Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hang on, Relief in Sight

At last - what you want you can reach for.

We have all been on a roller coaster for several weeks (months?) Up and down ... sounds great, OH NO ... expansion, contraction, got it in the bag - whoops, know what I want, no I don't ... this is it, but others won't cooperate.

Amounts to (depending on your astrological sign)
  • frustration (Leo),
  • anger Scorpio),
  • defeatism (Aries. Aries, feeling defeated?? you KNOW it's bad),
  • confusion (Gemini),
  • tuning out (Libra),
  • intellectualization (Taurus),
  • feeling stuck (Pisces),
  • and so forth.

If I left your sign out, you know what you've been going through.

Well relief is on the way. Big ideas will start to come, unless you hold them back from FEAR, as Mercury (the great communicator) moves into conjunct with Jupiter (the Big One).

Also Aquarius-the-Intelligent Moon will enable us. Get back to your dreams.

Call me for a reading, to move this forward. I can help you with the "fear" part and we've ALL got "nerves" after the past couple weeks - months.

I'm here to help. sdunn@susandunn.cc . 817-741-7223.

Free mini-reading, new clients only, please. Email me. Get a taste of what it's like to have me read for you.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


My nieces and nephew:


Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Heavens Herald the Holiday Season

This is the Christmas Tree Cluster. In the middle is the Snowflake Cluster.

This is The Snowflake Cluster

This is the Christmas Tree Cluster

Both are located in the Monoceros Constellation, about 800 parsecs or 2600 light-years from Earth.
The stars in the Snowflake Cluster are only about 100,000 years old - in stellar terms, just babies. Eventually they will drift away, breaking up the snowflake pattern.
So enjoy it now!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Astrologically - the New Year 2009


URANUS ... he just will not leave us alone. And what a great rendition of him - all the fruit, the sweetness of Nature, the nourishment ... but he has the eyes of a satyr.

So what's happening now we need to know about?

We have an unusual clustering of planets to go with our Saturn-Uranus opposition. On the heels of the tumultuous Pluto transit. Remember - 3-6 months for the afterglow, fallout, or more precisely afterglow AND fallout. Yup, with Pluto, it's usually change .. both!


  • Self-respect and confidence - both of which you earn, by doing things. South Node in Leo says we have to have self-respect and confidence if we want to achieve the lasting, positive changes in our lives that Pluto ushered in. Pushed in. Shoved at us. OK, tormented us with.
  • Cause for celebration: If you've done the work (and there's still time - schedule a reading NOW - email me at sdunn@susandunn.cc to schedule), the end of the year will manifest concrete expression of something that's been just an idea, a wish, for you for a long, looooong time. Hooray!
  • Mercury and Saturn station retrograde in early January, so it's time to get it on, so to speak. Get it together and get it moving.
  • Self-forgiveness. Saturn here and the lessons this stren task-master teaches that we need and do not like. You may have gotten some shocks, made some poor decisions, dealt with karma ... it's been a hard last couple of months. Now's the time to 'get' what it is you learned. Spirit keeps that part of us on the griddle that still needs cooking. Let it get cooked and you won't have to deal with it any more. SEE what you saw, HEAR what you heard, BELIEVE it, and use it.

From today's mailbag:

Q: She's holed-up like an animal. Doesn't want to see anyone. Not even me. Says she's a loser and isn't worthy of love. She took a degrading job and says she has nothing to live for. What can I do? I love her so.

A: Send me her birth date, time and place of birth and let me take a look at her chart. She's probably a fixed sign. Many people right now are on the edge and the more resistant and rigid the person, the more difficult, even traumatic, this Pluto transit has been. Because OH HOW WE HATE to let go of anything we've INVESTED in, ESPECIALLY if it's hatred!!

Remember that Pluto gets rid of what needs to be gotten rid of. It has also presented many of us with "impossible" decisions. You know, where we think both alternatives stink. Well what really stinks is thinking there are only TWO alternatives. There are always a million alternatives. It is not a binary world!!!!

Psychically I'd say she had something in mind she wanted that she didn't get and is having the adult version of a temper tantrum. Spirit had something else in mind. Remember with Pluto, we ask for things in general terms, i.e., "a love relationship with a man," not "Darren." Looked at psychically, why would you wish for Darren? Doesn't the wish already imply that Darren is not interested? Another example, don't ask for money, ask for security. Get it? Or at another level, don't ask for money, ask to be where money is.

Family issues take a long time to change, because it took a long time to set them up. The people in a family come together in this lifetime for a reason. Let me do this person's Spiritual Life Path Chart and take a look at what's going on karmically, as well. See if she would consent to let me do a reading for her.

