Sunday, April 20, 2008

Scorpio Moon

Typical of this Full Moon in Scorpio, when people try to get away with things and violence and negativity increase:

From "Courting Disaster" by Jonah Goldberg:

But then there's the question of the Supreme Court. And here, at least for me, skepticism melts away into real anxiety, even panic.

Consider the stunning decision handed down from the Supreme Court this week.

The court ruled that the state of Kentucky may continue to use lethal injections when administering the death penalty. But that's not what's shocking. Nor was it surprising that for the first time Justice John Paul Stevens admitted he thinks the death penalty is unconstitutional.

What is staggering, or at least should be, is that Stevens freely
admits that he no longer considers "objective evidence" or even the plain text of the Constitution determinative of what is or isn't constitutional: "I have relied on my own experience in reaching the conclusion that the imposition of the death penalty" is unconstitutional.

Justice Antonin Scalia, in a blistering response, justifiably exclaimed
that, "Purer expression cannot be found of the principle of rule by judicial fiat."

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Mother's Day readings

Mother's Day ... it's a very emotional occasion for most of us. We all have ambivalent feelings about our mothers - great love, but yes, a mixture of other things - resentment, feelings of abandonment and anger, frustration, many of these going beyond words. Many of us are sandwiches - we ARE the mother, and we have one, and we may even mother adult children who are mothering.

What is your relationship with your mother? Find out how it is affecting your life. I'm offering Mother's Day readings to help you work out this karma. Find out your compatibility, problem areas, how your fit was with your mother and how this is influencing your life, and prepare yourself to understand and make use of this most important relationship in a positive way. Understanding is the first step toward healing!
Your mother and you ... one of the most important relationships to understand and to heal and to grow through. Call me at 817-741-7223. email me at .

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Gemini Doctor speaks

From a dating site, this guy is a psychiatrist and a Gemimi:

Q. What have you learned from your past relationships.

A. You have to devote time and energy to the relationship. Many times the relationship or the family should be treated as if it was a "job". It actually is the most important one. Despite common believe, it is not a place to express or satisfy childhood needs.

It helps to know the assumptions of the person you're dating, your partner, or someone you're interested in. From this guy's chart, we would see the incredible analytical personality and the strong 'adult' persona. Yes, he can communicate - he's a Gem - but do you want to hear what he has to say???

Let me read for you about your relationships. It helps.

Confidential and fast.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Pluto Retrograde - boundary tensions

Pluto Retrograde tends to stir up territorial things relating to culture, race, ethicity, diversity and so forth, so this Absolut ad is a good example. Country boundaries have been in contention since time began, and the wars and tensions around them.

This can also translate into your persona life. Get a Pluto Retro reading to help you maneuver this period. (It lasts through Sept!)

It can be a big time of personal growth an enlightenment. email me at

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Just the sort of thing that happens in Pluto Retrograde

Confounding us all at this time is the series of ads being put out by Absolut, this one run in Mexico. What WERE they thinking? (map from before the 1848 war)

And of course the parodies are coming out.

Absolut's response can be found on their blog, from no less than the VP of Corporate Communications. Among his comments:

The In An Absolut World advertising campaign invites consumers to visualize a world that appeals to them -- one they feel may be more idealized or one that may be a bit "fantastic." As such, the campaign will elicit varying opinions and points of view. We have a variety of executions running in countries worldwide, and each is germane to that country and that population.

This particular ad, which ran in Mexico, was based upon historical perspectives and was created with a Mexican sensibility. In no way was this meant to offend or disparage, nor does it advocate an altering of borders, nor does it lend support to any anti-American sentiment, nor does it reflect immigration issues. Instead, it hearkens to a time which the population of Mexico may feel was more ideal.

Pluto Retrograde is a good time to get a reading, so you don't end up lying awake at night like the ad folks at Absolut are. email me at and share your thoughts about this ad.

Add to My Yahoo!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Dallas Psychic Faire

I will be at the Dallas Psychic Faire April 6, and first Sundays each month. Email me if you want to schedule your appointment ahead of time. I'll be expecting you! Semiramis

Was it in Spitzer's chart?

