Tuesday, September 30, 2008

An Astrologist's Opinion about the Palin Biden Debate

I'm a clairvoyant astrologer. I use psychic gifts as well as astrology and the cards. I was asked for an astrologer's comment on the Palin Biden Debate.

What's most important going on right now astrologically is not Mercury Retrograde (though it matters), nor Pluto entering Capricorn November 28 (very important), but the Saturn-Uranus opposition.

Political debates have long been ritualized, to the point of rigidity. Typically, this one will follow the formal (read: formalized) debate format of 90-second answer and 2-minute follow-ups. Even within that, there are certain unwritten rules that every seasoned professional politician knows. (Saturn)

But guess what? Palin won't be playing by those rules. She doesn't even know them. That's why her interviews sound so odd. Even her voice, her accent. We haven't heard or seen anyone like this in a LONG TIME. She creates the game and the rules, and wins. She doesn't fit in any slot we're familiar with. (Uranus) How is Senator Biden going to deal with that?

Biden has been coached, it appears, about not talking down to her in the debates or pontificating on like senators, judges and other "Saturn" types are prone to do. (I think of the lawyer who told me, when I was trying to figure out a brief I was reading, "The point of legal commuication is not to communicate.")

Palin, on the other hand, was quoted in "Debate Offers Palin, Biden high risks, Big rewards," as saying, "[Biden]'s got a tremendous amount of experience and, you know, I'm the new energy, the new face, the new ideas and he's got the experience ...

Could this BE more Saturn-Uranus?

And you bet it's a choice as the two face off -- Saturn (experience, tradition) and Uranus (newness, change) I mean.

So here we'll have Biden expecting that "three strikes and you're out," but Palin will still be standing at the plate for the next pitch. He'll catch her fly ball and consider her out, but she'll keep running the bases. Well even more than this, he'll be thinking they're playing football, while she's playing some version of chess she made up.

How can you win when you think you're playing a game, with certain rules, when you are not. With Biden confused by all this (watch his nonverbals), Palin will have the upperhand.

She may lose the "battles," but she's going to win the war.

The New York Times said Biden might have trouble with his spontaneity. I think it's Palin's spontaneity he will be having trouble with.

Maybe we're tired of politicians who make sense, because they so rarely do anyway.

There's something refreshing about Palin. And in the last analysis, it isn't her ability to "engage with Sen. Biden" that matters. It's a much bigger game than that, folks. It will be the feel of the debate not the actual words.

Babe Ruth couldn't explain how he was able to hit so many home runs. But hit them he did.

Top this off with the effect of Pluto entering Capricorn (see the blog of Astrologer Nancy Fenn, http://nancyfenn.blogspot.com/ ).

Monday, September 29, 2008

Dow falls - from the viewpoint of astrology

Today we had the biggest fall in the Dow ever. Even surpassing 9/11. Pluto. Yes, I've been telling you - it's heavy and it means "change" and "surprises." Not all of them nice.

This is so much what is going on now. The drastic drop in the Dow happened to the collective. There are similar things, similiar in scope and magnitude, going on in our private lives.

The Dow fell 777.68 points. That's dizzying.

Hang on to your hat. There will be more.

One of the commentators said the fall is because "we don't like not knowing."

Get a reading AND FIND OUT.

Rough sailing till November 28 when Pluto changes signs

We mourn the loss of Paul Newman who chose this time to cross over. There was much more to him than those blue eyes, and yet there will never again be blue eyes like that.
As with many of our gifts, this one had another side. Those beautiful blue eyes were color blind. He could not appreciate them himself.
Until Pluto changes signs November 23, it will be intense. It already is. It's all about drastic change. By choice or being forced to. Or longing to. Or having 2 "impossible" choices to make. Or 3, but neither of them seems right. Also a time of surprises. Things entering the picture that could not have been conceived of. Things will leave that need to leave. This is a really hard time.
This is a time when you leap over tall buildings, or leap off tall buildings - metaphoroically speaking.
Let me support you during this time with readings. Email me at sdunn@susandunn.cc and lets schedule a reading for you. Special until November 28, if you mention this offer - one hour phone reading for just $45. Email reading, $28, in honor of the 28th.