And speaking of turning anger inward, from Astrology: The Art of Awareness, a cautionary tale about this energy to get our lives together and moving:

The Capricorn face of Mars is deadly serious, determined, and cautious; which is
blessed news considering that the first aspect Mars in Capricorn makes is face to face combat with Pluto igniting a brute force of will that if not tempered with prudence could turn into a harsh ruthlessness. The planet disposing Mars this month is Saturn stationing retrograde on January 1 and delivering a cautionary message that if we do not want to turn that brute force within we need be mindful to begin our New Year in victorious self-awareness

Ruthless? Intimidation? Depression? Brute force? These are not what is meant by making lasting and positive change in your life. Remember, "Those who live by the sword, die by the sword."

Let me help you establish a place and mind-set for change to happen. Lay the groundwork. Make the plan. Then put your shoulder into it. Let me help you with a Strategy (Strategic is one of my top 5 Strengths on the StrengthsFinder profile).

In fact, if you've got new ideas for change, take the StrengthsFinder and let me read it for you. It's the best assessment out there in my opinion. It will turn you inward to acute self-awareness. You know, so you quit self-sabotaging, quit trying to make pigs fly, quit trying to put your square self in your parents' round hole ... It feels so good when you realize who you are and why you are here, like when you quit sticking a hot poker in your eyeball.

You get the idea! It's get ready ... get set ... and a great time for a reading. Email me at sdunn@susandunn.cc .

Free mini-reading if you mention this offer. First-time clients only.

Divorces Peak in January. Here's Why.

Was your festive lunch all sweetness and light? We meet the couples who say: 'Christmas killed our marriage'. An article appearing in dailymail.co.uk written on Christmas Day.

From the article:

Lawyers across Britain report that the annual New Year's dash to file for divorce is second only to the stampede at the Harrods sale.

'January is our busiest time,' explains Lindsey Canning, a lawyer with Wake Smith & Tofields in Sheffield. Family rows, infidelity at the office Christmas party, and money worries are the reasons most commonly cited by couples filing for divorce at this time of year.

'The credit crunch is putting extra pressure on couples, causing more rows about finance and resentment if they can't really afford to divorce and sell their home in the current climate.'

Feeling the pressure? Get a free mini-reading. EMAIL ME to schedule yours.

Chichen Itza. the Planet Venus, Pluto Transit and Transformation


Progreso, Chichen Itza, the Planet Venus, the Pluto Transit (afterglow or fallout?) and Transformation

The three of us were headed for Cozumel on Carnival's Ecstasy but it was synchronicity that, at the end of this Pluto transit which brought agonizing demand for change and letting go to all of us who are conscious, we ended up in the Yucatan, in Progreso, where the mystical Mayan Chichen-Itza is. One of the 7 Wonders of the World. Chichen Itza even includes a worship to the planet Venus and all our concerns were about love. Aren't they always? Love of a place, a thing, a person, a lifestyle, of life, of death, of self-love ... (Take a look at the Mayan Calendar here.)

Yes, we were the Ship of Fools, fools like the Tarot - stepping joyfully forward, not exactly knowing where we would end up.

The Fool is the spirit in search of experience. He represents the mystical cleverness bereft of reason within us, the childlike ability to tune into the inner workings of the world. The sun shining behind him represents the divine nature of the Fool's wisdom and exuberance. On his back are all the possessions he might need. In his hand there is a flower, showing his appreciation of beauty. He is frequently accompanied by a dog, sometimes seen as his animal desires, sometimes as the call of the "real world", nipping at his heels and distracting him. He is seemingly unconcerned that he is standing on a precipice, apparently about to step off.

And A SHIP OF 'FOOLS' IT WAS -- a young crowd, many happy families, perhaps over 600 children. And that many more adults acting childlike - with wonder.

In our trio, one wanted to live where loved, the other wanted to be loved by another, and the third wanted to do work she loved.

On this Ship of Fools to Chichen Itza, all 3 of us received clear and crucial information about the important decisions we each faced -- for there were angels unawares.

"I would do this if I were choosing a career these days," said the Angel of the Hot Tub ... and pegged the field she needed to be in and was already half-prepared for, all unknowing.
The Angel Cindy Lou Who addressed issues the would-be-mover needed to know. That the moral of the story (The Grinch ... and ours, as well) is precisely that Christmas - or anything else - is not about costly presents and the conspicuous display of wealth, but about the goodwill and peace in your life.

