Monday, October 8, 2007

The Origins of Tarot

We see the same characters repeated again and again. Altered by time, but forever unaltered.
Where did the Tarot come from? Out of ancient Egypt? From 1oth century China? Indian, Islamic origins? No one knows for sure.
"The symbols come from a universal reservoir from which all cultures obtain," says the video.
Meaning of the name?

Egypt - tar rot - royal road
torah - Hebrew?
The Tarot river in northern Italy (one of the places where the cards first appeared)?
Don't miss this beautifully done video about the Origins of Tarot.
Whatever the origins, now is a good time for a Tarot reading.

Free mini-reading - email and mention this offer.
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Nancy Fenn, national expert on Saturn Return says the Second Saturn Return is "When the chicken's come home to roost."

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