Tuesday, October 9, 2007

To Find Meaning in Your Life - Spiritual Life Purpose

Why Would You Want a Spiritual Life Purpose Report?
By Semiramis, Psychic and Astrologer

Semiramis has been chosen SelfGrowth's Life Purpose Expert. This is the largest self growth portal on the Internet, rated #1 by google and yahoo. http://www.selfgrowth.com/ . See Semiramis' site here: http://www.selfgrowth.com/experts/semiramis_appiamo.html

Did you know that an experienced astrologer who is familiar with the spiritual life purpose can take a look at your chart and find out what is probably the most important thing you will ever need to know – WHY YOU ARE HERE.

The Spiritual Life Purpose path is based on your time, date and place of birth (after all you chose to enter at that time and place), and is completely individualized. I have never seen two that were alike. We are truly unique individuals here on earth, and our paths are just as individual and unique.After all, we toss around from job-to-job, or even career field-to-career field, and sometimes from partner-to-partner, looking for answers and peace of mind. For that feeling of meaning, purpose and fulfillment. We ask other people, some experts, and try sometimes to take advice that is meant for another person, not you.

The answer is actually within you, but it may be hidden. You know how they say “If you’re not happy now, what you think would make you happy, will not.”

Well in the case of spiritual life path, it will bring you the sort of peace of mind you get only when you know why you are, what your purpose is, what you are meant to be “doing” and “being.” Some people would say why you reincarnated, but if you aren’t comfortable with that terminology, take it metaphorically. It works the same way.

We look at different nodes in your chart, and can see what this life purpose is for you individually. What works for someone else isn’t going to work for you, and with a life purpose report, you can save yourself some trial-and-error, which is time-consuming, frustrating and discouraging.

One person I did a report for recently, was a hard-driven career woman, but she wasn’t enjoying the journey very much and had sort of come to the end of the rope. She had not been able to find anything satisfying to her. This was manifest in digestive problems, headaches and other physical ‘messages’ from her body that what she was doing was wrong for her. Her Spiritual Life Purpose Report revealed the answers that had been hidden from her as she strove for money and prestige in the work world. When I presented her Report to her, she said, “Well this makes sense. Actually it's a relief."

Why hadn’t she discovered this on her own? With luck she might have found it eventually, but with a lot of wasted time, health, and discouragement.

This Spiritual Life Purpose Report works very well at mid-life. Why? Because you will have eliminated a lot of things that didn’t make you happy. It is easier for someone who knows what doesn’t work to be able to hear. You will be ready to hear something that will work.

Many people want this reading as they approach their second Saturn Return (around 59.5 years of age). As Saturn Report expert Nancy Fenn says, “"Your second Saturn Return is when, secretly and truly, for good or ill, every single one of your chicken’s for the last thirty years come home to roost.”

To order your Spiritual Life Purpose Report, click HERE. Just $250. Completely individualized, not computer-generated.

Semiramis has been chosen SelfGrowth's Life Purpose Expert. This is the largest self growth portal on the Internet, rated #1 by google and yahoo. http://www.selfgrowth.com/ . See Semiramis' site here: http://www.selfgrowth.com/experts/semiramis_appiamo.html .
Contact Semiramis for a free mini-reading: semiramis.appiamo@hotmail.com .

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