And the Angel who rode Pericles delivered the appropriate Funeral Oration for the one who needed to let go - as Pluto demands. Great orator, leading statesman, who swept away the last traces of aristocratic institutions from Athens, she channeled the words and philosophy of Pericles from his Funeral Oration:

  • We rely not upon management or trickery, but upon our own hearts and hands.
  • In the matter of education, whereas [others] from early youth are always undergoing laborious exercises which are to make them brave, we live at ease, and yet are equally ready to face the perils which they face.
  • We go alone into a neighbor's country [the unknown that Pluto impels us toward] ... and we have seldom any difficulty in overcoming them.
    If then we prefer to meet danger with a light heart but without laborious training, and with a courage which is gained by habit and not enforced by law, are we not greatly the better for it?
  • Since we do not anticipate the pain, although, when the hour comes, we can be as brave as those who never allow themselves to rest; thus our city is equally admirable in peace and in war.

    Percles adorned Athens with art, museums and poetry which "rejoiced the hearts and cultivated the taste of poor and rich alike," and our Angel Pericles did this for us all - paying for the cruise, giving us a thing of beauty and the rest we needed. Just what WAS that thing up in the sky that night? Was it the Mayan god Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli who embodies the energy of understanding and communication? Cindy Lou Who knew.

    "Powerful from the dignity of his character as well as from his wisdom, and known to be incorruptible, [Pericles] restrained the people with a free hand, and was their real leader instead of being led by them. For, not being a seeker of favour from unworthy sources, he did not speak with any view to present favour, but had sufficient sense of dignity to contradict the people on occasion, even braving their displeasure ..." (From "Pericles") Like the Fool in the Shakespeare play - the only one who can speak the Truth.

Facing her own war, and supporting the battles of the others, our Angel Pericles "entered on the Peloponnesian war, which was to end twenty-five years after his death in the ruin of Athens, with cheerful confidence...."

We were presented with the model of abundant charm in Luis Enrique, who convinced the unconvinceable; the charm of Captain Candalero Donato, who showed us how to deliver bad news without delivering bad news ... and the Angel who rode Jonah shored up the one in danger of being swallowed by a whale (one of those formidable Pisces) ...

Jonah? According to wikipedia:

Jonah's passive character then is contrasted with the other main character: God (lit. "I will be what I will be"). God's character is altogether active. While Jonah flees, God pursues. While Jonah falls, God lifts up. The character of God in the story is progressively revealed through the use of irony. In the first part of the book, God is depicted as relentless and wrathful; in the second part of the book, He is revealed to be truly loving and merciful.

And so it is with Pluto, the god to whom there is no altar, no begging for mercy. Pluto actively removes what doesn't work any more and in this, is truly loving and merciful.

Messages were everywhere, Angels abundant. The Grinch who stole Christmas even served us dinner each night; we, who stole away at Christmas for peace, relaxation, and answers ...

Each us us returned in time for Christmas with ... those people and things with which we needed to deal.

And let us not forget the return trip home, where Spirit, I mean the Spirit of Christmas appeared, in the guise of a huge African-American man in a red pickup truck ... showing that help is always available. We need only need it, and be willing to accept it. But that's another story.

Whether you're in the afterglow of the Pluto transit, or the fallout - or both - look for information and look for Angels. Let me read for you at this important time. Email me to schedule your reading. I'm here to help.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Other Thing Men Want (the Perfect Holiday Gift)

The Other Thing Men Want (The Perfect Holiday Gift)

This article by Susan is currently appearing on astrology signs insider.

Dating has gotten more complicated, there’s no question about it.

What most women want to know is how to attract (and keep) a man. In other words, What does a man want? We know the usual stuff - We know that men like to be told what we want, not to have to guess. We know that when they get grumpy or withdrawn, they “go in the cave,” and want to be left alone, and that it usually isn’t about us, they just want time alone. Especially if you’ve got a Scorpio, let your magnetic, mysterious guy crawl off and hide when he needs to. He’s charismatic, and you may dread his going off, but it’s worth it to avoid the sting of an annoyed Scorpio.

