What does caramel apples mean to an astrologer? Caramel apples means that the holidays are coming. Caramel apples means that it's time to talk about next year, the year 2009. Of course I'm reminded of fall, having just gotten back from a New England/Canada Fall Cruise. That's me in Halifax, Nova Scotia, enjoying the fall leaves ----->
The General Theme for the Year 2009 is Change, Change, Change. In this regard, information IS power. Get readings often. Get readings regularly. Get readings with an open mind. Learn how you can best use the energy of 2009 to your advantage.
Some highlights:
Get your house clean!
Get your house clean!
Some of us like to do a housecleaning ritual to invite the goddess Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of Good Fortune, into our homes for the next year. She will not come if your house is dirty. Email me for your special Ritual House Cleaning Kit, ready for mailing November 1st to give you plenty of time for this important house cleaning. $20, house blessing included.
The New Year
January is the best time to get your New Year's reading and map out your course of action to achieve your goals for the next year. The best days to do this will be January 2-10 because Mercury and Jupiter will be conjunct in Aquarius and the heavens will rain down information upon you if you seek a reading. Be sure and schedule your reading with me BEFORE January 11th, when Mercury goes Retrograde.
Chinese New Year falls on January 26th this year and we will be entering the new Year of the Ox. Ox years favor dependability, patience, hard work and material gains as well as ambitious character. Let me give you a feng shui consultation to help you gear up for a great money-making year.
Saturn opposing Uranus
This is the same kind of energy that charged up the election and made the stock market rock and roll for six months in 2008. It's a war between the Old and the New and it's an all-out war. Look back to last fall to see how you handled the energy. The best advice is to try and strike a middle ground.
The New Year
January is the best time to get your New Year's reading and map out your course of action to achieve your goals for the next year. The best days to do this will be January 2-10 because Mercury and Jupiter will be conjunct in Aquarius and the heavens will rain down information upon you if you seek a reading. Be sure and schedule your reading with me BEFORE January 11th, when Mercury goes Retrograde.
Chinese New Year falls on January 26th this year and we will be entering the new Year of the Ox. Ox years favor dependability, patience, hard work and material gains as well as ambitious character. Let me give you a feng shui consultation to help you gear up for a great money-making year.
Saturn opposing Uranus
This is the same kind of energy that charged up the election and made the stock market rock and roll for six months in 2008. It's a war between the Old and the New and it's an all-out war. Look back to last fall to see how you handled the energy. The best advice is to try and strike a middle ground.
About this all-out war: Inside each of us, part of us wants to hold on to the old, and part of us wants to break free. In some people, however, one position or the other is greatly favored. For example is you're an arch-conservative, and resist all changes, you are going to have a very rough transit. If you are a radical revolutionary, who loves to throw the baby out with the bathwater, you will find a lot of resistance to your path. So the best thing to do is strike a middle ground.
Get some wisdom about this from a good reading. "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold."
MARCH 2009
Vernal Equinox
The vernal equinox, March 20th, signals the beginning of spring. This is a time of renewal that has been celebrated in almost every culture in the world since antiquity. It has always been a time of new life, resurrection and fertility, as the Earth comes alive again from the depths of winter. Ancient myths featured gods and goddesses who went underground at the winter solstice (when the earth turns cold and barren), and returned at the spring equinox (when nature blossomed again, bringing food and nurturing). It was a time of great celebration! This is a good time to get a reading or have your chart done to prepare you for your own renewal and new beginnings.
An equinox happens twice a year at a specific moment in time, when the center of the Sun is directly above the Earth's equator. Equinox come from the Latin words aequus (equal) and nox (night), because the Sun will spend equal time (nearly) above and below the horizon at every location on Earth, making Day and Night nearly equal.
The exact time of the Vernal Equinox is March 20 at 11:44 (universal time.) The Autumnal Equinox will occur September 22, at 21:18 (universal time).
Pluto goes Retrograde April 04
Pluto. The god of the underworld. The only god for whom there was no altar, no rituals, no recourse, no pleading for mercy. Listen up!
