Sunday, August 17, 2008

Historia de un Letrero

How to get through the next two weeks

I can't impress upon you what a tedious time this is. Some might even say dangerous - in terms of pressing issues, relationships, matters at work.

The people around you don't know the answer because they don't even know the questions. Pressing any issue now is disastrous. Get busy with your own sweet things - nature, a psychic reading, a walk with the dog, a massage, helping someone who needs help (don't ask, just do it - go to the store for them, listen, solve a small problem for them, make them laugh). Be around the few Evolved Old Souls out there who walk around with sweet smiles on their calm faces.
There's one I know who is only 25. Theyare everywhere is you look.

Probable outcomes of pressuring people now are that they will default (yield to their internal irritability and take the course of lease resistance) - fire you, ask for a divorce, end the dating relationship, cancel the contract, refuse the loan, demote you, cancel your leasem end the friendship, say something very difficult to forgive ...

From other experts:

Nancy Fenn, leading psychic and astrologer, and nation's expert on Saturn Return:

And as always, watch out for the more and more difficult energy between now and November. Mars is still involved with both malefics Uranus and Pluto in very bad ways. Especially the next two weeks the universe has some peoples’ heads in a vice trying to get them to transform in badly, critically needed ways and they are resisting because it is human nature to fear change even though they are rotten miserable where they are. They are also working next to you, riding your bumper on the freeway, looking over your loan papers, checking you out at the grocery, reading your dental x-rays and teaching your kids. They are not sleeping well and rhey are stuffing junk food or cigarettes to go numb. Then there are the dangerous recidivists [returning to drugs or alcohol]. . .

Heads up. Give your fellow humans a wide berth. Deescalate all confrontations and wait for better times to press your point if you possibly can.


Feel free to make excuses - too busy, don't pick up the phone, say you'll reply to the email next week, beg off on potentially tense social situations, suggest a time in about 2 weeks, put off any of those "we need to talk" things. NOBODY KNOWS WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT!!

WE ARE BETWEEN ECLIPSES. Use this coming Aquarian moon (til August 29th) to get a reading and let me help you envision your best possible situation come November. I'm here to help!

Aquarius and Leo? Can there be love.

Is anyone home??

Can you tell me what to do? I'm a Leo and I fell in love with an Aquarius. It has turned out to cause me more tears than any romance I've been in, yet he keeps pulling me back into it. He will occasionally say the things I like and need to hear, and then he becomes totally distant. I'm so confused. He tells me all the time (he's a doctor) how important it is to LISTEN to people (his patients), but he sure doesn't listen to ME. He can be so cold I can't believe it. Once in the middle of a state-of-the-art relationship talk, he took a phone call. Sometimes he'll go weeks without getting together with me. What am I doing wrong? Is this just a bad match? I can't figure out what attracted me to him in the first place. --Saneetra

The trouble with this pairing is that the two signs have definitions of LOVE that are almost diametrically opposed.

Aquarian, despite being thought to be the lovers of people, are not so demonstrative about a person in general. They are always at a distance, without sentimental committment.

The Leo needs lots of romanticism and sentiment, and rarely does a Aquarius fit the bill. They start strong (what man doesn't) and then, it's off to IMPORTANT things, generally Aquarian, like saving the world, taking care of "people", climbing mountains, anything but the woman they're with.

It's possible for some Leos and Aquarians to function, but it's more like "function," if you know what I mean. Aquarians are intellectuals, not very interested in their emotional side. They often think it "silly." I remember counseling one Aquarian that he needed to work on his emotional intelligence, and he said, laughing, "you can't be emotional AND be intelligent." Uh oh.
The only saving grace is if the Aquarian understands the Leo pride. To be ignored is not going to work with a Leo.
I'd look elsewhere. He's drawn to you for what he's missing, but he can't connect to it.
If you're in a relationship, let me do a compatibility reading for you. Email me at .

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Saturn's Return and what it means to you

SATURN'S RETURN is now playing in Sydney, Australia, the new work of Tommy Murphy. In an interview on SameSame, Murphy talks about his new play.

“It’s about the fragility of love, even if love is lost… the play becomes a
cautionary tale about how you have to hold on to those treasured moments. I hope it’s a really optimistic play about the beauty of love,” he says.

Astrologically, as you know, the Saturn Returns (between 28 years and 30; between 58 and 60; between 88 and 90) are crucial times in your life. It's a time of endings and new beginnings.

Muphy adds about his play:

“It’s about any moment for anyone, of any age, when they’re consciously entering a new chapter… I feel like that happens every Monday morning, not every 29 years!” [Murphy] jokes.