We also know men like to be listened to with respect. In fact, someone has said that “to be a man is to be listened to.” Well, yes, he probably likes to talk, and when he does, he wants us just to listen. He is not interested in feedback, just an audience, a sounding board. Any ‘comments’ may be construed as criticism, or that you assume he’s ‘weak’ and needs ‘help.’ Be particularly careful with this with an Aries guy. They cannot stand to be “criticized”.
Incidentally, this will be more pleasant with a Gemini guy, because they are usually excellent in diplomacy and will dazzle you with their mercurial wit and brilliance.
Men can’t stand it when we don’t say we’re mad when we are, but let it fester. It’s especially annoying when we store it as resentment, and then ‘attack’ them at a snuggly time. (This is like sabotage and builds up a sort of avoidance routine you don’t want to get in to.) If you’ve got a Cancer guy, be especially careful about this. They’re naturally psychic, so you can’t fool them, they know. So own up, get it out, get it over with.
Men want us to talk sweet! Teasing and sarcasm are turnoffs, as well as confusing. The knee-jerk reaction from a guy is to consider it an attack. With your Taurus guy, it should quickly develop into a silent rapport that is easier to deal with.
Men like to be acknowledged! (Don’t we all!) Catch him doing something right (or good or that you like) and thank him and you’ll likely get more of this. This works particularly well on a Leo because he cannot stand being controlled or dictated to. Handle him right and he is the most generous and magnanimous of the signs. Acknowledging the good things he does will cause the King of the Jungle to sheathe those claws and purr like a pussycat.
We know that men liked to be loved just as they are. Take special caution with your Aquarius guy. They are almost unbelievably independent. Any suggestion of ‘change,’ will engender, “It’s MY life!” That’s not what you meant, but why go there?
Guys also like reassurance. Once he knows you’re in it for the long-haul, heart and soul, he will fall right in line. You first! Especially if your love is a Virgo. To the Virgo male, love is not dramatic, emotional, or sentimental, it is devotion. Say it, show it, give it, and you will get.
No surprises here.
So what’s the OTHER thing men want? I know you’ve been waiting for this…Well, he really wants to be his best self, to know who he is, why he is here - his purpose - and that he’s living it out and it’s worthwhile. One gift you can give your man is find out his Spiritual Life Path, remind him of it, and let him know he’s on it. He wants meaning in his life, just like you do. It isn’t all about money, a new car, a Rolex or climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. A man’s life work goes best when it is aligned with his spiritual life purpose. This can be seen from his chart by an experienced astrologer who is knowledgeable in the spiritual life purpose. It involves his whole sense of being, worth and the meaning of his life.

A Spiritual Life Path Report makes a wonderful gift to your guy for the Christmas, the holidays, for Valentine’s Day, for his birthday, or simply for you to know and keep in mind as you love your man, whatever his sign.

To order your Spiritual Life Path Report (for him, or you, or them), email me at sdunn@susandunn.cc .

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back

Every culture has a proverb related to the straw that broke the camel's back. Why? Because it's oh-so-true.

Lighten your load if you see this point coming. And don't allow some small thing to be "the straw that broke the camel's back."

The straw that broke the camel's back is an Arab proverb. Camels were so much a part of their culture. They keep loading things on the camel, and then they put one more straw on there, and it breaks the camel's back.

From wikipedia:

One of the earliest published usages of this phrase was in Charles Dickens's Dombey and Son where he says "As the last straw breaks the laden camel's back", meaning that there is a limit to everyone's endurance, or everyone has his breaking point.

Here are the proverbs from other countries:

Arabic Original : القشه التى قصمت ظهر البعير
Danish equivalent: Dråben, der fik bægeret til at flyde over, meaning the drop that made the glass overflow.
French equivalent: la goutte d'eau qui fait déborder le vase, meaning the drop of water that makes the vase overflow.
German equivalent: Der Tropfen, der das Fass zum Überlaufen bringt, meaning the drop that makes the barrel overflow.
Dutch equivalent: De druppel die de emmer doet overlopen, meaning the drop that makes the bucket overflow.
Spanish equivalent: La gota que colmó/derramó el vaso, meaning the drop that spills over the glass.
Greek equivalent: Η σταγόνα που ξεχύλισε το ποτήρι, meaning the drop that made the glass overflow.
Italian equivalent: La goccia che fa traboccare il vaso, meaning the drop of water that makes the jar overflow.
Romanian equivalent: Picătura care a umplut paharul, meaning the drop that filled the glass.
Swedish equivalent: Droppen som fick bägaren att rinna över, meaning the drop that made the bucket overflow.
Turkish equivalent: Bardağı taşıran son damla, meaning the drop of water that makes the glass overflow.
Hebrew equivalent: הקש ששבר את גב הגמל, meaning the straw that broke the camel's back.
Norwegian equivalent: "Liten tue velter stort lass", roughly translates to "small bump makes coach tip over"

Another version is "I'm on my last nerve" because you get so overloaded. Please don't.

Email me at sdunn@susandunn.cc for a free mini-reading.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Caution is the Better Part of Valor - Week of December 16

CUIDADO - Be Careful
This time of year - astrologically (specific only to this time), PLUS the holidays PLUS the economic situation has emotions set high. It's running in the background for all of us, and it clouds clear thinking.

