Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The New Job Interview

From today' mailbag:

"Hi. I'm a Scorpio and I just had a terrible job interview. It last forever and I couldn't even figure out what they were getting at. What did any of it have to do with my computer skills. The interviewer mentioned his birthday for some reason and he was a Leo. What do think went wrong? I sure need a reading before the next one. I was lost and really p***** off by the end of it all." -- A Stung Scorpio

Bosses Try New Ways to Skip Misfit Hires: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance

Find out how to work the new job interview depending upon your astrological sign. Get a reading before you go and get ahead of the game:

From the article:

With the national unemployment rate low, at 4.7 percent, and the Baby Boom generation heading into retirement, employers from Microsoft Corp. to rural hospitals are worrying about finding enough workers. But companies like Rackspace Managed Hosting are bucking that trend, working hard to find reasons to turn people away.

Rackspace CEO Lanham Napier said, "We'd rather miss a good one than hire a bad one." The 1,900-person computer server hosting company is divided into 18- to 20-person teams. One team is so close, the whole group shows up to help when one member moves into a new home, Napier said. Job interviews at the San Antonio-based company last all day, as interviewers try to rub away fake pleasantness. "They're here for nine or 10 hours," Napier said. "We're very cordial about it. We're not aggressive, but we haven't met a human being yet who has the stamina to BS us all day."

There's a possible downside, however. In a Harvard Business Review article titled "Fool vs. Jerk: Whom Would You Hire?" Tiziana Casciaro of Harvard and Miguel Sousa Lobo of Duke University point out that people generally like people who are similar to them, so hiring for congeniality can limit diversity of opinions. One venture capitalist told the authors that a capable manager he worked with built a team that "had a great time going out for a beer, but the quality of their work was seriously

An interview that lasts 10 hours can be stressful and maddening, and they're waiting for you to lose your cool. Find out how to work it with your sign and rising sign. During this Mars Retrograde, be sure you remain calm. Aries and Scorpio are having the worst time with this Retrograde, but being prepared is more than half the battle.

Email me at semiramis.appiamo@hotmail.com.

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