Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Venus Retrograde and Women Behaving Badly

What Venus Retrograde brings ... getting down the the nitty-gritty.

Venus Retrograde doesn't occur as often as, say Mercury Retrograde, so it is less understood.

Most astrologers focus on relationships, since Venus is the goddess of love. It's true that's part of what goes on, but the major thrust of Venus Retrograde is women acting badly. That's what happens when the goddess of love is out of sorts. Think of Venus in Retrograde lilke a woman in PMS who think that's an excuse for inexcusable behavior - sleeping with someone else's husband, making another woman miss a deadline, digs and nasty gossip, insults, and general rampage.

Here are some of the things to look out for, ladies:

1. Another woman stealing your man
2. Exacerbation of a long-standing conflict with a woman in your life (mother-in-law, sister, daughter, etc.)
3. Verbal digs and backhanded 'compliments' from women, as only woman can ... like "You look so much better in that dress than the one you wore ..." or "Thank heavens you've quit dressing like a baglady."
4. The latest "dish with impunity", as I like to call it. It's going around now, in ill-bred women, that you can say "I don't mean to insult you" and then insult them, and have impunity. i.e., "I don't mean to insult you, but you really are fat". And then a smile. Call them on this. Let them know it doesn't work. There's no "impunity" from bad manners and from insulting someone.
5. Increased competition from women in all areas
6. Some woman 'doing you in' - a home loan, a project deadline, etc.
7. More gossip than usual, the vicious kind
8. Mobbing and bullying at work, spearheaded by females
9. Sarcastic comments left on your facebook profile

How can you be prepared? A reading can show you where the stress is likely to occur. Fore-warned is forearmed. You can decide how you want to respond to this cattiness. You can always walk away and let them go fight with someone else, which will be easy to find during Venus Retrograde.

The peak of this should be around March 27th. We'll all be glad when it's over!


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