It's easy for misunderstandings to happen now.

General advice for all signs for the next couple of weeks:
  1. Be especially careful with communication with close friends, lovers and colleagues.

    1. Expect what you say to be misinterpreted settling off a constellation of misunderstanding.

    2. If this happens, take time immediately to address it or it will escalate which will complicate your life even more and add more stress

    3. Slow down. Say less. Keep busy and slap on a veneer.

    4. Put it off if you can.
Of course "A stitch in time saves nine." In other words, watch your words. The smartest thing to do is approach all communication with care. Think before you say it.

Resists ALL URGES to blurt something out. This is simply not the time. In other words, the thing you're most likely to want to say is the thing you'll regret having said later.
If all else fails, disengage and walk away. A lot of people are just plain out looking for a fight - to relieve the tension.

Contact me for a free mini-reading - sdunn@susandunn.cc or 817-734-1471.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Palliative Care ... Dealing with Death

This transit, from which the fallout will continue for some time, was a safe time for those who wanted to get off the wheel to do so.

"Die" is the medical term for this.

At this difficult time of year, the Dallas Morning News has chosen to focus on a difficult subject -- death and dying.

Palliative care.

The huge spread is full of language like

The Angel of Death
At the edge of life
Dealing with the "D-word"
Comfort, pain emerge from hard truths
Palliative goal is easing end of life
Making the process less painful
Helping loved ones understand their choices
When medical treatment would do more harm than good

And a very special nurse named Min Patel, who works both sides of the desk, as it were. The patients and their families on one side, and the doctors on the other. For a doctor's job is to keep a patient alive and well, is it not? I have coached doctors. I understand.

And Dr. Fine who is a national expert on end-of-life lessons, as the head of Baylor Hospital's ethics committee.

Dr. Fine says he looks constantly for teaching moments about the "D-word." He talks about the elephant in every hospital room: Nobody comes to a hospital to die. When young doctors were asked how they felt about saying the D-word, they said they felt like a failure.

I'm glad there are programs now to help younger doctors learn to handle the emotions around the dying of one of their patients, when their medical knowledge, big hearts, brilliant minds, and the latest technology can no longer help, and the patient moves into Other Hands.

Somewhere in the article was a phrase I will always remember, as a coach, consultant, psychic, astrologer ... and as a human being.

It was this:
Death is a spiritual event, not a medical failure.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

It's not what happened to you it's how you're interpreting it

As we stagger out from under this Full Moon, and the Pluto transit, take a look and listen. Pluto removes what was dying and needed to go.

Tony Robbins - paraphrase - human beings can take a meaning from any event that either disempowers them, or literally saves their life! (Let me guide you if you just got one.)

For free mini-reading, email me or call me at 817-734-1471.

Re-gifting ... Is It For You?

We all use language. It is powerful.

Several blogs ago, we listed the incredible 13 most-requested words and phrases for translation.

Now we will take another look at language. It is how we make order out of chaos (Remember the Bible ... first there was chaos, then there was the Word"? It is also how we shape our world. Words give us power over our people and world. Remember the almighty "NO!" the first time your toddler learned i.

A little history ...

Do you know what the word "segregation" means? A massive social and cultural upheaval took place when the word "integration" was born?

Were you around when everything you read referred to the male gender.

Quotes were: Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

If a person wanted to be a lay reader "he should speak to Father John."

There were no female doctors, lawyers, ministers. She was not used unless it specifically referred to a woman.

A massive social and cultural upheaval took place when women began to demand that SHE and HER be added to the English vocabulary, and for the generic. We went through a stage of: (s)he and she/he, and "where it says "he" it should be construed to mean "she" as well, and sometimes we alternate, and sometimes use words like "an individual" It's awkward. This one has been a long, long journey for the USA and Western World.

Then in the 80s the divorce rate started rising. Suddenly we had people we had been married to and no longer were (and their parents), and then we remarried and had kids from both parents and we had ...??? A massive social and cultural upheaval lacked language, and we invented and began to use the words "ex" and "step-parent" and "blended family" and "single parent."

BTW in 1985, my friend (who was a single parent at the time) tells me that there was a Family Group at her Church, and she and her daughters were not allowed to join it. They were told "You are not a family."


So here is a new one. Get ready for this one. It's a sign of the times, the long and bending back of etiquette, the generational gaps, and of the hard economic times. It's ... unbelievable.

There is now a word: regifting. There is even a website called regiftable.com.

"Re-gifting: It's not so taboo," is the article in the Keller Citizen, where they quote a communication specialist with Money Management International who says, "More and more peple are considering all their options in gift-giving, and re-gifting is gaining popularity in that." (She needs to work on her grammar.)