This applies to readings as well. It's very important to get a Saturn Return reading. And maybe every Monday morning, as well.

Let me read for you. This is a difficult time right nows - between 2 eclipses, the "time of surprises" until November; the Dog Days (Sirius) ... I'm here to help.

email me at . Readings by email, phone or in person (Dallas area).
image from

Monday, August 11, 2008

A Time of Redos, Makeovers, Changes

I've been saying that between now and November, to expect surprises, reversals, big changes, and more of the same.

Faleesha has done just that. I hadn't talked to her in a couple of months, and what was her news? She is back with her boyfriend; she has changed her administrative assistant after 10 years; and she is moving her office back to where it used to be.

These are the kinds of reversals and changes that are happening these days.

Another one?

Marcella has had her eye on this guy and he has been flirting with her outrageously. She thought she had found her guy. Well last night she found out from someone else that he is married. She emailed me, "It's too bad, but I'm relieved. Now I can get on with my life. Lucky I found out when I did."

Be expecting surprises! If you expect them, you are prepared.

Come to the Dallas Psychic Fair the first Sunday of the month for a reading, and bring your friends. Remember that I do reading in-person, by email or by phone. Nights and weekends.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Cameron Diaz the Virgo

Cameron Diaz telling her boyfriend, Paul Sculfor, who had moved his stuff into her house, that she vants to be alone?? A VirgO?

Cameron, who admitted to being commitment phobic on the Ellen Degeneres show, has had her history with this.

So what's in the chart of this VIRGO that might make her so commitment shy?

Well she's independent, for sure. A moon in Taurus - she likes her stability and security, but there's also the conjunct Mars (fighter! masculine planet!) which is where she gets that kind of boyish energy and personality as well as wanting to be the boss in relationships. And not liking to be confined. Picture the bull in the china shop.

Her Venus is squared by Uranus, the planet of revolution and rebellion. They don't like to be dependent on others.

Virgos often live alone for long periods because they're so picky, picky ...

At the same time, all of us have experienced a difficult past month. The solar eclipse (between eclipses really), which makes this a hard two weeks. Then we have the Pluto retrograde meaning "surprises." Well Paul certainly got one of those 'surprises' I've been talking about. And we might expect it to reverse itself again, and maybe another time, before we can all settle down to New Lives in November.

And then there's the Uranus Retrograde until November 26. A time to reconsider attempts at separation and individuation you tried before that didn't work. One fellow astrologer puts it well - watch the choices right now, because there's no turning back to the way it used to be.

Surely this is a hard time for her and we wish her the best.

If you've ever lived with a Virgo, as I have, you might agree it's delightful, once they consider it their home and you as part of it. And sad when it ends.

Photo: wikimedia commons, Caroline Bonarde Ucci photographer.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Don't Ask for it Unless You're Sure You Want it

I mean, don't mess with people right now. Let sleeping dogs lie.

Until around August 26th, the energy is going to be awful.

F'rinstance, if you've been dating a woman for a while, and a gift occasion arises, don't give her a ring. She'll see that ring box and ... There's plenty of other jewelry to choose from, guys. DON'T TEASE.

Especially, don't mess with the Fixed Signs and the Fire Signs right now, and if you're dealing with one who's both (like a Leo), be patient and gentle. Otherwise you're likely to get claws.

If you live in the Dallas area, be sure and come see me at the Dallas Psychic Fair every first Sunday. And bring your friends!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Leo in Love

The highly evolved Leo in love ... faithful, loyal, brave and true.
(This is story of Christian the lion, and it's a beautiful story.)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it"
-Helen Keller

The watchword from now until November is - surprises. Some you may like, others you may not. Whatever it is, it will change. You will provide unnecessary suffering to yourself and others if you resist change.

During this time period, situations and relationships you are in may flip-flop. Good, bad, then back again; some mild, some stronger. There will be beginnings and endings ... and they may flip-flop again. Consider all this "in flux" until November, and don't over-react to any one thing.

Remember other people are feeling it too.

Don't force any issues right now. Mainly because there's no reason to!

Sometimes when I'm doing a reading, the person isn't interested in hearing about the global things on astrologically. This is important information. You can understand the people around you when you know what's going on, the things that apply to all of us.

This is a time to stay centered and balanced. A reading can help you.

Geminis and Leos appear to be under particular pressure right now. If you are involved with one, you will know what I'm talking about.

Getting a reading to find out about your particular situation.