"We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of energy is the same. The trick is what one emphasizes." (Carlos Castaneda)
This is a time to refigure your life. Pluto is about change, and Pluto doesn't take "no" for an answer. The way the change happens is up to you -- it can be carefully orchestrated, graceful, and your choice, or it can be total chaos, forced upon you, with you, the Unwilling Participant. The Retrograde gives you time to make a plan. Use this time wisely. Don't refuse change, growth and transformation. It's a matter of whether you burst from your chrysalis as a winged butterfly, or are dragged, kicking and screaming. It's about Fresh Starts and Dead Ends, if you see the connection. You can lose the thing you value the most, or gain the world and all its glory. Or both. Get a reading for some badly needed wisdom. Then you can have your ducks in a row when Pluto goes direct on September 11, 2009.
This summer-long Retrograde will be a period to review in depth what happened in your life between November 27, 2008 through January 22, 2009 (led up to by the world financial crisis) to prepare you for even greater challenges that will occur during the final review period that connects all these time periods - September 11 through November 24, 2009.
Dates to watch: November 24, 2008 to January 22, 2009; April 4 through September 11, 2009; September 11 through November 24, 2009.
Pluto is a slow-moving planet. Allow 3 months on either side of a direct hit.
Mercury will be Retrograde from May 6-30th.
MARCH 2009
Vernal Equinox
The vernal equinox, March 20th, signals the beginning of spring. This is a time of renewal that has been celebrated in almost every culture in the world since antiquity. It has always been a time of new life, resurrection and fertility, as the Earth comes alive again from the depths of winter. Ancient myths featured gods and goddesses who went underground at the winter solstice (when the earth turns cold and barren), and returned at the spring equinox (when nature blossomed again, bringing food and nurturing). It was a time of great celebration! This is a good time to get a reading or have your chart done to prepare you for your own renewal and new beginnings.
An equinox happens twice a year at a specific moment in time, when the center of the Sun is directly above the Earth's equator. Equinox come from the Latin words aequus (equal) and nox (night), because the Sun will spend equal time (nearly) above and below the horizon at every location on Earth, making Day and Night nearly equal.
The exact time of the Vernal Equinox is March 20 at 11:44 (universal time.) The Autumnal Equinox will occur September 22, at 21:18 (universal time).
Pluto goes Retrograde April 04
Pluto. The god of the underworld. The only god for whom there was no altar, no rituals, no recourse, no pleading for mercy. Listen up!
"We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of energy is the same. The trick is what one emphasizes." (Carlos Castaneda)
This is a time to refigure your life. Pluto is about change, and Pluto doesn't take "no" for an answer. The way the change happens is up to you -- it can be carefully orchestrated, graceful, and your choice, or it can be total chaos, forced upon you, with you, the Unwilling Participant. The Retrograde gives you time to make a plan. Use this time wisely. Don't refuse change, growth and transformation. It's a matter of whether you burst from your chrysalis as a winged butterfly, or are dragged, kicking and screaming. It's about Fresh Starts and Dead Ends, if you see the connection. You can lose the thing you value the most, or gain the world and all its glory. Or both. Get a reading for some badly needed wisdom. Then you can have your ducks in a row when Pluto goes direct on September 11, 2009.
This summer-long Retrograde will be a period to review in depth what happened in your life between November 27, 2008 through January 22, 2009 (led up to by the world financial crisis) to prepare you for even greater challenges that will occur during the final review period that connects all these time periods - September 11 through November 24, 2009.
Dates to watch: November 24, 2008 to January 22, 2009; April 4 through September 11, 2009; September 11 through November 24, 2009.
Pluto is a slow-moving planet. Allow 3 months on either side of a direct hit.
Mercury will be Retrograde from May 6-30th.
Mercury rules mind processes, study, communication, business and travel, so all these areas will be affected. RE-trograde tells us to RE-think, RE-do, RE-flect and get a REading to find out what it means to you individually.
In general, double-check your agenda, call to confirm things, have things ready BEFORE the deadline, make copies of important things, back up your computer, expect and allow for travel delays, always have a Plan B, and take care and go slow – with work, driving, and with other people. Mercury Retrograde is not a good time to buy expensive Mercurian items (car, books, cell phones, GPS, fax machine), to sign a contract, or to have elective surgery.
The best stance to take during a Mercury Retrograde is to be non-reactive.
This applies to all Mercury Retrogrades. Mercury Retrogrades in 2009 are: January 11 - February 1; September 7 - 29; and December 26 - January 15.
Jupiter and Neptune together (conjunct) in Aquarius.
