Thursday, November 6, 2008

Michelle Obama's Dress: Do the Math


Email from client today: "He seems strange today. He ...."

My Reply: "EVERYONE seems strange right now. You know that "nudge" you get on IM, the one that seems to shake the whole room? We all just got one."

Saturn nudged Uranus ... on election day. We are now shaken and stirred, and standing on unsure ground. The earth has shifted beneath our feet.

The best index? The most emotional thing on the planet - the US stock market.

So take a deep breath. Get a reading to re-stabilize. (Email me at ). Get prepared for November 28th, because it's Get Ready, Get Set, Go! Remember, $28 email readings from now until the 28th of November, when Pluto arrives in Capricorn, if you mention this offer.

About this nudge. Distract yourself. OK, here's an idea that's harmless and interesting. Let's discuss


What's her sign? First of all, no one apparently knows the time of her birth, but we have the date, January 17th ,1964. So she's a Capricorn. "The Ultimate Capricorn" says Lutin in his assessment Michelle Obama: The Ultimate Capricorn. Personally I like to work with a person's Rising Sign, especially when it's a polished performer like a politician, or a politician's wife, because it's how we perceive a person ... but her rising sign we don't know either. I agree with another astrologer who suspects it might be Leo.

StarsOverWashington thinks she's a Cap with an Aquarius Moon, like Carl Sandburg and Muhammed Ali. Yeah, she packs a wallop. Carl Sandburg isn't your average kinda poet. I dozed off during poetry time in high school English class until I got hit with (I'll never forget):

HOG Butcher for the World,
Tool Maker,
Stacker of Wheat,
Player with Railroads and the Nation's Freight Handler;
Stormy, husky, brawling,
City of the Big Shoulders:

from Carl Sandburg's poem "Chicago."

It has words like teeth, and sneer, and kill, and brawling, fierce, and wanton ... my luv is like a red, red ... butcher's knife?

Interesting too that we're talking about Chicago - my hometown, Michelle's home grounds. My grandfather even was a partner at Sidley Austin.

But I digress. Ok, an "Ultimate Capricorn" might include someone who is classy, and probably the ultimate mom in the sense that her kids eat right, get enough sleep, mind their manners and have life goals. (I see Leo there, as well.)

But lets get down to what this dress really is. It's geometric. It's bold. It's not being what we would have expected. (If Berlusconi is waiting eagerly to give Barack advice, can you imagine how Carla Bruni-Sarkozy feels?) That dress has that sense to it where we say "Oh. Okay. So that's what she likes." And that's the tone this woman is going to be setting.
Red and black - could it be more forceful?
But wait a minute, could that be fractal what's going on there with the red?

And it's designed by Narciso Rodriguez, a statement in itself. An intentional one.

Let me sum it up this way: Nothing this woman does is not calculated. Why? Because she can do the math.

She shares Capricorn, with Moon in Aquarius with a poet who writes like a boxer, and a boxer who writes like a priest ("Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.")

Do the math!

To see Michelle Obama's astrological natal chart go here:

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