Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Caution is the Better Part of Valor - Week of December 16

CUIDADO - Be Careful
This time of year - astrologically (specific only to this time), PLUS the holidays PLUS the economic situation has emotions set high. It's running in the background for all of us, and it clouds clear thinking.

It's easy for misunderstandings to happen now.

General advice for all signs for the next couple of weeks:
  1. Be especially careful with communication with close friends, lovers and colleagues.

    1. Expect what you say to be misinterpreted settling off a constellation of misunderstanding.

    2. If this happens, take time immediately to address it or it will escalate which will complicate your life even more and add more stress

    3. Slow down. Say less. Keep busy and slap on a veneer.

    4. Put it off if you can.
Of course "A stitch in time saves nine." In other words, watch your words. The smartest thing to do is approach all communication with care. Think before you say it.

Resists ALL URGES to blurt something out. This is simply not the time. In other words, the thing you're most likely to want to say is the thing you'll regret having said later.
If all else fails, disengage and walk away. A lot of people are just plain out looking for a fight - to relieve the tension.

Contact me for a free mini-reading - sdunn@susandunn.cc or 817-734-1471.

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