Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Saturn's Return and what it means to you

SATURN'S RETURN is now playing in Sydney, Australia, the new work of Tommy Murphy. In an interview on SameSame, Murphy talks about his new play.

“It’s about the fragility of love, even if love is lost… the play becomes a
cautionary tale about how you have to hold on to those treasured moments. I hope it’s a really optimistic play about the beauty of love,” he says.

Astrologically, as you know, the Saturn Returns (between 28 years and 30; between 58 and 60; between 88 and 90) are crucial times in your life. It's a time of endings and new beginnings.

Muphy adds about his play:

“It’s about any moment for anyone, of any age, when they’re consciously entering a new chapter… I feel like that happens every Monday morning, not every 29 years!” [Murphy] jokes.

This applies to readings as well. It's very important to get a Saturn Return reading. And maybe every Monday morning, as well.

Let me read for you. This is a difficult time right nows - between 2 eclipses, the "time of surprises" until November; the Dog Days (Sirius) ... I'm here to help.

email me at sdunn@susandunn.cc . Readings by email, phone or in person (Dallas area).
image from www.clipart.com

1 comment:

Barbara said...

This might be of interest to you.
