Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Having your own personal psychic

GOT A TROUBLESOME ROMANCE? Remember -- it's not over till the fat lady sings. Call me the minute the trouble begins (most common: "he said he needed space") and let me help you through it, step-by-step.

Here are a few of the tips from Psychic Center on how to obtain a good psychic reading. Some of the tips are (1) Prepare yourself for the reading. Make a list of questions, and choose a clear focus. This makes it easier for the psychic to access your energy.; and (2) Choose your time and place carefully. A quiet space where you won't be interrupted is best. Make sure you are not under the influence of alcohol or drugs during the reading, and avoid getting a reading during a crisis - unless you want the reading to focus on that.

One of their "DON'T" tips is not to settle for a psychic who isn't right for you.

When you have me as your Personal Astrologer and Psychic, you eliminate a lot of the "don'ts". The main purpose of my readings if to let you know what is likely to happen IF you do/don't do something. There is always free will regardless of karma.

I've had some clients for decades. The more I read for you, the better I can read for you. I'm sure you can see why that applies.

I love to help people, so please let me help you with your most pressing issues -- love, money, getting the right guy/gal, getting her/him to come back, something about your child ... whatever it is, a reading can help.

Email me at to schedule your reading. I offer FREE mini-readings. Just mention this offer.

A very powerful transit became November 15, and if you're feeling waves in your ocean right now -- either because of what's happened to you, or to someone near you -- let me help you figure it out. This transit is a chance for real transformation. We're calling it the "Do or Die" transit.

Get it??


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Full Moon December 2009

This is one killer Full Moon going on. My phone has been ringing off the hook.
And stay tuned because we'll be having a Blue Moon on December 31, New Year's Eve. Pow!

FYI, the Moon represents the dark and the unknown -- the mysterious emotional depths that can be hidden even from ourselves. So the Full Moon can bring out the Shadow side. Like the werewolves, ya know.

This Full Moon is in Gemini - communication, changeability, short trips, and anything of a mercurial nature, and Mercury, the planet of communication, that rules Gemini in also active.

If you've had today - and tomorrow - experiences with people where there has been impulsivity, hasty speech and heightened nerves and tension, you aren't alone. Explosive outbursts of all kinds. And if you're a nervous little thing to begin with, I bet you got real nervous today.

This combines with Uranus changing direction (innovation and change), and this is a time when a big change can occur for you. Either imposed upon you, or one you make yourself -- if you were prepared.

Knowledge is power and nowhere does this apply as in astrology. Let me give you a reading.

This is a time when many BIG changes will occur (Look at Oprah. Look at Tiger Woods. Look into your own life, or the life of your neighbor.) Email me at for a reading.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Oprah Winfrey's Natal Chart


This Pluto-Saturn Transit is something else again.
Take for instance, Oprah Winfrey announcing she's quitting.

Oprah was born on 29 January 1954 at 04:30 a.m. in Kosciusko MS, USA, 33n03, 89w35

Above is Oprah's natal chart.

And from the emailbag since this transit began November 15:

Couple getting married after living together 25 years
She got her man - after 8 years of hanging out, he's moving in with her
She's had only long-distance affairs since 1982 and now she's got one in the same town that looks headed for marriage.
Two sisters are speaking to each other again after not speaking for over a year.

So what's going in YOUR life right now -- or about to. This is one transit. Let me read your chart, give you a transit reading, and be your personal psychic and astrologer. Knowledge is everything and you want to be prepared for what's coming up for you.

Email me at .


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Astrological chart of Ted Kennedy

Astrological Chart of Ted Kennedy
Natal Chart of Ted Kennedy

Let me do your astrological chart, or psychic reading. Email me at .


Zodiac Traits - what couples are the best?

What sign is she talking about? Check out this dynamite new site everyone's talking about. Zodiac traits. Is it Sagittarius woman and Leo man? Virgo woman and Taurus man? Or Taurus man and Sagittarius woman? Nancy Fenn really hits the nail on the head.

