Sunday, August 3, 2008

What's Up with Geminis?

Today I read at the Dallas Psychic Fair. It's like a microcosm - a small picture of a bigger picture. Like an example of what this month's reading selection has been like.

Here's what's going on.

  • The first 6 people to sit down were Geminis. (A current transit is stressing the heck out of them.) It will pass. But a good time for a reading.
  • The Leos looked stunned - they've been put through the wringer, and were happy but didn't know why. Why? Because psychically they 'know' that this past week's new moon, solar eclipse in Leo, was the Mother of all NEW BEGINNINGS. Suggest a reading in 2 weeks.
  • The Scorpios are braced, as if they're about to be hit. Even more vigilant and mysterious than usual ... one of them did not give his real name. Scorps will be hit, we'll all be hit with surprises from now to November, but being prepared is what it's all about. Scorps should get a reading NOW, to prepare for your individual situation.
  • Pisces are getting hit hard by people around them looking for comfort during this bumpy ride. They're ready for some relief.
I spent some time this weekend with a former professional boxer who also did boxing coaching. Since I coach, I had him show me some moves. That head bobbing, I asked, what's that all about? He said if you duck your head, which is the usual reaction, you'll get clobbered because YOU CAN'T SEE.

So two watchwords for what's coming -- keep your head up, prepared, so you can SEE; and keep your knees bent, like for water skiing. Then you'll be fine.

Call me for a reading 817-741-7223, or email me at .

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