This is an incredible event in the Jupiter Neptune cycle. Both of these planets deal with the highest, most elevated information we can possibly access beyond the 5 senses.
People who prepare themselves for this time period will truly hear the whispering of the gods. You may find this an extremely valuable time to get a psychic reading or to pursue your own studies of the above and beyond. Many souls will take leaps in their evolution during this time period. It may require withdrawing your focus from everyday life as much as possible so get your day-to-day affairs in order if you'd like to take advantage of this very rare and very beautiful opportunity.
In general, double-check your agenda, call to confirm things, have things ready BEFORE the deadline, make copies of important things, back up your computer, expect and allow for travel delays, always have a Plan B, and take care and go slow – with work, driving, and with other people. Mercury Retrograde is not a good time to buy expensive Mercurian items (car, books, cell phones, GPS, fax machine), to sign a contract, or to have elective surgery.
The best stance to take during a Mercury Retrograde is to be non-reactive.
This applies to all Mercury Retrogrades. Mercury Retrogrades in 2009 are: January 11 - February 1; September 7 - 29; and December 26 - January 15.
Jupiter and Neptune together (conjunct) in Aquarius.
This is an incredible event in the Jupiter Neptune cycle. Both of these planets deal with the highest, most elevated information we can possibly access beyond the 5 senses.
People who prepare themselves for this time period will truly hear the whispering of the gods. You may find this an extremely valuable time to get a psychic reading or to pursue your own studies of the above and beyond. Many souls will take leaps in their evolution during this time period. It may require withdrawing your focus from everyday life as much as possible so get your day-to-day affairs in order if you'd like to take advantage of this very rare and very beautiful opportunity.
DO get a reading. Psychics, astrologers and readers will be hotter than hot.
Lasting up to 6 minutes and 39 seconds, this will be the longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century. To give you an idea of the significance of this -- there will not be another one longer until June 13, 2132.
Solar eclipses affect our lives for periods of about 6 months afterwards. The effect of this eclipse will be Cancerian in nature, because it takes place at 27 degrees Cancer.
However, only an astrologer can tell you the exact affect this will have on you individually, because it depends on your Chart. Let me tell you which house 27 degrees Cancer falls in.
Make a wish! Catch a Falling Star!
The Perseids Meteor Showers is an annual spectacular fireworks display first recorded by the Chinese in 36 A. D. It peaks August 12-13 when you can see between 50-150 shooting stars per hour.
It's called the Perseids because it appears to be radiating from the constellation of Perseus - the Hero who killed the snake-headed Medusa. Medusa had enraged Athena, who turned her into a monster so horrifying no man could look into her face without being turned to stone, from terror. Perseus was able to kill her by using his shield to see her reflection only.
Make a wish! Catch a Falling Star!
The Perseids Meteor Showers is an annual spectacular fireworks display first recorded by the Chinese in 36 A. D. It peaks August 12-13 when you can see between 50-150 shooting stars per hour.
It's called the Perseids because it appears to be radiating from the constellation of Perseus - the Hero who killed the snake-headed Medusa. Medusa had enraged Athena, who turned her into a monster so horrifying no man could look into her face without being turned to stone, from terror. Perseus was able to kill her by using his shield to see her reflection only.
This is pertinent because the constellation of Perseus includes the star Algol, a blinking star called "the eye of Medusa" and therefore considered malefic. (We know now it blinks because it is a binary star.) This reminds us not to be blind to horror, nor blinded by it; but rather to handle it like Perseus did. It's also important to find out where Algol is active in the chart. Watch the Perseids pirouette along the blade of Perseus. Know that in confronting your fears, you can build great strengths.
More than just great viewing, meteor showers can bring potential and vitality, as renewing and inspirational energy pours down from the Heavens.
Other important meteor showers this year, with their peak dates, are: the Aquarids, July 28; the Orionids, October 21 (look for fireballs) ; the Leonids, November 18; and the Geminids, December 14 (multi-colored and very reliable).
Pluto goes direct trining Venus on Sept. 21, 2009.
When planets trine, they are in harmony and exchange energy with each other easily. Trines keep good things going, and ease the burden of things not going well.
Pluto means change, bringing birth to all things Venus - love, money, new attitude. It is powerful for amping your financial position, winning lawsuits, finding or upping love, and increased creativity.
When Pluto trines Venus, it will bring a whole new love cycle, especially for people who have waited a long time for the right partner.
