Sunday, November 16, 2008

Celebs get roughed up and so do you?

Lindsay Lohan doused with flour? Rough week for celebs, says yahoo. Well it's probably been a rough week for YOU too. EXHAUSTION seems to be the rule ... you're either sick or you've hurt yourself, with this energy. We need a break. And maybe you're thinking a little flour on your coat would be mild compared to what's been thrown at you?

PLUTO and URANUS/SATURN continue to wreak havoc in our lives. OH THE DRAMA.

But Pluto deals with magic ... real magic ... like a cardinal in the midst of winter ... the intricate beauty of a snowflake ... like a tiny seed that grows into a mighty oak tree ... like transforming you into the person you always wanted to be ... like looking into the eyes of your true love ... like getting what you always wanted finally ...

Yes, you're probably getting slammed around right now. It's part of it. Saturn wants to control, but Uranus pulls out into left field.

You clamp down and there's revolt. You loosen up and someone else plays the heavy.
You thought you'd made up your mind (Saturn) but no one and nothing is cooperating with you (Uranus).

You decided to move and they beg you to stay. You say and they 'agree' you're better off going. Huh????

Let's just say the cat's out of the bag and you aren't going to be stuffing it back in.

How to handle all this drama? Be in a 'preference' state, not a 'demand' state. You don't want to rouse someone else to play the role of Saturn or Uranus or to play those roles in someone else's drama. Watch out for turning it inward and getting sick - or outward, and getting hurt. Move slowly and with care.

Hammered? Getting batted about like a birdie?
Call me and lets talk about it. What you want and how to get there.

Key for the week - tone it down. Others will over-interpret, over-react.

Email for reading or call me at 817-741-7223. Email me to get on my email list, so you can stay current.

Snowflakes from

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