Thursday, November 27, 2008

Venus in the 1st house: Lawrence of Arabia

Let us begin with The Top 10 Replies of Lawrence of Arabia to his Editors
Handsome, isn't he? More on this to come ...
Lawrence of Arabia's book, The Seven Pillars of Wisdom, is a classic. His replies to his editor's comments on spelling are also classics.

1. In his preface, T. E. Lawrence writes: Particularly it owes great thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Shaw for countless suggestions of great value and diversity:
and for all the present semicolons.

2. Q. I attach a list of queries raised by F. who is reading the proofs. He finds these very clean, but full of inconsistencies in the spelling of proper names, a point which reviewers often take up. Will you annotate it in the margin, so that I can get the proofs straightened?
A. Annotated: not very helpfully perhaps. Arabic names won't go into English exactly, for their consonants are not the same as ours, and their vowels, like ours, very from district to district. There are some 'scientific systems' of transliteration, helpful to people who know enough Arabic not to need helping, but a wash-out for the world. I spell my names anyhow, to show what rot the systems are.

3. Q. Slip 1. Jeddah and Jidda used impartially throughout. Intentional?
A. Rather.

4. Q. Slip 16. Bir Waheida, was Bir Wahheidi.
A. Why not? All one place.

5. Q. Slip 20. Nuri, Emir of the Ruwalla, belongs tro the 'chief family of the Rualla.' On Slip 23, "Rualla horse', and Slip 38, 'killed one Rueli'. In all later slips "Rualla'.
A. Should have also used Ruwala and Ruala.

6. Q. Slip 28. The Bisaita is also spelt Biseita.
A. Good.

7. Q. Slip 47. Jedha, the she-camel, was Jedhah on Slip 40.
A. She was a splendid beast.

8. Q. Slip 53. 'Meleager, the immoral poet'. I have put 'immortal' poet, but the author may mean immoral after all.

A. Immorality I know. Immortality I cannot judge. As you please: Meleager will not sue us for libel.

9. Q. Slip 65. Author is addressed 'Ya Auruns', but on Slip 56 was 'Aurans'.
A. Also Lurens and Runs: not to mention 'Shaw'. More to follow if time permits.

10. Q. Slip 78. Sherif Abd el Mayin of Slip 68 becomes el Main, el Mayein, el Muein, el Mayin, and el Muyein.
A. Good egg. I call this really ingenious.

Yes, Sir Lawrence had Venus in his 1st house. How does this play itself out, when Venus is about beauty, values, and needs for, and propensities for, relationships and adoration?

Often they are highly attractice and able to use this appeal to bring on relationships and also create a sort of Ideal Image which they project. "They" are their own best asset, so to speak. They can use the persona - their looks and personality to make things happen. (Of course at the downside, the needs can be insatiable, and thus not able to be met.)

Lawrence of Arabia has this in his chart, and if you know your history, was sent to make peace with (read: subdue) the Bedouins, for the British. As you can tell from his cheeky replies above ... he was one to do it HIS way, and certainly never lacking in confidence. As the movie portrays, he liked the Bedouins, adopted their dress and customs and thought they should be allowed to be self-determined.

He was rather charming about all this (1st house Venus in Virgo), and also quite able to analyze the situation, apply his own deep values which he was able to communicate well, and use his charm (and "beauty")to tranform and inspire. He later became an advisor to Winston Churchill. And communicate he did - in voluminous writing, and several books.

Much of this portrayed in the movie, "Lawrence of Arabia." Quite the stuff that legends are made of.

Being a Leo, of course, didn't hurt his charisma either (August 16).

He died at age 46 from a motorcycle accident and even then his influence extended. The neurosurgeon who attended him began to ponder the head injuries of motorcyclists ... and his research led to crash helmets.

The downside of the Venus is that he exaggerated things in his book The Seven Pillars of Wisdom, and also hired people to whip him (masochist) ... and perhaps the speculations that he was homosexual (not proven). But just how beautiful is a man allowed to be? And the head injury ... to the place of the greatest beauty in the man.

Venus in 1st house rules.

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