Why did Spitzer do it? That's the big question these days. Even, how could he have done it? From we astrologists to psychologists, to political theoreticians, to the person on the street, we are trying to figure out why - why did he do this? What on earth was he thinking.
There are clues in his chart (Spitzer's natal chart) that he would be predisposed to bizarre sexual behavior. However, with knowledge there is free will. If he had known this, would he have cared to have things turn out differently? Or even been able to make the choice?

One explanation is Jung's concept of enantiodromia, one of those $1000 words. It is from the Greek "enantios" for opposite and "dromos," running course”. Jung was referring to a super-abundance of one force inevitably producing its opposite. Note: inevitably.

You may recognize this concept from the field of physics and equilibrium. The system opposes any extreme in order to restore balance, equilibrium. i.e., what goes up must (MUST) come down.

It's equally true of emotions - why 12 steppers are taught to stay in the middle, emotionally; because if you go too high, INEVITABLY you will go too low. The physical system seeks equilibrium, to re-stabilize.

Jung liked to think of it as the unconscious acting against the wishes of the conscious mind. In Jung's sense, enantiodromia was "running counter to". He felt that the unconscious opposite would emerge over the course of time. The "unconscious" is the salient part.

To quote from wiki:
"This characteristic phenomenon practically always occurs when an extreme, one-sided tendency dominates conscious life; in time an equally powerful counterposition is built up, which first inhibits the conscious performance and subsequently breaks through the conscious control."
It would cause a complete change in behavior, and this can go either way. For instance, you would think that most wife-beaters would be non-cerebral types who can't express their anger any other way except with their fists. Counter-intuitively, a recent report from the Council of Europe stated that “It is even proved that the incidence of domestic violence seems to increase with incomes and level of education … almost half of all those who commit violence against women hold university degrees.”

I refer you to the example of singer Cantat killing his lover Marie Trintignant. She died after he beat her in an argument. "We lived an extraordinary moment,” he said. “I loved Marie with all my being. I loved her and I'll always love her. I think of her each second and I'll always think of her. I can't erase her from my memory."

But on the other hand, as the concept was treated in the film "The Lives of Others," it can go the other way – when a person devoted to fascism broke through his loyalty and became a humanist … or the story of “Amazing Grace.” However, these stories are not quite as exciting or as “newsworthy” as the falls are.

Consider "Fast" Eddie Felson in "The Hustler" -- he has a lot of talent but a huge flaw - an ego, an arrogance he’s not acquainted with, so it attacks him from the rear, so to speak. What we are not aware of, is not under our control. He has the notion that he can beat anything or anyone. Not unlike Spitzer, he felt he was “above the law.”
This notion that what we are not aware or, i.e., what is not under our conscious control, can be used by others to do us in (as well as ourselves), is well treated in Shakespeare’s OTHELLO and Verdi’s OTELLO.

Spitzer was particularly devoted to going after powerful men, as if he could do this without consequence. Now this word "unconscious" - we might as well say "mindful", or "aware". We are helpless against what we do not "know" or "understand".

Without being mindful (clueless) we can self-sabotage. If Spitzer had been aware of the elements in his chart that indicated this "superabundance" could he have acted differently? There's no way of knowing ... because he didn't know.

A CAUTIONARY TALE: It is helpful to know your chart and the possible pitfalls and "enantiodromias." This astrologer and psychic believes there is always free will, and the more you know, the more you know.

email for readings, email, in person (Dallas area), or by phone.

SEMIRAMIS WILL BE APPEARING AT THE DALLAS PSYCHIC FAIRE on April 6th, and the first Sunday of every month. Email for information, and to schedule your appointment.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

From Molly Hall:

Astrology is an ancient study that is re-emerging into the culture as a force to be reckoned with. The study of the light energies within yourself, and the universe, can remind us that we're part of something awe-inspiring. The patterns that astrology reveals can help you understand yourself and others. Astrological wisdom helps you make the most of your life, and put the darkness or trials into perspective

As Pluto enters Capricorn, oh the things we will have to deal with. Typical of this time period, from reknown psychic Nancy Fenn:

On Monday, the US Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson unveiled his plans to modernise the way that financial markets are policed. Mr Paulson's proposals, which he said would "require a great deal of discussion and take many years to complete", represent the biggest shake up of the financial regulatory system since the Great Depression.

Let me be your guiding light to a safe arrival. Email for a reading, phone or email. I'm here to help.