And of course the most obvious thing to re-gift is a gift-card. This is giant step away from knitting a sweater for you son for Christmas!

There are tips, like be sure and change the wrapping paper, and don't give it to someone who might know the someone who gave it to you.

Well, since I got a huge ham from one of the corporations I consult for and (1) don't like ham that much, and (2) it's only me, I gave it to my son. I'll admit to having done it with other things. I do, as they 'recommend,' suit the re-gift to the re-cipient. is that usually I don't act like it's a gift, I say, "I got this and blah blah and thought you might like it/could use it."

However once I have gotten a sweater or something from my side of the family that I knew I would never wear, but that my mother-in-law would love, so I wrapped it up again and gave it to her. Call me a Re-Gifter.

Just do it with taste!

P.S. I just did spellcheck. It does not recognize "gifter" or "re-gifter." There you have it.
Email me for a free mini-reading: sdunn@susandunn.cc .

How about that full moon last night? How about that fallout?


It was awesome.

It's affects are also awesome. They will last for weeks. Let me help you with the fallout. DON'T STAY MOONSTRUCK!

From today's mailbag:

He chose last night to do it. I guess it's no coincidence. 5 years and he breaks it off. Said he just couldn't let go of his family. Broken Hearted in Falls Church, Va.

The Angel Cards are now saying "romance" and "love." I don't feel it. She keeps rejecting me. Can you do another reading. I need to know if she and I are meant to be. Frustrated in Boston, Ma.

He pulled it again. Another 'let's go on a cruise'. This time I wrote back and called it on him. He replied in the same fantasy way. Do you think he was just moonstruck? Why can't he step up to the plate and DO SOMETHING???? Do they get like this at this age, where it's all fantasy? I wish ... I wish...? Fed Up in Fort Worth, Texas

They took my son to jail last night. I guess I've seen this coming. Another
DWI. Can you do the cards on this please? Worried Mom in Portland, Oregon

Stop the dominos from falling. Email me for a free mini-reading. sdunn@susandunn.cc . Or call 817-734-1371.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Biggest Full Moon of Year Pulls Tides in Italy

Tonight is the biggest full moon of the year ... .. and DO NOT EVER UNDERESTIMATE A FULL MOON
On the left High Tide, on the right Low Tide. (At the Bay of Fundy where I was this fall)


The reporters are Alessandra Migliaccio and Flavia Krause-Jackson
Remember the moon pulls the tides. They report, "Almost a quarter of Venice is under water amid the highest tides in 22 years. The Tiber has flooded over its banks. Water is everywhere."

More from the article, and we send our prayers:
The city of Rome declared a state of emergency today ...

Record snowfall on Sicily’s Mount Etna, Europe’s highest active volcano, has left eight Boy Scouts stranded on the mountain.

Italy’s civil protection agency predicts another 36 hours of hail, heavy rain and snowfall after two weeks of storms pushed the country’s bridges, roads and transport systems to their limit.

The banks of the Tiber today spilled onto the city’s streets, threatening to submerge its island, and flooding created a lake around the 2,000-year-old Coliseum.

Many of Venice's small islands are submerged.

In Naples, civil protection phone banks were overwhelmed with hundreds of calls from alarmed citizens worried about the rain.
The moon pulls our emotions like the tides, and it's no coincidence that women go into labor at a Full Moon. It's also the origin of our words lunacy, looney, and lunatic.
So take it easy, and take it easy for the next couple of days aftermath. If not you, the person next to you on the highway, or cubicle or even bedroom! We have the Pluto transit, Uranus/Saturn, Christmas, and an economic crisis.
Call me for a reading - 817-741-7223.

Classical Music for the Holidays

Beethoven always makes #1. Will he again this year? It's up to you.
Beatiful music ... do you love classical music? It can be so soothing, and can talk about things we can't really talk about, calm, sooth or inspire us.
You can listen to allclassical.org on your computer.
Fro, them comes their schedule and a survey you must take part it.

A four-day classical holiday soundtrack, running Dec. 22 through 25. Its a unique sacred and secular musical mix, both vocal and instrumental, that includes the greatest classical hits of Christmas (Messiah, the Bach Christmas Oratorio, Nutcracker), plus the harp, brass and early music sounds associated with solstice time.

Begins the day after Christmas & runs through New Year's Eve.What will be #1 this year? Join in the fun so your choices might tip the balance. Please take a few moments to choose your top five classical selections. Deadline for entries is Sunday, Dec. 14.
Click here to vote online now!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

O Divine Redeemer

Whatever your faith, whatever your struggle, during this rough transit if there is something you are torn over, something you desire with all your heart and soul, something you have been denied your whole life, something you are longing for, some injustice you have suffered, O Divine Redeemer by Gounod, is the song of the plea.

