been considering a lot of changes. Well, there's not time like NOW.

Nurture yourself with a reading. Let me guide you on your path and show you how to use this great energy right now. Email me at .

If you are really into increasing your ability to connect, I recommend The EQ Course(tm). It teaches you about emotions - how they work, how to make them work for you, what the information they give you is all about,. EQ is for Emotional Intelligence. High emotional intelligence adds to your success. Remember, as my friend and fellow reader Leighton says, "The stars impel. They do not compel." The part that you can influence, is best managed with emotional intelligence.

Free mini-reading. New clients only, please. Email me at .


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Opposable Thumb

Thumbs up to a great column about the Opposable Thumb.

Gene Weingarten’s column, in the WashPost, written entirely on his cell phone:

on the few occasions i do text message, the only concession i make is that i dont use capitals or apostrophes or question marks or hyphens because they take an extra keystroke and when one is typing with ones thumbs one wants to conserve keystrokes. it pains me to realize that mankinds signature anatomical adaptation, the one that distinguishes us from the lowly beasts, has been pressed into service for such a moronic chore. its like using a stradivarius to hammer a nail.

so, texting is stupid. but do you want to know what is stupider. to get this column published, i have to email it to myself every 30 words.

Comment: Priceless!


Monday, January 5, 2009

Condolences about John Travolta's son, Jett

"There is no tragedy in life like the death of a child," General and President, Dwight David Eisenhower, who lost his 3 year old son, Doud Dwight, to scarlet fever.

I was heart broken to read about the death of John Travolta's son, Jett. The message on John Travolta's personal website is so poignant.
"Jett was the most wonderful son that two parents could ever ask for and lit up the lives of everyone he encountered..."
There is more and you can read it on his home page. There is also a contact link where you can send your condolences.

Let us all keep the family in our prayers.


Astrological Advice for This Week: Don't Over-react

Don't over-react!


Saturday, January 3, 2009


BTW, I won first prize in the Harry Potter contest as Sibyl. :-)


Madonna, a Leo and Ritchie, a Virgo

Just the sort of thing that would happen during this astrological time period: Man's last gift to wife: a $10 million lottery ticket. On the day that Donald Peters of Connecticut died, he bought the winning lotto ticket at his local 7-Eleven store. Read the full story here.

Next ...

Madonna, performing in Boston shortly after her split with Guy Ritchie was announced, said: "This song is for the emotionally retarded. You might know a few people who fall into that category. God knows I do."


  • If you want to learn about emotional intelligence, the opposite of "emotionally retarded," go here.
  • The song Madonna then sang was "Miles Away", inspired, she once said, by her often long-distance relationship with Ritchie.

    Madonna Lyrics
    Miles Away Lyrics

    Supposedly the bitterest part of the fight is about the child custody.

    But what about their charts? What else is going on?

    Born September 10, 1968
    Hartfield UK
    Birth time: unknown
    Sun sign: Virgo
    Moon Sign: Aries or Taurus

    This is earth, mutable, practical, realistic, dependable But they tend to see things critically and cynically, picking and nit-picking. They can look through someone, not at them. They like things tidy; that is to say, "their" way. And quite often, because of their attention to detail, they don't know a good thing until it's gone.

    August 16 1958
    Bay City, Michigan
    Birth time: 7:05 a.m.
    Sun Sign: Leo
    Moon Sign: Virgo

    This is fire, fixed, romantic. Someone who cannot stand to be picked on, picked at, picked apart. A Leo woman needs romance and to be appreciated, and the up-close-and-personal type of love. Leo women, like Madonna, cannot stand not to be appreciated. They know their own worth - the Queens of Hearts - and often give warning to critical lovers -- "You're gonna miss me when I'm gone." When ignored in a romance or affair of the heart, they say things like ... well the lyrics of "Miles Away."

    Lets do my Diamond Analogy on this one. Virgo? When presented with a huge carat diamond, of uncommon beauty, sees only the tiny carbon inclusion. Mourns and turns cynical. Because no diamond, and no thing, is ever perfect. Leo? Is the diamond. Uncut, the blinding beauty cannot be revealed. The best diamond cutter will find the facets, shape, polish, transforming the Diamond from a rough stone into a faceted gem.

    All in all, Virgo male and Leo female make excellent platonic room-mates. For lasting love? Well there's the astrological scene, too. With transit of Pluto in Capricorn - a New Phase of Existence for us all, Madonna and Ritchie as well.

    And then there's the retrograde of Saturn in Virgo. It means different tasks for each sign, and depending on the house and sign where Saturn falls in your birth chart (see earlier blog). Email me for a reading. For instance, for Pisces, it's about healing yourself in spite of a relationship, and for Capricorn, its about your behavior. But for Virgo? For Virgo it's about EVERYTHING.

    We wish Madonna, Ritchie and the children the best at this difficult time.


  • Friday, January 2, 2009

    Ray Garrett Jr, SEC Chairman, Beloved by his Family and Friends

    Ray Garrett, Jr., former chairman of the SEC, who died at his Second Saturn Return, in 1980, is pictured in the center. He was my beloved father. A Leo. He was the 19th chairman. Here is a website in his honor.
    June 25, 2009, family and friends of Ray Garrett will gather in Washington, D. C. fot the Celebration Dinner for the 75th Anniversary of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), hosted by the Commission's Historical Society. Ray Garrett was the emcee for the 25th, and 45th of these historical moments. The museum, archive and the Society are independent of and separate from the SEC and receive no federal funding.

