Friday, November 21, 2008

Psychic Reading Can Help with Saturn-Uranus


How to get through this period of Saturn-Uranus, and Pluto ...

This is the horoscope for Leos from, but it is good advice for you, whatever your sign, and for any day, not just today.

As you watch the sun dip below the horizon tonight and you observe the clouds turning from pink to purple, review the day, Susan. Lock your head in with your heart and make sure that the two are in tune. Think about your emotions and thought patterns of the day and how they affected your actions. Determine if your actions were a result of either your rational mind or your fluctuating moods.

If you would like to learn more about this getting the head and heart together, let me know. I offer a course in emotional intelligence, because that's about your emotions (intuition) and your intelligence(thinking).

Part of this is learning about "hemisphere dominance.: Take this online 'test' and let me know how you do. Or click and past this into your browser:,21598,22492511-5005375,00.html

Those of you who have already taken it, if you could make the lady change directions at will, you'll have an easier time switching from intuition to intellectual thinking. Take the test. If you can't make her change directions, or she doesn't automatically change directions, I can give you some of the ways my clients have been able to do this.

Intuition (heart, right-brain) is best for knowing what you really want. Then use your intellect to map out the strategy. I can help you with both.

Through readings. I also offer an Internet Course on Intuition. Click here to register and pay.

Your INTUITION is what tells you what is true to your heart.

Those of you who could make the dancing lady change directions now know that you can switch from left to right brain at will. Use intuition first. Get your answer. (During this transit,this procedure can take a lot of time, and some back and forth. Both alternatives are likely to have some appeal. It is also likely at least one other option will enter the picture for you.

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