These two don't mess around at all about sex. They both have a sign around their neck that says "take what you want." They're intention in having sex is to have a good time and by that I mean a refreshing lack of religious scruples, hygiene issues, guilt, remorse, or even second thoughts. I think both would agree with Mrs. Patrick Campbell who said, ""My dear, I don't care what they do, so long as they don't do it in the street and frighten the horses."

Let me do a compatibility reading for you. Each chart is unique. email me at .

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Susan Your Astrolger and Reader Has a New Facebook

Susan Pleiades
Susan Pleiades
Create Your Badge


Friday, August 7, 2009

Social Media Marketing

Whatever your sign, and whatever your goal -- building a business, advertising an existing one, meeting new people, meeting a partner, the Internet has much to offer. I have been helping people 'market' on the Internet, for free, for over a decade. Call me an early-adopter.

As we enter a more expansive time, astrologically, it's a good time to hone your skills in the area of social media marketing -- whether you're an extrovert or an introvert.

Here is a great summary article by Robin, Social Media Marketing 101.

Some tips by astrological sign:

Leo -- Blog, twitter, txt - do them all, but get out there yourself and shine it on. Join chambers, interest groups, go to conventions and give talks at book stores.

Cancer - You may prefer the Internet alone for your "socializing." Set up a facebook account and start a blog. You can do it all from the comfort of your home!!

Libra -- you great strategist, start with this article and make a list with your goal in mind.

Scorpio -- It's a power play to make sure you ping your blogs -- try or -- they do all the work for you.

I'd love to be your astrologer and psychic. I know the ropes. let me guide you on what's the best strategy for YOU.

CHECK OUT MY EBOOK about social media marketing. Isn't it time you wrote your own ebook? To order, go HERE.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Are you a Hummingbird Fan? (Who isn't?)

Are you a fan of hummingbirds??

Nancy asked on facebook if there were any hummingbird fans & writes: "As long as I’ve lived in California, I’ve never, ever been blasé about hummingbirds. They truly seem to have magical powers, and every time one appears, I have a sense that something magical just might happen in my life."

Ah yes, they are mystical indeed. I am definitely a fan of hummingbirds. I have my own tales to tell. I think Virgos who have crossed over and especially prone to send messages through/with hummingbirds.

Check it out: TheSpiritedWoman


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Pleiades Coming Up


Lunar Eclipse ... good time to talk about YOU and not THEM.

In the northern hemisphere, oh, it's been summer for quite a while now. Kids home from school. In Texas, a month of days over 100 degrees. Car trips with rest stops that are crowded and unplesant and there's too much junk food. Or not getting a vacation at all.

In most cases, we are spending more time with family -- kids home from school, relatives visiting, trips to see cousins, vacations -- and nerves are on edge. Throw in a Cancer moon, an eclipse and you have a combustible mix along about now. Oh yes, and the Pleiades soon (August 12).

It isn't called The Dog Days of Summer for nothing!!


People try and get us in to "control" battles about things we really can't. Try saying what YOU will do or allow, not trying to tell THEM what to do. It shares control and gives options. It 's enforceable, because it's about you. Here are some examples. Share yours!
My car leaves at 2 p.m.
I'll be happy to buy ice cream cones for people who clean up their rooms.
I have lunch with people who are pleasant.
I'll take you to the ___ when I don't have to worry about fighting in the back seat.
in the back seat.
I'll listen when your voice is as calm as mine is.
I keep the toys I have to pick up. You can keep the ones you pick up.
I'll enjoy buying you clothes that I feel are appropriate.
I'll be happy to listen to you as soon as Mom and I finish our conversation.

Give the other person a choice, using statements like the ones above.

Pay particular attention to this with fire and cardinal signs during this time period. Fire signs are ready to explode, and cardinal signs are ... well ... cardinal signs.

Last point. We all know about these statements. They aren't "natural" and usually we read about them and pass them on. The trick is to keep them fresh, and make sure your tone of voice doesn't become mocking or sarcastic. Give them a real chance to work.


Boundin' - August is time to bounce back and move ahead

Bounce back. Boundin'. A gift for you!

