Monday, February 9, 2009

Virgo Male: The Horse Whisperer for Women

If I weren't an astrologer and a psychic, I might write "It's funny, don't you think? that two Virgos, two Canadian-born Virgos, would choose to sing I'M YOUR MAN." Written and sung by Leonard Cohen, and covered by Michael Buble.

You know that saying "It's what you don't know that will kill you"? Well, it's what you don't know about a Virgo man that will capture your heart forever - for this world, and the next world and beyond.

Two versions of "I'm Your Man". In Buble's version (which in no way compares to Leonard Cohen's own), the song even ends with the chords of a mystery thriller.

What is it about a Virgo man? None of Leonard Cohen's exes has an unkind thing to say about him. And he has never married.

In "Still Plenty of Life in this Ladies' Man," Australian columist Michelle Griffin writes:

LEONARD Cohen is like a horse whisperer, only for women. Even at 74 ...
When he growled his sleazy 1988 classic I'm Your Man, women leapt from their picnic blankets to yell: "Yes, you are!"
Ah, no Ms. Griffin. A Virgo man is never, ever sleazy. Even when he's doing that madonna/whore thing.

But a man never got a woman back
Not by begging on his knees
Or I'd crawl to you baby
And I'd fall at your feet
And I'd howl at your beauty
Like a dog in heat ...

"Rye" said Ms. Griffin. No, more like tongue-in-cheek dignity. I can see the look on the Virgo man's face as he crawls and begs. Horse whisperer for women. Because if he really did crawl and beg, well, as Jack Nicholson, whose Moon is in Virgo, said, "You only lie to two people in your life: the police and your girlfriend."

Ms. Griffin got it right ... He charmed us, he moved us, and then he broke it to us gently. As a Virgo would. They were "courtly" songs of sex and regret, and ... none of his exes has an unkind thing to say about him.


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