For this great opportunity, let me work on your wishes for the perfect soul-mate.
Full Moon in Aries October 4th
October 4th is an Aries Full Moon. The Indians called the October Full Moon the Full Hunters Moon (time to hunt to prepare for winter), the Travel Moon, and the Dying Grass Moon. Because the Full Moon is in Aries, while the sun is in Libra, it is a great time to meditate on a brand new relationship or clean up the one that's not working. I can help you with that. Of course the Indians could tell the grass was dying, the game would become scarce, and it was time to hitch up the wikiup and move to a new location. Where in your life do you need to do this? Old Proverb: "No amount of hunting can produce game in a field where there is none."
We don't need to tell you about the general effects of a Full Moon. (If you need a refresher, just take a look HERE.) It is known all too well to emergency room workers, ministers, psychologists, readers, and the police that people "get crazy." Crime increases, arson goes up, violence, aggression, dangerous driving, murders ... and surgeries gone awry (bleeding). People on the edge can get pushed over. Of course this doesn't apply to you, dear reader, but get a reading to anchor yourself, and to learn how to deal with those who act like "lunatics" (from luna which means moon).
Other Full Moons in 2009 are:
January 11 - Full Wolf Moon (when the wolf howls from hunger), or Old Moon
February 9 - Full Snow Moon, when hunting was difficult so also called the Hunger Moon.
March 11 - Full Worm Moon (earthworm casts reappear, luring robins) or Sap Moon (maple sap starts running)
April 9 - Full Pink Moon (wild ground phlox appears), Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon and Fish Moon.
May 9 - Full Flower Moon or Corn Planting Moon.
June 7 - Full Strawberry Moon (time to gather strawberries). Rose Moon and Hot Moon.
July 7 - Full Buck Moon (bucks grow their new antlers), or Thunder Moon (frequent thunderstorms).
August 6 - Full Sturgeon Moon (best time to catch sturgeon), Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon.
September 4 - Full Harvest Moon (nearest autumnal equinox, enough daylight to finish the harvest)
November 2 - Full Beaver Moon (set beaver traps before the water froze for winter furs), or Frost Moon.
December 2 - Full Cold Moon, or Long Nights Moon.
December 31 - Blue Moon
Libras - get ready!
Saturn, the Great Teacher and Task Master, enters Libra. Every Libra should get a reading at this time. All Libras are going to have start buckling down and tackling hard life lessons, including karma. If you think we're kidding, ask any Virgo what they've been going through during the past 2 1/2 years. Your best course of action is to consult me so I can lay out for you the next 2 years as to your karmic life lessons.
For all the other signs, let me look at your chart and see what house zero degrees Libra falls in. That's where you'll begin to have challenges and a reader can help you with that.
And of course get a reading if you're married to, partnered to, parented by, working with, or closely associated in any way to a Libra to support them in their impending time of need.
Mars goes Retrograde on December 20
Mars goes Retrograde on December 20 (until March 10, 2010). Mars is about action and how we go about getting what we want. Also anger and passion, the great motivators to action, and it is utterly miserable during Mars Retrograde. This time period can be fraught with frustration, depression, over-reactions and much unnecessary acting out. Of course we don't mean YOU, dear reader, but the driver in front of you, your litigious neighbor, and the person who's processing your loan at the bank.
Pluto goes direct trining Venus on Sept. 21, 2009.
When planets trine, they are in harmony and exchange energy with each other easily. Trines keep good things going, and ease the burden of things not going well.
Pluto means change, bringing birth to all things Venus - love, money, new attitude. It is powerful for amping your financial position, winning lawsuits, finding or upping love, and increased creativity.
When Pluto trines Venus, it will bring a whole new love cycle, especially for people who have waited a long time for the right partner.
For this great opportunity, let me work on your wishes for the perfect soul-mate.
Full Moon in Aries October 4th
October 4th is an Aries Full Moon. The Indians called the October Full Moon the Full Hunters Moon (time to hunt to prepare for winter), the Travel Moon, and the Dying Grass Moon. Because the Full Moon is in Aries, while the sun is in Libra, it is a great time to meditate on a brand new relationship or clean up the one that's not working. I can help you with that. Of course the Indians could tell the grass was dying, the game would become scarce, and it was time to hitch up the wikiup and move to a new location. Where in your life do you need to do this? Old Proverb: "No amount of hunting can produce game in a field where there is none."
