Portrait of Gertrude Stein, by Picasso. Allegedly someone told Picasso that Gertrude did not like her portrait. Picasso replied, "She will." 334 of Picasso's works have been sold for over $1,000,000.
I love this stuff. Do you? Chocolate consuption caught my eye. We know how good it makes us feel. It's funny because today in Dallas, Texas it was very cold. My friend who works in a boutique convenience store told me that they sold a lot more chocolate stuff than usual. One man even came in and bought a Snickers and cup of hot chocolate, said "Terrible day. I'm going to sit out in my truck and chill."
From today's mailbag:
The deepest oceans in the world, average depth in meters
Pacific, 3,939
Indian, 3,840
Atlantic, 3,575
Longest rivers in the world in kilometers
Nile, 6,693
Amazon 6,436
Yangtze, 6,378
Worlds largest lakes in square kilometers
Caspian Sea, 371,000
Michigan and Huron, 117,610
Superior, 82,100
Largest countries in the world, in million sq. kilometers
Russia, 17.1
Canada, 10.0
China, 9.3
US, 9.2
Countries with most billionaires
US, 269
Japan, 29
Germany, 28
Italy, 17
Top 10 cleanest countries
Countries with greatest population in millions
China, 1,300.0
India 1,080.0
USA, 295.7
Nations with largest workforce in million eligible workers
China, 767
India, 442
USA, 145
Highest household size
Iraq, 7.7
Equatorial Guinea, 7.5
Pakistan, 6.8
Most births per year, mllions births
India, 24.1
China, 16.7
Nigeria, 5.3
Lowest average birth rates (percent)
Mexico, 9.4
Japan 8.6
Hungary 8.4
Highest life expectance in years
Andorra 83.5
San Marino 81.6
Japan 81.2
Highest death rates per 1,000 population
Botswana 28.92
Angola 25.86
Lesotho 24.79
Highest divorce rates (per 1,000)
Maldives, 10.97
Belarus 4.63
US, 4.34
Countries with higest suicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants per year
Lithuania 42.0
Russia, 37.4
Belarus 35.0
Latvia 34.3
Best European cities to visit
Best honeymoon destinations
Popular dream cruises
South America
Baltic sea
Top 10 expensive restaurants
Aragawa, Tokyo
Arpege, Paris
Elgens Inn farm, Toronto
Most common causes of accidental death
motor vehicle crashes, 43,200
falls 14,900
poisoning 8,000
drowning, 4,000
Bottled water drinking nations in liters per capita
Italy, 177,1
Spain, 156,7
France, 152,5
Biggest alcohol consumption, litres per capita by pop over age 15
Luxembourg, 14.9
Ireland, 14.2
Portugal, 13.0
Most popular Cocktails
Sex on the Beach
Original Art works sold for over $1 million
Picasso, 334
Monet, 249
Renoir, 219
Brightest dogs (understand new commands in less than 5 reps)
Border Collies
German Shepherd
Countries with most cows, in millions
India, 226.1
Brazil, 176.5
China, 108.3
Top European Castles
Mont Saint Michel
Ice cream consumers, pint per capita
Australia, 44.3
New Zealand, 33.4
USA, 33
Coffee drinking nations, cups per capita
Finland, 1,686
Denmark, 1,374
Norway, 1,372
Belgium, 1,354
Bread consumers, kg per capita
Ireland, 5.6
UK, 4.8
New Zealand, 2.4
Chocolate consumption, kg per cap
Switzerland, 11.4
UK, 9.5
Belgium, 8.7
Germany, 8.6