Says youtube:

The soaring voice of Renata Tebaldi reaches heaven in this hymn composed by Charles Gounod 1818-93 in the last months of his life.
Here are the lyrics. They are hard to understand, but you will hear the most important of them: Hear my cry, here my cry.

Ah! turn me not away,
receive me, tho' unworthy!
Hear Thou my cry,
behold, Lord, my distress!
Answer me from Thy throne,
haste Thee, Lord, to mine aid,
Thy pity show in my deep anguish!
Let not the sword of vengeance smite me,
Tho' righteous Thine anger, O Lord!
Shield me in danger, O Regard me!
On Thee, Lord, alone will I call.

O Divine Redeemer! O Divine Redeemer!
I pray Thee, grant me pardon, and remember not my sins!
Forgive me, O divine Redeemer!
Night gathers round my soul;
fearful I cry to Thee;
Come to mine aid, O Lord!
Haste Thee, Lord, haste to help me!
Hear my cry, Save me, Lord, in Thy mercy;
Hear my cry! Come and save me, O Lord!

O, divine Redeemer! I pray Thee, grant me pardon,
And remember not, O Lord, my sins!
Save, in the day of retribution,
from Death shield Thou me,
O my God!
O, divine Redeemer, have mercy!
Help me, my Savior!

Remember that on your deathbed you will not be hoping for a big raise at work, or a title, or a sapphire ring...you will be hoping that you loved enough, that you tried enough (even if you failed), that you touched life enough and let enough of it in.

If you'd like to know your Spiritual Life Purpose, email me for the Spiritual Life Purpose Report. Just $50 from now until the end of January. Mention this offer.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Highest Suicide Rates in World, Chocolate Consumption and More

Portrait of Gertrude Stein, by Picasso. Allegedly someone told Picasso that Gertrude did not like her portrait. Picasso replied, "She will." 334 of Picasso's works have been sold for over $1,000,000.
I love this stuff. Do you? Chocolate consuption caught my eye. We know how good it makes us feel. It's funny because today in Dallas, Texas it was very cold. My friend who works in a boutique convenience store told me that they sold a lot more chocolate stuff than usual. One man even came in and bought a Snickers and cup of hot chocolate, said "Terrible day. I'm going to sit out in my truck and chill."

From today's mailbag:

The deepest oceans in the world, average depth in meters
Pacific, 3,939
Indian, 3,840
Atlantic, 3,575
Longest rivers in the world in kilometers
Nile, 6,693
Amazon 6,436
Yangtze, 6,378
Worlds largest lakes in square kilometers
Caspian Sea, 371,000
Michigan and Huron, 117,610
Superior, 82,100
Largest countries in the world, in million sq. kilometers
Russia, 17.1
Canada, 10.0
China, 9.3
US, 9.2

Countries with most billionaires
US, 269
Japan, 29
Germany, 28
Italy, 17
Top 10 cleanest countries
Countries with greatest population in millions
China, 1,300.0
India 1,080.0
USA, 295.7

Nations with largest workforce in million eligible workers
China, 767
India, 442
USA, 145

Highest household size
Iraq, 7.7
Equatorial Guinea, 7.5
Pakistan, 6.8
Most births per year, mllions births
India, 24.1
China, 16.7
Nigeria, 5.3

Lowest average birth rates (percent)
Mexico, 9.4
Japan 8.6
Hungary 8.4

Highest life expectance in years
Andorra 83.5
San Marino 81.6
Japan 81.2

Highest death rates per 1,000 population
Botswana 28.92
Angola 25.86
Lesotho 24.79

Highest divorce rates (per 1,000)
Maldives, 10.97
Belarus 4.63
US, 4.34

Countries with higest suicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants per year
Lithuania 42.0
Russia, 37.4
Belarus 35.0
Latvia 34.3
Best European cities to visit

Best honeymoon destinations

Popular dream cruises
South America
Baltic sea

Top 10 expensive restaurants
Aragawa, Tokyo
Arpege, Paris
Elgens Inn farm, Toronto

Most common causes of accidental death
motor vehicle crashes, 43,200
falls 14,900
poisoning 8,000
drowning, 4,000

Bottled water drinking nations in liters per capita
Italy, 177,1
Spain, 156,7
France, 152,5

Biggest alcohol consumption, litres per capita by pop over age 15
Luxembourg, 14.9
Ireland, 14.2
Portugal, 13.0

