Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sirius Sunshine

If you're a Leo - this new moon and solar eclipse signal a NEW BEGINNING for you. It's that way for all of us, just moreso for Leos. A great time to find the love of your life, the dream job, the perfect place to live, the home you always wanted.

This is a time to visualize what you want to have happen in the coming months. Do NOT focus on what you don't want. In other words, if you need more money, visualize yourself living in wealth. If you're tired of being overweight, picture yourself at your ideal weight.

This is a time when visualized what you WANT is the thing to do.

IF YOU LIVE IN THE Dallas/Ft. Worth area, come see me tomorrow, SUnday, August 2nd, at the Dallas Psychic Fair. And bring your friends!

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