We are all about to experience a great uplift, bouncing back, regaining ground, forging ahead. Think back to what was going on with you in 1998 ... whatever it was you were planning, praying for, hoping for, and have been working for, that has seemed elusive, will come to fruition with the conjuncts going on in August.

It's been over 100 degrees for days in south Texas. People are exhausted. Tempers are short. Energy is unavailable. It's been step-by-step, day-by-day. Looking for relief. Suddenly you will turn and see that it has happened.

Well, it's about to come. Find our with a reading how this pertains to you as an individual. Your chart is unique. You are unique. Meanwhile, take heart!!


Three Eclipses

You've got to admit that three eclipses in a row is unusual.

But then we are living in "unusual" times.

Why do you think your soul chose to incarnate at this time? We are standing at a crossroads, such as occurs only every so often. We have what might be called a crisis, or series of crises all entertwined -- global economy, global ecosystem, and each individual's global ecosystem. Everywhere we go there are concerns about finances and health, values and priorities. Someone creates a "green" bag out of 100% cotton, imprinted with "not plastic," and then we research what it takes to grow enough cotton to make such a bag -- how much land, water, fertilizer, PESTICIDES.

What is the answer? Globally, and, because things start at home, for YOU. You chose to incarnate at the time you did for a reason. Let me give you a free mini-Spiritual Life Purpose report. Email me and mention this offer - . Your Spiritual Life Path is yours, and yours alone, according to your birth date, time and place, when you CHOSE to incarnate.

What karma are you here to work on? What personal karma and what global karma?

If you are looking for direction, it is about your spiritual life purpose and path.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Lunar Eclipse - dealing with messy emotions

Lunar Eclipse is Messy Time. Don't let it trip you up.
Stanton felt the moral of the film was "Irrational love defeats life's programming." He continued "That's a perfect metaphor for real life. We all fall into our habits, our routines and our ruts, consciously or unconsciously to avoid living. To avoid having to do the messy part. To avoid having relationships with other people, of dealing with the person next to us. That's why we can all get on our cell phones and not have to deal with one another."

This statement is about WALL-E, an old Pixar movie I happened to watch last week when at a friend's house. Not surprisingly, this coincided with a church sermon I heard last month, where the minister said, from the pulpit, that "families are messy."

Messy? Emotions are the stuff of life. And that's part of what these eclipses are asking us to deal with. You can only go so long without "dealing" with them, healing them. Some of our trouble with "messy emotions" can be karma. But why not deal with this in this lifetime. The upcoming lunar eclipse could be just the time. Email me for a reading - . Typical ways of numbing yourself to avoid the "mess."

LEO WOMAN - Getting intellectual and analysing what's going on in an interchange instead of participating

TAURUS - Eating. Sitting. Eating. Not taking part.

ARIES - Taking on a new project that keeps you out of the house more. Hey! It's better than all that messy "drama" at home.

GEMINI - Moving to find a new place where you think your penchant for human drama will be more welcomed. And it will be. For a while.

CANCER - Pulling back into your shell.

LIBRA MAN - Listening to what's going on and playing referee. It's a one-up position in gamesmanship.

This Moon is in Cancer. It's "messy" time. Let me help!


Saturday, August 1, 2009

How to Handle the Lunar Eclipse

I want to be your psychic and astrologer.

What to do "about" the lunar eclipse? Some people, it will make nervous. You want to avoid this, because this lunar eclipse can bring clarity. Remain in the present and let it do its magic. Focus yourself in the present by asking yourself questions like "How do I feel (right now)?" What do I see RIGHT NOW?" The trick is to stay where you are, see what you see, literally in front of you, touch what you can touch ...

Dan Millman put it this way (which of course was not news to Einstein...and others):
Time is a paradox stretching between a “past” and “future” that have no reality except in our own minds. The idea of time is a convention of thought and language, a social agreement. Here is the deeper truth: We have only this moment.

We waste so much time and energy "worrying." We waste so much time thinking back to the past and licking old wounds, looking at tomorrow and imagining insults.

Trie, but I like it: That's why today is called "the present."


For a free introductory email mini-reading, email me at . New clients only.


