Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Look before you leap

This Mars Retrograde with companion Jupiter continues to make things more complex and difficult than they should be - or are. Jupiter magnifies everything. This is a time when we really need to have PERSPECTIVE on what's going on and the cards know.

Special message for Leos -- set your pride aside for now and do what you need to do, calmly and with the magnanimous spirit for which you are known. It isn't you -- it's them -- but you are the one to keep the situation from escalating. Manage your own sense of discouragement now about all those 'cubs' who should be listening to you and aren't. You're very busy, king of the jungle, and they aren't listening. Oh my!

This will change in a couple of weeks. Right now do what you do best - love the world in your heart, do some personal grooming, and sleep a lot!!

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