Sunday, November 23, 2008

Dealing with a Scorpio Now?

What's up with those gorgeous, secretive Scorpios these days?

Found on a website. The topic at hand was how unattractive it is to be needy on any level.

This was the reply:

I agree with this one: "how unattractive it is to be needy on any level"

Neediness is rooted in fear and cowardice & it is a really debilitating and ugly emotion to carry.

I know because I'm fighting temporary neediness right now!! LOL.

And as a Scorp, I hate feeling I need someone... but sometimes you just ache.

Scorpios do have a hard time "admitting" things like needing someone, like they think it's a weakness or something. I don't think it's rooted in fear and cowardice, but that's the way those normally COURGEOUS Scorpios sometimes look at it. Especially during this Pluto transit that's stressing us in points where we need to loosen up and/or change or grow. It could even be some karma in your chart we could take a look at.

We need each other. It's the DESPERATE neediness that needs a second look. And yes, sometimes we do just ache.

Need to talk about this? Email me to schedule a reading - .

I'll be waiting.

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