Friday, July 31, 2009

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse August 5-3rd eclipse in a row

Eclipses rarely come in 3s, and here we have one. Lunar, then Solar, now Lunar again - penumbral lunar eclipse, August 5th, Washington time. It will occur at 13°43' of Aquarius. Generally more likely to effect our private lives this one may be more social, being in Aquarius.

This may create the same energies as the preceding eclipses, one more visit. But this is generally favorable. I see this one mostly as "more rest." The past 4-6 weeks have brought a lot of exhaustion ... with the eclipse will come rest, and then rejuvenation.

A Moon in Aquarius will trigger imagination, and in those less stable, or vulnerable - nervousness, mood swings. It is not a good time to make an 'emotional' commitment such as getting married or engaged. Also you could have some things happen that seem just plain "strange". Don't let a friend pick a fight with you. Stay clear of arguments if you can, but they aren't likely to be rational.

To see a graphic of the eclipse, go here.

If you'd like to know how this eclipse will effect you personally, email me for a reading - .


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Got too much to do?

Overheard in the hallway of the hotel where I am staying on vacation:

Man: I can't do all this. I'm too tired. He gave me 30 things to do.
Woman: Just choose one and do it.

This is what's going on now astrologically. Many are feeling overwhelmed by too much to do, and the answer is, well,

How do you eat an elephant?
Answer: One bite at a time.

Resist the urge to get drawn into other people's "overwhelm."

It will all get done - one step at a tijme!


Monday, July 27, 2009

How to Preserve your Energy during the Day

This is a good way to avoid being effected by other people's negative energy. It's called the Zip-Up. Enjoy!

You can use your energy by having people zap it during the day, or working very hard, getting negative comments, many different ways.


Top 10 Ways to Have an Emotionally Intelligent Night before


I make this during the holidays. Got the idea from an Italian friend of mine. Of course I embellished it a little!

Now that the total solar eclipse is over, there's almost a gaiety, a sense of relief in the air. It's an especiall good time for Tauruses. I heard a Taurus yesterday talking about Thanksgiving and Christmas - where to go, what to do, who to spend it with. She's looking for a bargain cruise out of Newport News or Baltimore. If you hear of one, let me know ( and I'll pass the news on. As a psychic, I think the best deals are going to be out of Galveston. (Don't worry about hurricanes ... but email me for a reading if you want particulars.)

Anyways, jumping the season a little, here's an article you might find helpful --

The Top 10 Ways to Have an Emotionally Intelligent Night before Christmas by Susan


Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Top 10 Things Not to say to Someone When They Ask for Help


Total solar eclipse? The heat? The time of year? Someone's particular chart or planets? It's hard to say, but all this week I have heard people trying to express their frustration at "technology."

Millie said she couldn't take it any more, that first it was channel 22 and then channel 22-dash-1. We had no idea what she was talking about. Which sort of says what it says.

An article by Maureen Dowd appeared in the local Falls Church News-Press. She wrote about cell phones in "Whirling Dervish Drivers." A sobering piece that points out the "hidden" research showing that there are "negligible differences" in car accident risk whether you are holding a cell phone or hands-free. It is just plain dangerous.

The law in D. C. now is that you can't drive holding your cell phone.

Me, trying to figure out this laptop.

Most of us need help with the gadgets in our life that have become increasingly necessary, and can dominate our lives, overwhelming us, our money and our free time. How could you go without a cell phone these days?? Or a laptop? (Dowd calls us addicts .. she says the tech industry is our drug dealer "Feeing the intense social and economic pressure to stay constantly in touch with employers, colleagues, friends and family," and that drivers found it easier to drive drunk than to drive while using a phone -- in hands, or not.

A Harvard professor of psychiatry, John Ratey, who specializes in the science of attention says that using digital decies gives us "a dopamine squirt."

We're all using them ... we're all worried about their effects ... we're all having the highs and lows ... and we're all having to ask help from others ...


1. #^&$*)%
2. Why do you need it anyway?
3. Read the manual.
4. Okay, when I can get to it ... [and then never do]
5. Why don't you ask ....
6. Don't ask me, I don't know anything about them either.
7. I hate it when someone asks me for help with their computer.
8. If you'd listened to me the first time ...
9. Didn't you ask the ____, or ___, how that works?
10. Why don't you just buy a new one?