Meanwhile, remember to enjoy the shooting stars which will peak August 11-13. I talked to someone today who lives up on a hill where it gets dark, and she said she saw some last night and it was spectacular. The Pleides are putting a show for us all to enjoy.

This photo is from wikipedia and in the public domain.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Perseids - shooting stars


Famous birthdays, August 11
  • Ray Garrett, Jr., former chairman of the SEC
  • Arlene Dahl, actress
  • Hulk Hogan, wrestler
This spectacular display of SHOOTING STARS that occurs every summer is named Perseids because it appears to come from the constellation, Perseus. It began around July 23rd, with one meteor per hour. There will be about 50-80 per hour by August 11-13.

It is believed that dreams come true on the night of the shooting stars. Be ready for some action in your love life.


Meteors are bits of debris left behind by comets. The Perseid is from the Comet Swift-Tuttle, the largest object known to make repeated passes near the Earth. It's nucleus, about 6 miles across, is "roughly equal to the object that wiped out dinosaurs." (

The shooting stars are fast. They enter the
Earth’s atmosphere at over 133,000 mph. They range in size from a grain of sand to peas and marbles. When they hit the ground (rare), they are called meteorites.

When the Perseid particle enters the atmosphere, it compresses the air in front of it, which heats up. The meteor can become more than 3,000 degrees. This intense heat then vaporizes the meteors, creating what we call SHOOTING STARS.

Some large meteors splatter, causing a brighter flash called a fireball, and sometimes an explosion that can often be heard from the ground.

The Swift-Tuttle has a 13- year orbit around the Sun. Each time it has left a trail, and each trail has meteors. The best time to view is pre-dawn. This year, there will be a bright moon (gibbous) which will set about 1:30 a.m. Then the sky will be dark enough for good observation. The show began around July 17th, but the full moon interfered with vision. There will be about 10 other showers going on at the same time, including the Kappa Cygnids.

Photo credit: wikimedia commons

This is a good time to get a reading about your dreams coming true!

What's Up with Geminis?

Today I read at the Dallas Psychic Fair. It's like a microcosm - a small picture of a bigger picture. Like an example of what this month's reading selection has been like.

Here's what's going on.

  • The first 6 people to sit down were Geminis. (A current transit is stressing the heck out of them.) It will pass. But a good time for a reading.
  • The Leos looked stunned - they've been put through the wringer, and were happy but didn't know why. Why? Because psychically they 'know' that this past week's new moon, solar eclipse in Leo, was the Mother of all NEW BEGINNINGS. Suggest a reading in 2 weeks.
  • The Scorpios are braced, as if they're about to be hit. Even more vigilant and mysterious than usual ... one of them did not give his real name. Scorps will be hit, we'll all be hit with surprises from now to November, but being prepared is what it's all about. Scorps should get a reading NOW, to prepare for your individual situation.
  • Pisces are getting hit hard by people around them looking for comfort during this bumpy ride. They're ready for some relief.
I spent some time this weekend with a former professional boxer who also did boxing coaching. Since I coach, I had him show me some moves. That head bobbing, I asked, what's that all about? He said if you duck your head, which is the usual reaction, you'll get clobbered because YOU CAN'T SEE.

So two watchwords for what's coming -- keep your head up, prepared, so you can SEE; and keep your knees bent, like for water skiing. Then you'll be fine.

Call me for a reading 817-741-7223, or email me at .

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sirius Sunshine

If you're a Leo - this new moon and solar eclipse signal a NEW BEGINNING for you. It's that way for all of us, just moreso for Leos. A great time to find the love of your life, the dream job, the perfect place to live, the home you always wanted.

This is a time to visualize what you want to have happen in the coming months. Do NOT focus on what you don't want. In other words, if you need more money, visualize yourself living in wealth. If you're tired of being overweight, picture yourself at your ideal weight.

This is a time when visualized what you WANT is the thing to do.

IF YOU LIVE IN THE Dallas/Ft. Worth area, come see me tomorrow, SUnday, August 2nd, at the Dallas Psychic Fair. And bring your friends!

Friday, August 1, 2008

New Moon Solar Eclipse

This is a great time for New Beginnings. Very powerful.

At the same time, take care of your safety in the next 2 weeks - that means your MOUTH as well as driving, and losing things.


  1. Stay cool.
  2. Drive as little as possible and with caution.
  3. Avoid people jerking your chain or provoking others.
  4. Count to 10 before you speak.

As always, I'm here to help. Email me to request a reading ( to find out what this means for you in particular.

If you're in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, come for a reading Sunday at the Dallas Psychic Fair - and bring your friends.