Friday, November 2, 2007

How to Use Mars Retrograde

November and Mars Retrograde

Mars, the god of War, is on the scene for the coming month. In preparation, I read Clausewitz on War, and A History of Warfare, by John Keegan. I also brushed up on my emotional intelligence.

Why? Because war has been around a long time - anger, violence, arguments, conflict - but like any energy, the energy of Mars can also be used well. It's self-protective (we fight to protect ourselves or our loved ones, or our possessions), but if you let this energy get out of hand, or misinterpret or over-react to threats, you miss all the better ways to manifest your warrior spirit.

Mars turns retrograde on November 16. During this time period when Mars is closest to the earth (astronomically), we will get many lessons for our growth.

We will also have the holidays and the political scene, as well as our own relationships and work situations to explore this with. How you experience this transit will depend on how prepared you are. It promises to be a time of surprises, intense extremes. A reading can help you get perspective.

Expect turbulence similar to a Mercury Retrograde, so do your holiday preparations if you can now - travel plans, gift-buying and sending. Get it done before this Mars retrograde. I'll be available all through the holidays for consultations.

The Mars energy can make us more prone to temper tantrums, outbursts, violence, and even cruelty. But it can also bring fighting spirit for good things, bravery and even heroic acts .
Mars energy needs to be understood and modulated. Beware of:
  • Inflammations and self-injuries
  • Addictions rearing their ugly heads
  • All the negative emotions - anger, guilt, worry and fear, and extremes
  • Fights
  • Over-reactions - including rescuing and over-helping
  • Increased stress from hiding Mars energy we don't know how to deal with
  • Intense startups that exhaust us and then peter our (one-week exercise program, the 2-day "diet")
  • Fanaticism and proselytizing
  • Stress, stress, stress - chemicals that exhaust and stress you and related health problems, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually

Remember that unless you trap them, or inflame them, emotions come and go. (Comes from the same word as "move".)

Don't focus on the Mars downside, keep centered, focus on the good, and "just say no" to the emotional rollercoaster. Get a reading to help you focus better on the things that will ease this Retrograde and the good outcomes you want. In other words, focus on not what you want to avoid, but what you want to have happen.

A reading can increase your personal power.

Mars Retrograde in Cancer is a good time to learn more about your emotions. As Terry Lamb says, "Through Cancer we encounter the challenge to keep ourselves emotionally fit, to learn emotional intelligence. When Mars is in retrograde in Cancer, that lesson will come out in spades!"


  • Look at what's right (with you, them and the situation), and keep your face turned toward the Sun
  • Problem-solve immediately, don't resent, don't fester
  • MODERATION. Allow extra time for peace and relaxation - readings, meditate, exercise, get enough sleep, eat right.
  • Turn it off - turn off the TV if it upsets you. Get away from negative people. Monitor the "holidays" so you enjoy them.
  • Learn more about emotional intelligence. This is the perfect opportunity.

EMail Readings
Phone Readings
Spiritual Life Purpose Report
Natal Chart Interpretation

We have many planetary events going to happen around the end of December and Christmas as well. This will be a very difficult time. Remember that I'll be available for readings all along. I'm here to help you. Holidays included.

Email me at

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