The last one is the cruelest. If the person asking you had tons of money they wouldn't be ASKING YOU. They'd be calling ComputerNerdz, or the local equivalent, or JUST BUYING A NEW ONE. (Except that doesn't work either. Every time someone comes to fix my computer, they fix that problem, but screw up something else. I am heartened that now the tech has a checklist before he leaves my office - it works, sorta.)

Anyways, this total solar eclipse is already showing its promise for being a real turning point. I think it was presaged when I went through Breeze/something on my way from D. C. to Chicago, I can't even remember its name, a crossroads, that's all it was - Breezeport, Pa, Breezewood ... it doesn't even show on the map, but you know it's at the crossroads that we exchange all our information.

The solar eclipse should have ENDED something fo you, something that needed ENDING. The "about" lady calls it "this long summer of upheaval."

So now we are entering a calmer time period, emotions are easier and positive, it is easier to communicate ... so why not take the time to help someone today. It's karma, you know. Sooner or later we all need help, so take some time tomorrow to help someone - whether it's opening a door for a person with a cast on the leg, actually giving directions to one of the tourists who has flooded your home town, someone at the convenience store who doesn't speak English, your Mother calling for help with her computer, or your partner needing a back rub.

Put some good karma out there! Remember, during this calmer time period, your emotional intelligence - there are many reasons why it's "good" to help others. Not the least reason being that it makes us feel good. I think it also gives "a dopamine squirt." After struggling for an hour over a computer problem of my own, I went to visit a friend, and her daughter asked me to edit her English paper. I did. Why? It makes me feel good to help others.

Good deeds. Pass it forward.

Speaking of which, for a free mini-reading on results of the Total Solar Eclipse, email me at . New clients only for this special offer. Mention the offer when you email me.

Ever wonder what it's all about, aka why you are here? Email me for a FREE mini-Spiritual Life Purpose Reports.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Leon Fleisher's Birthday - an Inspiration

Leon Fleisher, a Leo with Aries ascendant. A courageous man with charisma.

Today, July 23rd, is Leon Fleisher's birthday. Reports vary as to why, but after a promising career as a pianist, suddenly Leon was unable to use his right hand. He struggled with depression, treatments, a survery which failed, failed marriages ... found joy again in teaching and conducting, and playing one-hand pieces; and finally, after 30 years, was able to use his right hand again.

For a free email reading, email me at


Friday, July 10, 2009

Help! My Scorpio Man is Driving Me Nuts

Scorpio man. In this case Scorpio MEN.
What is going on with them?
Many of my calls and reading lately have been about someone who has to deal with a Scorpio male.

The Full moon, and the lunar eclipse have not helped matters.

Basically speaking (specific charts, of course, are different), Scorpio males are going through a period of not knowing what they want and this is extremely stressful for (1) a male (2) a Scorpio (3) a fixed sign. Being intense and secretive, the Scorpio man, unless highly-evolved, simply does not have the practice with words to make communicate easy. So to be confused, and then be confused about what to say about, brings that famous TAIL around to anyone who comes close enough.

Call for a reading on specifics if you are a Scorpio man or dealing with a Scorpio male. (I KNOW you need HELP RIGHT NOW.)

If you are staggering out from under those, this is a good time for a reading. On July 22 we will have a total solar eclipse, total eclipse of the sun. That is very rare, and significant astrologically of course.

Please get a reading if you are a Leo, a sun sign. Information is power.

In the meantime, while things are churning, remember these wise words:

"Do more than belong: participate. Do more than care: help. Do more than believe: practice. Do more than be fair: be kind. Do more than forgive: forget. Do more than dream: work." - William Arthur Ward


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Astrologically a trying time for relationships

Astrologically, this is a trying time for relationships.

Scorpios are being more secretive, and showing a bit of tail at that. Leos are being more arrogant. Tauruses are being more stubborn. Pisces are being more 'swimmy.'

Astrologically, the signs are tending to express their downsides, their unmindful sides, their unevolved personalities.

