Sunday, November 30, 2008

Reading Photos

I LOVE READING PHOTOS. One my clients sent me this photo (and gave me permission to use it).

She is standing at a crossroads right now, as many of us are, with this Pluto transit. There's something she's always wanted that she's waiting for.

The changes we all look for will take some time to manifest, as Pluto moves slowly and deliberately, but inexorably. Pay attention to the subtlest signals. As YOU change, so changes your WORLD.

Now for the photo. Here she is literally surrounded by Spirit and Light, even in the midst of darkness. Behind her, finally, are all the thorns, pricks and dangers. She glows with the changes that have taken place inside her. Her head has changed, but not her heart. (We sometimes have to change our beliefs, in order to change, and become the kind of person who has what we've always wanted.)

In front of her lie two alternatives, two choices. One is the lighted treasure, her heart desires (to the left as you look at the photo). It literally glows. To the right is a dark, dead stump of wood. Which one will she choose?

Her leg is crossed pointing toward her heart's desire.


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