If you're a Leo, living with one, or working with one, you can relate to this photo!!!
I wouldn't even try to put into words what's going on with Leos right now, but if you're a Leo, you know exactly (1) what this Lion is feeling, (2) why, and (3) what is about to happen.
I'm psychic, I read the cards, I'm intuitive, I've studied astrology ... and there's also a very common source of information that never fails me. The clients who call me, and what they call about. If I hadn't known about the Saturn/Uranus opposition in November, I could have figured it out by the clients calls. These things are not coincidences.
I get amped information on the days I read for dozens of people. For instance, today I read at the Dallas Psychic Fair, which is huge - Dallas' oldest and largest - and I'm booked all day. And here's the scoop. Like, if I didn't know anything about charts and planets, after today I could tell you that:
- Pisces and Leos are under tremendous pressure right now
- Sag comes in third place
- It's so foggy people aren't looking for an answer, they're groping for the QUESTION.
- As predicted previously, any social (or socialized) event this month is going to fall through, be under-attended, canceled, not come off, blah blah
- Scorpios were too pissed off to show up. (Astrologically, they are currently focused on finances. Stingy and sting-y.)
Yes, nerves are stretched. Find the things that calm you. A reading. A magnolia candle (to raise vibrations). Lavendar bath salts. Massage.
And yes, of course, astrology gives the scientific reason. It was a beautiful day weather-wise (after a rough week). The Center was decorated for Christmas with beautiful music playing. Everyone there was in good health. All the regulars were there, and the psychics and astrologers are the best. The vendors had beautiful new things for sale for holiday gifts. Proudly featured was our new 2009 Inspirational Wall Calendar which features two full pages at the back of my astrological predictions for next year, quotes from readers, and beautiful photographs by Max Buller.
SO WHY WAS IT ALL SO SOMBER AND SERIOUS? Read the previous blogs about this month's energy. And then there are those who took the Pluto hit right square in every single area of their life.
Email me at sdunn@susandunn.cc for a reading, or call me at 817-741-7223. I read internationally - by phone, email, in-person if you live in the Dallas area. I'm clairvoyant so distance makes no difference.
If you'd like to order one of the Inspirational Wall Calendars and see my General Themes for 2009, click this link. Your Inspirational Calendar will be mailed to you. P.S. They make great gifts.
Here's a sample from the calendar. Photo by Max Buller and inspirational message by Sandra Larson.

Many believe that Spirit lives within us.
Did you know that your being also dwells within Spirit?
Spirit is your sacred sanctuary.
No matter where you go, you are always home.
~ Sandra Larson
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