    His daughter, my sister, Nancy Worcester, worked harding getting the preliminaries for this grand occasion in place. First things first - the donations. Here she is mailing off the checks via FedEx.

    )Below) This is the gorgeous building where the event will take place. If you are reading this, and are a friend or admirer or Ray Garrett Jr. and would like to attend, or make a contribute (we are currently seeking $1,500 more, to allow for a half-page tributary for him in the Program) please email me - - and let me know. We have extra seats available, and we didn't mean to leave you out.

    The National Building Museum

    According to , the Great Hall is 316 feet by 116 feet in plan and159 feet tall at its highest point It was designe in 1885 by Montgomery C. Meigs , and is Italian Renaissance Revival in design, built to be a technology museum, and a museum of building and architecture.

    The huge multi-story Corinthian columns in the great hall are 75 feet high and 8 feet in diameter.

    The Old Woman of Beare - about Goodbyes

    "I dont hate the men who swore the truth was in their lies..." says The Old Woman of Beare, a Medieval Irish Poem.

    It begins:

    The sea crawls away from the shore,
    Leaves weeds like corpse's hair
    That desolate, withdrawing sea is in me.
    I'm the Old Woman of Beare ... who once was so beautiful.

    This video features the poem read by the late Irish Actress Rianha O'Haire and is copyright by Jim Clark. I proceed, as embedding has not been disabled.

    This is a time of year, and an astrological time where we must say good bye to some things. The warmth of summer, for one thing. For you it may be the death or your mother, or your grandchild in a freak accident. Or your dreams of wealth and love with the married man who has disappeared, or the romantic Italian lover ... both of whom swore their truths were lies.

    Or the end of your stay at a job ... career ...a marriage ... a city ... a country. For Chris who can't find a girl who will go back to Germany with him, Philip who is losing his eyesight, and Marianna who is losing her penchant for abusive men.

    This moon is about endings ... which are always about beginings.

    Whatever you are doing doing it well. And whatever needs to go, let it go.

    "Now all I know is how to die," she says. "s you can see I'm doing it well."

    And after that ...

    Let me do a reading for you. Free mini-readings for first time clients only please. Email me at


    Pray for Peace

    Michalengelo, The Prophet Isaiah

    The land of seemingly eternal conflict ... I just wrote my friend, Shlomo (for "Solomon") to see if he and his were safe. He is a doctor in a hospital in Jerusalem that often has an Arab and a Jew lying next to one-another.

    He replies, "Yes. so far."

    I have been asked to be the Dallas president for the international WICO (Women's International Culture of Peace, Non-Violence and Empowered Women), Dr. Dalia Steiner, President and Founder. This, is their credo:

    Einstein said "You can’t solve a problem from the same level of thinking that created the problem.” It is important right now to release any feelings of anger or pain, by shining the light of your PRESENCE into them. Darkness cannot exist in the presence of light. Hate cannot exist in the presence of love. War cannot exist in the Presence of Peace. And this starts in our OWN consciousness.

    This, from their website, seemed appropos:

    The vision as a promise for universal peace appears in the Old Testament several times .Among the paramount prophetic visionaries was Isaiah, 740 B.C., who was active during an extraordinarily lengthy period, extending from the reign of King Uzziah to that of King Hezekiah, who both ruled in Judah.

    Isaiah was witness to one of the most turbulent periods in the history of Jerusalem, from both the religious and the political standpoint. Because of his social status he took an active and in some cases central part in the course of events. But his position did not prevent him from excoriating the corruption which had vitiated the ruling class and the aristocracy's obliviousness toward the downtrodden.

    Isaiah is the most "political" of the prophets. In the face of the expansionist Assyrian empire he counseled a passive political and military response. He put his faith in divine salvation, which would certainly follow from a necessary change in the moral leadership and in the people's spiritual tenacity. Although he stood by King Hezekiah, Isaiah objected to his attempts to forge alliances with Egypt and with the envoys of
    the Babylonian king Merodach-baladan as a wedge against the Assyrians. Such
    efforts, the prophet said, demonstrated a lack of faith in God.

    Dreams do come true. The Prophet's promise:

    (Isaiah 02:04) "And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore."

    Isaías 2:4 Spanish: Modern Él juzgará entre las naciones y arbitrará entre muchos pueblos. Y convertirán sus espadas en rejas de arado, y sus lanzas en podaderas. No alzará espada nación contra nación, ni se adiestrarán más para la guerra.

    Jesaja 2:4 German: Elberfelder (1871)und er wird richten zwischen den Nationen und Recht sprechen vielen Völkern. Und sie werden ihre Schwerter zu Pflugmessern
    schmieden, und ihre Speere zu Winzermessern; nicht wird Nation wider Nation das
    Schwert erheben, und sie werden den Krieg nicht mehr lernen.

    Ésaïe 2:4 French: DarbyEt il jugera au milieu des nations, et prononcera le droit à beaucoup de peuples; et de leurs épées ils forgeront des socs, et de leurs lances, des
    serpes: une nation ne lèvera pas l'épée contre une autre nation, et on n'apprendra plus la guerre.


    Free mini-reading, new clients only, please. Email