We don't need to tell you about the general effects of a Full Moon. (If you need a refresher, just take a look HERE.) It is known all too well to emergency room workers, ministers, psychologists, readers, and the police that people "get crazy." Crime increases, arson goes up, violence, aggression, dangerous driving, murders ... and surgeries gone awry (bleeding). People on the edge can get pushed over. Of course this doesn't apply to you, dear reader, but get a reading to anchor yourself, and to learn how to deal with those who act like "lunatics" (from luna which means moon).
Other Full Moons in 2009 are:
January 11 - Full Wolf Moon (when the wolf howls from hunger), or Old Moon
February 9 - Full Snow Moon, when hunting was difficult so also called the Hunger Moon.
March 11 - Full Worm Moon (earthworm casts reappear, luring robins) or Sap Moon (maple sap starts running)
April 9 - Full Pink Moon (wild ground phlox appears), Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon and Fish Moon.
May 9 - Full Flower Moon or Corn Planting Moon.
June 7 - Full Strawberry Moon (time to gather strawberries). Rose Moon and Hot Moon.
July 7 - Full Buck Moon (bucks grow their new antlers), or Thunder Moon (frequent thunderstorms).
August 6 - Full Sturgeon Moon (best time to catch sturgeon), Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon.
September 4 - Full Harvest Moon (nearest autumnal equinox, enough daylight to finish the harvest)
November 2 - Full Beaver Moon (set beaver traps before the water froze for winter furs), or Frost Moon.
December 2 - Full Cold Moon, or Long Nights Moon.
December 31 - Blue Moon
Libras - get ready!
Saturn, the Great Teacher and Task Master, enters Libra. Every Libra should get a reading at this time. All Libras are going to have start buckling down and tackling hard life lessons, including karma. If you think we're kidding, ask any Virgo what they've been going through during the past 2 1/2 years. Your best course of action is to consult me so I can lay out for you the next 2 years as to your karmic life lessons.
For all the other signs, let me look at your chart and see what house zero degrees Libra falls in. That's where you'll begin to have challenges and a reader can help you with that.
And of course get a reading if you're married to, partnered to, parented by, working with, or closely associated in any way to a Libra to support them in their impending time of need.
Mars goes Retrograde on December 20
Mars goes Retrograde on December 20 (until March 10, 2010). Mars is about action and how we go about getting what we want. Also anger and passion, the great motivators to action, and it is utterly miserable during Mars Retrograde. This time period can be fraught with frustration, depression, over-reactions and much unnecessary acting out. Of course we don't mean YOU, dear reader, but the driver in front of you, your litigious neighbor, and the person who's processing your loan at the bank.
The best use for the energy is just to cool your heels. Look back to the last time Mars went retrograde, November 15, 2007 for clues about this time period. You could use a reading at this time to balance your energy. If your top is about to blow, go get yourself balanced with a reading from your favorite healer rather than joining the crowds that will be acting out and regretting it later.
December 31, 2009 there will also be a Blue Moon, a rare event. The last two Blue Moons were July 31, 2004 and May 31, 2007. What a New Year's Eve celebration we're gonna have! You might want to plan a special ritual. Talk about "once in a blue moon." This is a great time to go over your New Year's goals, get a reading, and/or plan your feng shui.
And it's time again to do a housecleaning ritual to invite the Hindu Goddess of Good Fortune, Lakshmi, into our homes for the next year. She will not come if your house is dirty.
Email me for schedule a reading, or call 817-734-1471.
December 31, 2009 there will also be a Blue Moon, a rare event. The last two Blue Moons were July 31, 2004 and May 31, 2007. What a New Year's Eve celebration we're gonna have! You might want to plan a special ritual. Talk about "once in a blue moon." This is a great time to go over your New Year's goals, get a reading, and/or plan your feng shui.
And it's time again to do a housecleaning ritual to invite the Hindu Goddess of Good Fortune, Lakshmi, into our homes for the next year. She will not come if your house is dirty.
Email me for schedule a reading, or call 817-734-1471.
Email me for free mini-reading. Mention this offer.
And last, but not least, if you are approaching your First Saturn Return (ages 29-30), Second Saturn Return (ages 58-60) or Third Saturn Return (ages 88-90), be sure and consult the leading international expert on Saturn Returns Nancy Fenn.
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