Friday, December 26, 2008

Astrologically - the New Year 2009


URANUS ... he just will not leave us alone. And what a great rendition of him - all the fruit, the sweetness of Nature, the nourishment ... but he has the eyes of a satyr.

So what's happening now we need to know about?

We have an unusual clustering of planets to go with our Saturn-Uranus opposition. On the heels of the tumultuous Pluto transit. Remember - 3-6 months for the afterglow, fallout, or more precisely afterglow AND fallout. Yup, with Pluto, it's usually change .. both!


  • Self-respect and confidence - both of which you earn, by doing things. South Node in Leo says we have to have self-respect and confidence if we want to achieve the lasting, positive changes in our lives that Pluto ushered in. Pushed in. Shoved at us. OK, tormented us with.
  • Cause for celebration: If you've done the work (and there's still time - schedule a reading NOW - email me at to schedule), the end of the year will manifest concrete expression of something that's been just an idea, a wish, for you for a long, looooong time. Hooray!
  • Mercury and Saturn station retrograde in early January, so it's time to get it on, so to speak. Get it together and get it moving.
  • Self-forgiveness. Saturn here and the lessons this stren task-master teaches that we need and do not like. You may have gotten some shocks, made some poor decisions, dealt with karma ... it's been a hard last couple of months. Now's the time to 'get' what it is you learned. Spirit keeps that part of us on the griddle that still needs cooking. Let it get cooked and you won't have to deal with it any more. SEE what you saw, HEAR what you heard, BELIEVE it, and use it.

From today's mailbag:

Q: She's holed-up like an animal. Doesn't want to see anyone. Not even me. Says she's a loser and isn't worthy of love. She took a degrading job and says she has nothing to live for. What can I do? I love her so.

A: Send me her birth date, time and place of birth and let me take a look at her chart. She's probably a fixed sign. Many people right now are on the edge and the more resistant and rigid the person, the more difficult, even traumatic, this Pluto transit has been. Because OH HOW WE HATE to let go of anything we've INVESTED in, ESPECIALLY if it's hatred!!

Remember that Pluto gets rid of what needs to be gotten rid of. It has also presented many of us with "impossible" decisions. You know, where we think both alternatives stink. Well what really stinks is thinking there are only TWO alternatives. There are always a million alternatives. It is not a binary world!!!!

Psychically I'd say she had something in mind she wanted that she didn't get and is having the adult version of a temper tantrum. Spirit had something else in mind. Remember with Pluto, we ask for things in general terms, i.e., "a love relationship with a man," not "Darren." Looked at psychically, why would you wish for Darren? Doesn't the wish already imply that Darren is not interested? Another example, don't ask for money, ask for security. Get it? Or at another level, don't ask for money, ask to be where money is.

Family issues take a long time to change, because it took a long time to set them up. The people in a family come together in this lifetime for a reason. Let me do this person's Spiritual Life Path Chart and take a look at what's going on karmically, as well. See if she would consent to let me do a reading for her.

And speaking of turning anger inward, from Astrology: The Art of Awareness, a cautionary tale about this energy to get our lives together and moving:

The Capricorn face of Mars is deadly serious, determined, and cautious; which is
blessed news considering that the first aspect Mars in Capricorn makes is face to face combat with Pluto igniting a brute force of will that if not tempered with prudence could turn into a harsh ruthlessness. The planet disposing Mars this month is Saturn stationing retrograde on January 1 and delivering a cautionary message that if we do not want to turn that brute force within we need be mindful to begin our New Year in victorious self-awareness

Ruthless? Intimidation? Depression? Brute force? These are not what is meant by making lasting and positive change in your life. Remember, "Those who live by the sword, die by the sword."

Let me help you establish a place and mind-set for change to happen. Lay the groundwork. Make the plan. Then put your shoulder into it. Let me help you with a Strategy (Strategic is one of my top 5 Strengths on the StrengthsFinder profile).

In fact, if you've got new ideas for change, take the StrengthsFinder and let me read it for you. It's the best assessment out there in my opinion. It will turn you inward to acute self-awareness. You know, so you quit self-sabotaging, quit trying to make pigs fly, quit trying to put your square self in your parents' round hole ... It feels so good when you realize who you are and why you are here, like when you quit sticking a hot poker in your eyeball.

You get the idea! It's get ready ... get set ... and a great time for a reading. Email me at .

Free mini-reading if you mention this offer. First-time clients only.

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