Not, of course, you, dear reader, because your are mindful and informed.

Just watch out for those around you who seem to be determined right now to be the most annoying they can be.

Email me at for free mini-reading. Mention this offer.
Knowledge is power.


Saturday, May 30, 2009

How do you treat a Leo

From the emailbag:

I read this on a dating advice site and I disagree. Some guy has written that he doesn't have trouble getting dates, but he can't get past the first date. She writes back:

In our time-crunched society, it seems that no one wants to waste any time with the Wrong One. If you think about dating in this way, it puts you under so much pressure that it can make it even more difficult to succeed.

Keep these guidelines in mind--they will increase your chances of a great first date: Keep it casual and low-key. Save your extravagant gestures until after you know each other better.

Some of her other tips are good, like "Treat a discussion like a tennis game—you’re exchanging information. Smile, and keep it light and flirtatious, upbeat and positive. You should be talking about half the time." but that first part sure doesn't work for me.

Oh, one thing she said was really true - if I don't want to get romantically involved with the guy, I definitely insist on paying for it.

I think she's off-base on that first one. In our "time-crunched society," I don't want a guy who's ticking off the notches on his belt buckle, and throwing out one-liners in a Starbucks. In fact if a guy asks me for coffee at Starbucks, he's off my list. I expect him to be selective, and if he arrives at me, to take me out somewhere really nice and impress me, which includes being able to handle the "pressure" of an upscale rather formal dinner engagement.

What do you think?

A Leo who's claws are out

Dear Leo:

I agree, that's the perfect way to court a Lioness. Perhaps the only way -- guys, take heed. Leos are the Queens of the Jungle, after all. What they require might overwhelm a Cancer gal, and totally miss the mark with a Pisces gal. And, with the shoe on the other foot, may be totally beyond an Aquarius male to deliver. Everyone gets to go to Starbucks, for the Aquarius - fair is fair.

Go back to that old song, "If her daddy's rich, take her out for a meal. If her daddy's poor, just do what you feel." All Leo gals had a rich dad; because it's all about the royal treatment. Money isn't really what it's about.

A guy should know how to treat different signs and/or what he's getting in to with what signs. He also should know about his own sign and chart, which is uniquely individual. There's a very wise saying: "Never give advice in a crowd." Call me (817-734-1471) or email me ( to set up an appointment for a reading.

I'd love to help you hone your dating skills. I bring couples together and help them stay together.


Monday, May 25, 2009

Wearing a Hair Shirt

To wear a hair shirt, literally, used to be an act of penance. It has come to mean feeling guilty about something, and also not being able to let go of something. They were also called calice, and could be very painful to wear.

I've found it often has to do with karma. If you'd like me to take a look at your chart in regards to things you just know you're over-reacting to, or vaguely disturbed by, let me know.


I am moving, and here is a photo of "the changing of the guard." When I first moved into my condo, I put seasonal door decorations out front. Through my many months here, I never noticed anyone else doing it, so as time went by, I quit doing it, and just left my doorstep plain. Well, I move this month, and my new neighbor has moved in - and look at what she has done. Finally I get a neighbor who likes a homey-look? Well, I'm not wearing a hairshirt about it, I just think it's kind of neat. I think actually it's Spirit passing on the torch. Now she will be here, as I am leaving. And isn't her doorstep lovely?

Call me to schedule a psychic reading, or to have your chart done. 817-734-1471.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Concierge


I love concierges. I wish they were everywhere, don't you? I think of what I do as kind of being a concierge. I help people find their path, give directions, point out signposts, point out obstacles and routes around them. You can learn so much by having your natal chart or spiritual life purpose chart done, or in a reading.


Mr. Bladewell, at the Capthorne in London, was terrific. They took me to the wrong hotel, which I learned at 11 pm at night, after 15 hours air travel, and by the time I got to the Capthorne, I was so grateful to see his smiling face. He picked up the phone, and wouldn't take "no" for an answer. He made sure the tour bus would come for me in the morning, found me an adapter for my hotel room, showed me where I could eat at midnight, got a box breakfast for me for the morning, and got me a refund for the cab fare over there.

