Saturday, December 6, 2008

Where are you going ... and Why?

We are entering that holy time of year. In every culture around the globe ... a time of giving, of introspection, of getting in touch with Spirit. A time of love.

At this time of year, as the year ends, you may be wondering if you are on your spiritual path.

In her article about the 10th house (how others see us, our reputation, persona, and also how well we do financially and materially), Dana Gerhardt writes beautifully about the Spiritual Path. She says:

[I]t's nice to have an impressive 10th house calling card. Walk through any graveyard, however, and the 10th house quickly loses its importance. You won't see "wealthy banker," "top insurance salesman," or "the sexiest guy on the block" etched onto any headstone. All the worldly success people struggle for and achieve dissolves at the cemetery into more personal descriptions: "beloved husband," "loving mother," "devoted sister." These terms belong to the house opposite the 10th, the 4th, which rules not only family, but endings. In deathbed scenes, people rarely express regret or gather comfort from their life's career choices. They don't wish for a little extra time to finish up that memo or earn another few thousand dollars. Rather, they wonder if they loved well enough, if they used their time to touch life deeply enough, if they traveled far enough on the spiritual path. Rarely do the dying obsess about 10th house things.

Would you like to know why you are here? Would you like to order your personal Spiritual Life Path Report? Email me at .

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