Saturday, January 24, 2009

Obama's Election signals You Go World

Italians are in Love with Obama is the title an article on The Huffington Post. America has pulled a rabbit out of its hat!

Pluto in Capricorn .. some say we will be "righting old wrongs." I like to put a more positive spin on it. I think we are finally going to be able to bring to fruition more parts of the ideals for the world that most of us good people in the world believe in. Obama's election is the perfect kickoff!

"The American Dream" has always been that if you did the work, it would happen - regardless of your race, religion, creed, etc. This is a harbinger - that we can do it, it will happen.

It just takes time, intention, and dedication. It is more like the healing of an estrangement, as the American-Italian blogger writes so eloquently. They add:

Our friends across Europe have similar stories to tell. Everywhere there is a sense of hope and wonder that America, after reaching perhaps an all time low in world opinion, has pulled a rabbit out of its hat and done the unimaginable - elected an inspirational leader with intelligence and honesty, who believes that it is possible to transcend the confines of race and religion that have stalled dialogue throughout the world, and who arrives with an agenda aimed at comforting the afflicted even if that means afflicting the comfortable

My generation went through "integration" which was one of the early steps: Equal and not separate Education. Then there was affirmative action, another step along the way. Now we have put the polish on the pearl. Any job or opportunity in the US is available to anyone. Period.

Let's hope we can do this yet again with the current problems facing this country that need addressing.

From today's email bag, but let me begin with a comment from one of my clients in the UK, that "America needed a friendlier face and now it has one": in Mr. Obama’s victory is shared by whites all around the world.

“We have great hopes that we are standing at the dawn of a new era,” wrote the Norwegian daily Aftenposten.

“One Giant Step for Mankind” read the front page of England’s Sun newspaper.

A headline on the London Telegraph website declared: “Barack Obama Victory Allows Britain to Love US Again.”

The Times modestly headlined its election story, “The New World.”

Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada spoke of Mr. Obama’s “tremendous, historic” victory, and the Toronto Sun called it “an historic milestone like no other.”

Le Monde in Paris noted that “from Left to Right, [French] politicians have been competing for superlatives with which to praise the election of Barack Obama.”

Milan’s Corriere della Sera wrote that Mr. Obama was “the man who
can save America from utter breakdown.”

But what about Italy? From an two American ex-pats in Italy:

It would be unfortunate to think Berlusconi expresses the sentiments most Italians have towards Obama. In fact, if you want to know what most Italians think about Obama, forget about Silvio Berlusconi -whenever he opens his mouth a large portion of Italians react the same way a large portion of Americans have reacted to George W. Bush over the last eight years: They wish they could run away and hide. As two Americans who have lived for some time Italy, we can attest that the election of Obama has been a source of great joy and admiration throughout Italy. Joy, because for most Italians the Bush years have felt like an unwanted eight-year estrangement from a close friend for whom they still feel deep affection; and now this rift may finally be healed. Admiration, because Obama's victory is seen as proof that America still has the capacity to innovate and renew itself, to represent a better future, and to remain a source of inspiration.

They write so beautifully, I'll continue:

The phenomenonal reaction to Obama is much more than just relief that the Bush years will finally end. It signifies the clear understanding that the Obama's election was extraordinary, a once-in-a-lifetime event, and that his election has set a new mark to which Italy and the rest of Europe will need to aspire.

Which just about sums it up! You Go World!


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