Economic Crisis Negotiations in D. C. - New Moon in Libra

Economic Negotiations fall under a New Moon in Libra
It's no mistake that these important negotiations are taking place with a New Moon in Libra.
I was in D. C. just days ago and felt the vibrations strongly. These negotiations as well as all the political debate for the elections. Libra is the sign of negotiation and balance.

Compounding this, Mercury is still Retrograde AND ALSO IN LIBRA. The time to think and REthink, with the special diplomacy and grace of Libra. Let's hope our leaders are making wise decisions at this important time.
And no mistake the elections in November - a time we're all waiting for, when Pluto has finished unwinding, upsetting, reweaving, tearing apart, confounding our lives -- making us jump off tall buildings, or leap over tall buildings. Only to make it all a completely different and better picture in November. To prepare yourself for this important month coming up, get a reading.
This is a stressful time for most people. Call me for a reading, 817-741-7223, or email me at sdunn@susandunn.cc to schedule yours.

Dallas Psychic Fair

Dallas Psychic Fair - Susan will be reading there on Sunday, October 5th

If you live in the Dallas area ...http://www.dallaspsychicfair.com/

If you live in the Dallas Fort Worth area, be sure and get to the Psychic Fair early to sign up for a reading with me (Susan).

The Dallas Psychic Fair is every first Sunday, so this month will be Sunday, October 5th.

Click on the site for directions.

I'll be expecting you!

Friday, September 26, 2008

A Wedding

I went to a family wedding last weekend in D C. Is there ever such a moment as when the bride and groom have their first dance.

Below, the mother of the groom watches as the groom and officiator await the arrival of the bridesmaids. Very Plutonic to have a wedding at this time. It was held in a beautiful park, outside. With perfect weather, the couple was surely blessed by the stars.
The bride from Russia, where wedding customs are quite different, chose fanciful cupcake-cakes - a dragon, dragonfly, bumblebee, butterfly, and more. I predict this marriage will be full of fun, surprises, and individuality.

This vibrant young bride will leave Moscow, to make her home in the U. S.

If you're wondering "What's happening" in your own situation, email me to schedule a reading - sdunn@susandunn.cc .

And look for your life to look quite different in November!

Susan, Psychic at Dallas Psychic Fair

I wil be reading at the

Sunday, October 5

"Get there early so you can sign up for Susan. Her time fills up fast."

1st Sunday of every month

12Noon - 6:00PM

North DallasLBJ and Josey Lane(formerly the Summit Hotel)

Admission - $7Readings - Only $10
Print this web page and receive $2.00 off admission.

More than 50 of Dallas' Most...
Gifted Psychics
Wellness Practitioners
Various Vendors, and more. . .
Astrology Clairvoyants Dreams Handwriting AnalysisNumerology Palmistry Past Life Tarot Playing CardsPsychics Psychometry Runes Sand Spritual Guide Reiki Aura Photography & More!
Psychis at October's Fair will be interviewed for national TV.
Also , sign up for the Dallas Psychic Fair calendar - events you need to know about from your trusted, caring psychis and readers at the Dallas Psychic Fair.
email for more information - sdunn@susandunn.cc

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mercury Retrograde - Tips for Handling Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde starts September 24 so lets review what Mercury rules.

Most of the time you read communication and commerce, but we need to look at the downside of Mercury as well.

Here's a list of Mercury archetypes and themes

  • communication including all types of information exchange (this means your GPS, traffic lights and air controllers, and what your doctor or lawyer try to say to you ... as well as the expected emails, phones, etc.
  • Theft and lies - be on your guard. He's the Trickster!
  • Nutrition and wellness
  • Business indices, like the stock market
  • Weather patterns (air and wind)
  • Math, science and music
  • Travel (plans, connections, and the form of transportation)
  • Dexterity and eye-hand coordination
  • Learning - school programs and classes (how's the professor communicating about what's on the exam??)
If nothing else from this, you should get - GO SLOW. For instance see all the things in there about your daily commute. If not you, then the other person, has problems with eye-hand coordination, the GPS may malfunction, the traffic lights, and the normal flow of traffic!

How to manage this time? REMEMBER to REMEMBER. When you leave the house make sure you have what you need - briefcase, papers, purse, cell phone, GPS, directions. Be alert when you drive. Allow extra time. Don't allow others to get you mad on the road. (When emotions go up, logic and reason go down.)

Check and double check.