Xavier, at the Barcelona Hotel was also outstanding. He did not know the word "no." The only things he knew how to say were "Yes," and "Yes, I can do that for you." Fantastic!

I queued up in line, and while I was there, he found an Internet site for someone, changed a plane ticket, fixed a hotel overcharge, ran upstairs with me to personally fix my hotel safe, got Flamenco tickets for someone, hailed a cab, got a group of strangers together to share cab fare somewhere, ordered a pizza, recommended a spy, gave directions, handed out maps (always had the right one right there), rebooted the computer, asked someone not to butt in line, and spoke 3 languages.

It's a great concept. I think it's essential in today's world.

In fact, it's spreading. I went to buy my new cell phone yesterday, and there's nothing wrong with the cell phone business. The store was mobbed, and my head was mobbed with thoughts of - learn new cell phone, reprogram numbers, sim card, fuss and bother.

I was met at the door by a smiling young man who said, "What do you need today? Let me get you to the right person." What a relief!

Most important, is the helpful attitude. Their job is to help people, and they love their work.

I love my work too. Let me be your astrologer, psychic and concierge. Call me at 817-734-1471, or email me at .

I am moving to the D. C. area the first of June. If you're in the area, let's get acquainted.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

What is Your Anchor?


There are running jokes on tours and tour buses. Men particularly tell the one about the guy who writes in his journal "JAC" -- just another cathedral.
It is not "alert the press" that males and females are different. It was very obvious on the Russian cruise how exciting locks are to men, while the women watched us go through the first one, and then went on to other things.

But back to cathedrals. There are the cathedrals you really must see in your lifetime, if you are lucky enough to be able to -- Notre Dame, Chartres. I would add the one in Siena, Italy. My father liked the one in Bruges, Belgium. You may have one of your own, and truly theirs no need to have a "favorite". But after that, you can get tired of it; tired of the thought of it. Especially if you aren't very "aesthetic" -- if you don't appreciate beauty.

But, all jokes aside, it is one of those things that impresses you in its absence. When I took the tour of Cannes, France, we toured the town by bus and then they dumped us off in the resort/city area. Yachts lining the harbor on the left. Rows and rows of places for us to shop and spend money on the right. And in the mid-area, I plopped myself down in a cafe to people-watch. (I'll add here that it is no place to people-watch. Not very interesting and mostly people who are obviously tourists, i.e., you'd see the same thing back home.)

That having been said, I sipped my capucino and began to feel a little disoriented. I thought to myself, "Where's the church? The cathedral?" It just didn't feel like I was in a town, something with a center.

Now I will be driving from Tx to D.C. and I am planning to spend 2 nights in Asheville. I want to take the train through the Smokies, and drive the "scenic Blue Ridge Parkway." After all, I've done the Amalfi and the Grand Corniche. But here is something else I will include, and listen to how they describe it: "Completed in 1909, the Basilica of St. Lawrence D.M. is one of Asheville's architectural treasures and spiritual anchors."

What your "spiritual anchor" is, is up to you. But if you want to be enjoy good health (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual), you'd best have one. It grounds you, balances you, and reminds you how to make choices at every turn in the road. It's just so helpful.

If you'd like to know your Spiritual Life Purpose, right be for a report. It can help you anchor your life in ways you can't imagine.


Friday, May 22, 2009

Does this mean that ...

In today's mailbag:

Q: I am planning to move halfway across the country. Since it meant having time off between jobs (so rare!), I decided to travel to France. While I was there, someone stole all my identity papers -- passport, driver's license, all my credit cards, everything. I know it's Mercury Retrograde, but does this mean the move is ill-fated? Things certainly went wrong on the trip. It seems like it's a message not to move. That's what my sister says, but I know she doesn't want me to move, so I don't know what to think. Panicing in Poughkeepsie

A: No. I'm glad you wrote me for a reading. In looking at your chart, and with Saturn straightening out, I would say it means it is time for "a new you," just the sort of thing that will happen with this move you told me about. A new identity, even. Spirit just sent you the message that way. Having the houses where you do in your chart, that is the best interpretation. Check in for another reading soon. When you're emotional and nervous about something, and those around you are too, it's easy to misinterpret things.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Do more than be fair: be kind

