Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Saturn Opposes Uranus: Time for Debates and an Election in YOUR OWN LIFE

It isn't just election time for the president, it's election time for your life.
It's no coincidence that a presidential election focusing on the old established order v. change and revolution occurs on November 4th,
as Saturn moves to oppose Uranus.

Saturn Opposes Uranus
November 4, 2008 - July 2010

Get ready for the ride!

This planetary oppostion is no small event. The last time it happened was in the 60s, and you know what a time of great social and political upheaval that was. The Hippies ... our first (ever) Catholic president ... assassinations ... LBJ and affirmative action ... emptying the mental institutions ... Vietnam which left thousands of Vietnam vets with PTSS ... the stock market heading into the lowest territory in decades (to be fixed by Ray Garrett's deregulation of stock commissions) ... "Things were never the same again."

It's no coincidence this Opposition happens on Election Day when we have two candidates whose stands almost speak for Saturn (represents the old established order, the old way of doing things, and security) and Uranus (whose Name is Change, and doing it all a new way).
I'm not telling you who to vote for for president, I'm asking you a much, much more important question: HOW ARE YOU GOING TO VOTE IN YOUR OWN LIFE.

The excitement builds ... can you feel the tension, fear, giddiness? The immense life-changing force of the Old Man Saturn moves in opposition to Uranus - the Great Awakener, the Loose Cannon on Deck.

This rare and forceful Opposition will literally FORCE you to take a hard look at your life and making changes. When Chaos and Structure take a stand-off, it breaks downs walls and limitations and brings in creative new ideas for ways of doing Your Life. It's a good time to take a look at what is not working in your life. And yes, for sure it can be upsetting.

I felt from the beginning this Election was like no other. Now it's coming out in the news (The 08 Race: A Sea Change for Politics as We Know It, NY Times) New Rules. Beginning to get the idea?
Take a look at my blog http://semiramisastrologer.blogspot.com/2008_09_01_archive.html and you'll see I called the Palin/Baden right, and based on the fact that Palin wouldn't be playing by the Old Rules.

So now YOU are going to have your own debate and election about your own Life. Let it be positive and life-changing, and let me be your guide.

Ger readings often and regularly. It will help with the bends ... sea change, you know.

Love and peace,
For readings, remail me at sdunn@susandunn.cc or call 817-734-1471. Readings by email or phone (I have clients all over the world), or in-person in the Dallas area.

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