Sunday, August 17, 2008

How to get through the next two weeks

I can't impress upon you what a tedious time this is. Some might even say dangerous - in terms of pressing issues, relationships, matters at work.

The people around you don't know the answer because they don't even know the questions. Pressing any issue now is disastrous. Get busy with your own sweet things - nature, a psychic reading, a walk with the dog, a massage, helping someone who needs help (don't ask, just do it - go to the store for them, listen, solve a small problem for them, make them laugh). Be around the few Evolved Old Souls out there who walk around with sweet smiles on their calm faces.
There's one I know who is only 25. Theyare everywhere is you look.

Probable outcomes of pressuring people now are that they will default (yield to their internal irritability and take the course of lease resistance) - fire you, ask for a divorce, end the dating relationship, cancel the contract, refuse the loan, demote you, cancel your leasem end the friendship, say something very difficult to forgive ...

From other experts:

Nancy Fenn, leading psychic and astrologer, and nation's expert on Saturn Return:

And as always, watch out for the more and more difficult energy between now and November. Mars is still involved with both malefics Uranus and Pluto in very bad ways. Especially the next two weeks the universe has some peoples’ heads in a vice trying to get them to transform in badly, critically needed ways and they are resisting because it is human nature to fear change even though they are rotten miserable where they are. They are also working next to you, riding your bumper on the freeway, looking over your loan papers, checking you out at the grocery, reading your dental x-rays and teaching your kids. They are not sleeping well and rhey are stuffing junk food or cigarettes to go numb. Then there are the dangerous recidivists [returning to drugs or alcohol]. . .

Heads up. Give your fellow humans a wide berth. Deescalate all confrontations and wait for better times to press your point if you possibly can.


Feel free to make excuses - too busy, don't pick up the phone, say you'll reply to the email next week, beg off on potentially tense social situations, suggest a time in about 2 weeks, put off any of those "we need to talk" things. NOBODY KNOWS WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT!!

WE ARE BETWEEN ECLIPSES. Use this coming Aquarian moon (til August 29th) to get a reading and let me help you envision your best possible situation come November. I'm here to help!

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