Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Full Moon December 2009

This is one killer Full Moon going on. My phone has been ringing off the hook.
And stay tuned because we'll be having a Blue Moon on December 31, New Year's Eve. Pow!

FYI, the Moon represents the dark and the unknown -- the mysterious emotional depths that can be hidden even from ourselves. So the Full Moon can bring out the Shadow side. Like the werewolves, ya know.

This Full Moon is in Gemini - communication, changeability, short trips, and anything of a mercurial nature, and Mercury, the planet of communication, that rules Gemini in also active.

If you've had today - and tomorrow - experiences with people where there has been impulsivity, hasty speech and heightened nerves and tension, you aren't alone. Explosive outbursts of all kinds. And if you're a nervous little thing to begin with, I bet you got real nervous today.

This combines with Uranus changing direction (innovation and change), and this is a time when a big change can occur for you. Either imposed upon you, or one you make yourself -- if you were prepared.

Knowledge is power and nowhere does this apply as in astrology. Let me give you a reading.

This is a time when many BIG changes will occur (Look at Oprah. Look at Tiger Woods. Look into your own life, or the life of your neighbor.) Email me at sdunn@susandunn.cc for a reading.


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