Once there, pretend you're on the infamous Paris Metro where the purse snatchers, straight off the downside of Mercury, can remove the lens cap off your expensive camera without you're noticing it, or grab your purse right off your shoulder. Keep your eyes and ears open. Keep your possessions IN HAND and know where they are at all times.

With the coordination and dexterity thing, know where your body is. See the curb, make sure the ladder is secured if you're going up one, if someone bumps into you on the subway, check where your belongings are! Know where you're sticking your hand. Look on the ground occasionally, like for fire ants and pot holes.

Wear layers of clothing and take along rain coat, hat or umbrella.

Remember to remember! Check and double check!

For a reading, email me at sdunn@susandunn.cc .

Monday, September 22, 2008

Mercury conjunct Mars

This week - Mercury conjunct Mars. A good time to get a reading.

With Mercury conjunct Mars, your thoughts may be racing and you'll be feeling like you can express yourself extremely well, but actually you're in danger of way over-shooting the mark. That Mars things .... well, it's best to calm down and think before you speak.

At the same time, Mercury Retrograde is approaching!!

Email for a printout on how to manage your emotions and keep yourself under control via meditation. sdunn@susandunn.cc .

Email to schedule a reading and find out what this means to you individually and how YOU should handle it.

Especially critical if:

  • You're in a relationship that's under stress.
  • You're talking to your stock broker this week about the state of the stock market and your investments
  • You have an important negotiation
  • You're contemplating hiring or firing
  • You're trying to some guy to marry you
  • You have to deliver bad news
  • You're a lawyer going to trial
  • You have a doctor's appointment
I'll be reading at the Dallas Psychic Fair the first Sunday in October. Come for a reading and bring your friends!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mercury Retrograde September 24ff

How to deal with this upcoming Mercury Retrograde? Or ANY Mercury Retrograde?

Well a personal reading is the most helpful thing, because some of this is general.

We think of Mercury Retrograde (MR) as messing up communication and commerce. You know - more traffic jams, faxes don't get sent, you miss phone calls, someone miscommunicates with you.

But if you get a reading and get prepared, it can also get you UNSTUCK. Hermes has those wings on his feet you know. His speed and other qualities can help you find the new beginning you have been looking for.

Especially helpful with this Pluto going on!

Email me for a reading - sdunn@susandunn.cc or call 817-741-7223.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Uranus September 12, 2008


Uranus will be most visible September 12th.

Its influence is being felt in chaotic events - from your personal life to more public things like the path of Hurricane Gustav ... and the elections.

Let me help you with a reading. Email me to schedule your appointment - sdunn@susandunn.cc .

Monday, September 1, 2008

Sarah Palin, Aquarius, Barracuda


Nancy Fenn, highly respected California astrologer and psychic, and the nation's Saturn Return expert, has given a great chart interpretation for Sarah Palin, born February 11, 1964, with Sun AND Moon in Aquarius.

We're all wondering where Sarah Palin, the Governor of Alaska, came from, who Sarah Palin the person is, and what lies ahead.

Check out Nancy Fenn's natal chart interpretation here: http://nancyfenn.blogspot.com/2008/09/sarah-palin.html .

I see in her chart vibrant physicality and health. Vigor. She loves those sports, like fishing. I've been getting photos in emails of her holding what I guess is a salmon!

You can see her chart HERE.

I am available for private readings by phone, email and in-person (Dallas area). I will be reading at the Dallas Psychic Fair the first Sunday in September. See you there!

Email to schedule your reading - sdunn@susandunn.cc or 817-741-7223.

David Duchovny in rehab for sexual addiction - astro chart shows fire dominant


David Duchovny goes into voluntary rehab for sexual addiction, for the "foolish things" predicted in his natal chart. He's a Leo with an Aquarius moon. FIRE is dominant in his chart, endowing him with intuition, energy, courage, self-confidence ... included to be passionate ... asserts will power ... moves forward -- but hold on, where's the "brakes" here??

According to astrotheme:

...come hell or high water, [he achieves his dreams and your goals. The relative weakness of this element is the difficulty to step back or a kind of boldness that may prompt [him] to do foolish things.
We wish David the best for his healing.
This is, astrologically, a wonderful time to be working on transformation. Spirit always wants transformation and healing. Let me read for you to prepare for November/Pluto. sdunn@susandunn.cc. 817-741-7223.

**photo, wikipedia, creative commons, irrevocable; used in good faith