As Saturn goes direct, and you figure out what you learned, and prepare for action steps ... and muddle along with Mercury Retrograde, think about:

"Do more than belong: participate. Do more than care: help. Do more than believe: practice. Do more than be fair: be kind. Do more than forgive: forget. Do more than dream: work." - William Arthur Ward


Friday, May 15, 2009

Cell Phone Madness


This has got to be one of the worst Mercury Retrogrades I've seen. It seems particularly to be effecting machines - computers and cell phones. Lost, strayed, or stolen, or crashing -- they are taking a hit.

So take it easy and give people a chance to communicate, and then RE-communicate.

Speaking of that, I lost my cell phone, so called to inform the company. I asked about getting a new one. At the end of the call I was asked to take a survey. They asked some very good questions.

The first one was, did the representative take ownership of your problem.

The second one was, did the representative treat you with respect.

Two good things to keep in mind!!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Opera - What's there to be afraid of?

My schedule is filling up fast these days (you know why), so be sure and email me early if you want a reading.
Rome is, indeed, a marvelous city. That handsome young man on the right, there at the Pantheon, sold me tickets to hear a concert of favorite arias from operas, one of highlights of my trip. There at the Pantheon.
Goodreads is a great family site. I got on it because my granddaughter asked me to. Family-friendly sites are so important for the kids today.

As to this book, "Who's Afraid of Opera?" I'm not surprised they don't have the book cover. I'm probably the only person who's read it, I don't know.

Well, I love opera and found it very enjoyable. Perfect what I call "airport fiction." And, BTW, Lufthansa has an opera station on their earphones. Another reason to live in Europe ...

So here are some great quotes from this book, Who's Afraid of Opera, by Michael Walsh - you'll recognize his name as music critic for TIME magazine.

BTW, I took the what opera would you be quiz on facebook and I'd be "The Magic Flute." That's Mozart, and I can't think of a "nicer" opera to "be." This is the best starter-opera, in fact it was mine, and wonderful for kids as well as adults. While I prefer Verdi and Puccini, operas with the dynomite arias (like "Othello" and "Madama Butterfly"), what's not to like about that magical magid flute opera?

OK, ready? Here we go --
  1. The opera is like a husband with a foreign title: expensive to support, hard to understand, and therefore a supreme social challenge. (Cleveland Armory)

  2. I have always believed that opera is a planet where the muses work together, join hands and celebrate all the arts. (Franco Zeffirelli)

  3. To write an opera demands a range of skills that are not limited simply to the musical. The opera composer must also be a judge of literary merit, able to work collegially with a partner (the librettist); a student of the theater, knowing eexactly what effects are possible on stage, and an impresario, adept in the ways of money-raising and patronage. [It is no wonder these men were giants - Wagner, Verdi, Puccini, Rossini]

  4. Words were of paramount important to both Verdi and Wagner.

  5. As proud as Boito (the librettist) might have been about his own contributions, though, the sense of his letter ... makes it clear that his words are meant to serve the composer, who, in turn, is serving the dramatic situation .... Which in the end, is what opera is all about.

  6. The essential condition of opera is .... that it have something to say to us about the way we live our livews, and the social and moral circumstances in which we find ourselves.


  8. It has been said that more has been written about Wagner than about anyone else with the exception of Napoleon Bonaparte and Jesus Christ; that's how important Wagner was, and is.

  9. [In the Rhinegold and the Ring] Wagner created a metaphor for society and social disintegration that is even more potent today than it was a century ago.

  10. Mozart admired Papa Haydn above all composers.

  11. For it is the composer who gives moral shape and meaning to the story through his marvelous music.

  12. Otello (Verdi) is, indeed, an opera to die for.

Have you been to goodreads?

Who's Afraid of Opera? Who's Afraid of Opera? by Michael Walsh

My review

This book is perfect "airport fiction." I took it on my flight to London. It's clever, true, good stuff.

View all my reviews.