Wednesday, October 24, 2007

California: Fire Raging Because of Too Much Air and Too Little Water

"[Witch Fire] is the worst fire this county has ever seen -- worse than the Cedar Fire [of 2003]," Sheriff Bill Kolende
AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH -- the elements we live with, and the elements of our signs and of those we relate to.

What a difference the degrees and mixtures make. We are seeing a grave example of this in California right now. The conditions which caused the current dangerous situation in California are fire, too much air (strong winds) and too little water (low humidity). If deprived of air, drenched with water, or suffocated with earth, the fires would go out.

What happens in relationships? Let's look at the fire sign, Leo.

If your partnership is Aquarius (air) and Leo (fire), if the Aquarius goes to the dark side - unemotional and detached - it will whip the Leo into a frenzy of passionate anger and likely the Aquarius will leave.

If the partnership is Scorpio (water) and Leo (fire), and the Scorpio goes to the dark side (cold, critical and unforgiving) it will extinguish the fire of the Leo's passion, and likely the Leo will leave. The same would occur if the partnership is Taurus (earth) with Leo (fire), and the Taurus goes to the dark side (lazy, self-indulgent, greedy), it will put the Leo's fire out. This one is more likely to be just a gradual falling apart.

Our prayers for those living in California, and those of us with loved ones and relatives there.

Here is a site where you can get current information for the San Diego area: San Diego Fire Resources (Witch Fire & others, Oct 2007) « Jim 2.0’s Blog

The National Fire Information Center reports:

The fire situation in southern California remains critical where 12 uncontained large fires have burned more than 335,000 acres. Hundreds of homes and commercial buildings throughout the area have been damaged or destroyed. The Santa Ana winds continue to be a challenge as firefighters work to contain these blazes.

The National Fire Information Center's hours are are (MST) 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, Monday - Friday208-387-5050 .
According to Celtic lore, the best day for predictions is Halloween Night - my schedule will fill up fast. Schedule yours now.

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