The Other Thing Men Want (The Perfect Holiday Gift)
This article by Susan is currently appearing on astrology signs insider.
Dating has gotten more complicated, there’s no question about it.
What most women want to know is how to attract (and keep) a man. In other words, What does a man want? We know the usual stuff - We know that men like to be told what we want, not to have to guess. We know that when they get grumpy or withdrawn, they “go in the cave,” and want to be left alone, and that it usually isn’t about us, they just want time alone. Especially if you’ve got a Scorpio, let your magnetic, mysterious guy crawl off and hide when he needs to. He’s charismatic, and you may dread his going off, but it’s worth it to avoid the sting of an annoyed Scorpio.
We also know men like to be listened to with respect. In fact, someone has said that “to be a man is to be listened to.” Well, yes, he probably likes to talk, and when he does, he wants us just to listen. He is not interested in feedback, just an audience, a sounding board. Any ‘comments’ may be construed as criticism, or that you assume he’s ‘weak’ and needs ‘help.’ Be particularly careful with this with an Aries guy. They cannot stand to be “criticized”.
Incidentally, this will be more pleasant with a Gemini guy, because they are usually excellent in diplomacy and will dazzle you with their mercurial wit and brilliance.
Men can’t stand it when we don’t say we’re mad when we are, but let it fester. It’s especially annoying when we store it as resentment, and then ‘attack’ them at a snuggly time. (This is like sabotage and builds up a sort of avoidance routine you don’t want to get in to.) If you’ve got a Cancer guy, be especially careful about this. They’re naturally psychic, so you can’t fool them, they know. So own up, get it out, get it over with.
Men want us to talk sweet! Teasing and sarcasm are turnoffs, as well as confusing. The knee-jerk reaction from a guy is to consider it an attack. With your Taurus guy, it should quickly develop into a silent rapport that is easier to deal with.
Men like to be acknowledged! (Don’t we all!) Catch him doing something right (or good or that you like) and thank him and you’ll likely get more of this. This works particularly well on a Leo because he cannot stand being controlled or dictated to. Handle him right and he is the most generous and magnanimous of the signs. Acknowledging the good things he does will cause the King of the Jungle to sheathe those claws and purr like a pussycat.
We know that men liked to be loved just as they are. Take special caution with your Aquarius guy. They are almost unbelievably independent. Any suggestion of ‘change,’ will engender, “It’s MY life!” That’s not what you meant, but why go there?
Guys also like reassurance. Once he knows you’re in it for the long-haul, heart and soul, he will fall right in line. You first! Especially if your love is a Virgo. To the Virgo male, love is not dramatic, emotional, or sentimental, it is devotion. Say it, show it, give it, and you will get.
No surprises here.
So what’s the OTHER thing men want? I know you’ve been waiting for this…Well, he really wants to be his best self, to know who he is, why he is here - his purpose - and that he’s living it out and it’s worthwhile. One gift you can give your man is find out his Spiritual Life Path, remind him of it, and let him know he’s on it. He wants meaning in his life, just like you do. It isn’t all about money, a new car, a Rolex or climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. A man’s life work goes best when it is aligned with his spiritual life purpose. This can be seen from his chart by an experienced astrologer who is knowledgeable in the spiritual life purpose. It involves his whole sense of being, worth and the meaning of his life.
A Spiritual Life Path Report makes a wonderful gift to your guy for the Christmas, the holidays, for Valentine’s Day, for his birthday, or simply for you to know and keep in mind as you love your man, whatever his sign.
To order your Spiritual Life Path Report (for him, or you, or them), email me at sdunn@susandunn.cc .
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