Most popular Cocktails
Sex on the Beach

Original Art works sold for over $1 million
Picasso, 334
Monet, 249
Renoir, 219
Brightest dogs (understand new commands in less than 5 reps)
Border Collies
German Shepherd

Countries with most cows, in millions
India, 226.1
Brazil, 176.5
China, 108.3

Top European Castles
Mont Saint Michel

Ice cream consumers, pint per capita
Australia, 44.3
New Zealand, 33.4
USA, 33

Coffee drinking nations, cups per capita
Finland, 1,686
Denmark, 1,374
Norway, 1,372
Belgium, 1,354

Bread consumers, kg per capita
Ireland, 5.6
UK, 4.8
New Zealand, 2.4

Chocolate consumption, kg per cap
Switzerland, 11.4
UK, 9.5
Belgium, 8.7
Germany, 8.6

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Death of Patriarch of Russia, Alexiy II, a Pisces

The Funeral of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Alexiy II, God rest his soul in peace. He is credited with rebuilding the Russian Orthodox Church.

Alexiy II was a Pisces, of course. Here is the Natal Chart of Alexiy II, the Patriach of Moscow and All Russia (see below). The Patriarch was born February 23, 1929 in Tallinn, Estonia, but we were unable to ascertain the time of his birth.

The funeral was held in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. To see a beautiful video of the service, go here.

Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture" premiered in this cathedral.

In the foreground of the photo is St. Basil's.

The idea of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was conceived by Tsar Alexander I, in gratitude when the last of Napoleon's soldiers left Moscow. It was his brother Nicholas who eventually built it, modeling it after the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople.

The Cathedral was completely destroyed by Stalin and rebuilt in 2000.

I had the honor of visiting both cathedrals when in Moscow.

The Patriarch's North Node was in Taurus. He was destined to "melt into the blue spirit waters of harmony in Taurus-where the bloved Gautama Buddha left his blessing. Truly this is the transition from lifetimes of war into a garden of peace." (Martin Shulman)

EMAIL ME to get your own Spiritual Life Path Report, Natal Chart or reading.

Alexey II, Patriarch of Russia's Natal Chart
Right click on the chart to enlarge

This photo is in the public domain.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Fears and the Full Moon


We tend to get more emotional at the time of a Full Moon. The moon pulls the tides and it pulls at us. The Full Moon this month will be December 12.

You just need to be aware of this and adjust for it. And don't ever let anyone prey on your fears. Some people try and take advantage of this. If you're like me right now you are getting mailouts and marketing phone calls from burglar alarm companies telling us that the crime rate and burglaries rise 50% in December. They are purposely scaring us in order to get us to buy something. I'm afraid to say some astrology reports do this as well.

This coming Full Moon December 12, 2008 does have an intense square with it. Just be aware that we tend to get more emotional with Full Moons, so don't let yourself get too tired, too hungry, or too reactive to the OTHER people who are losing it!

The Farmers Almanac calls this the Full Cold Moon. It is also sometimes called the Long Nights Moon. You know why!

In the Farmers Almanc, other full moons are called:
January Full Wolf Moon
February Full Snow Moon
March Full Worm Moon
April Full Pink Moon
May Full Flower Moon
June Full Strawberry Moon
July Full Buck Moon, also Thunder Moon
August Full Sturgeon Moon, Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon
September Full Harvest Moon
October Full Hunters Moon
November Full Beaver Moon

Wikipedia Needs Our Help

Do you love wikipedia like I do? I just went there to look up what an opera singer is called who sings lower than a soprano. Mezzo-soprano!

When my husband and I got married, the first purchase we made as a couple was a set of Worldbook encyclopedias. It was a major expense for us.
Said Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia:
Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access
to the sum of all human knowledge.

I have contributed information to wikipedia. Have you? Now Wikipedia needs our help with money. Are you willing to step up to the plate?

You can contribute HERE.

No Two Chart are the Same - Like Snowflakes

Just like no two snowflakes are alike, neither are two people. When you get your chart done, that's why the time of your birth is important for me to know.

I read for identical twins, and since they were born 15 minutes apart, their houses are different!

Well, this is the time of year when "the weather" is a major topic of interest. Take the WEATHER MYTHS QUIZ and see how you do.

I'll give you one right answer - Are snowflakes identical? The answer is "false."

Aside from that, I didn't do very well on the quiz. Let me know how you do - sdunn@susandunn.cc. P.S. After you take the quiz and go to the answer section, you might learn some surprising things.

Just like getting your chart done. Reduced rates this month - $50 for Natal Chart, $50 for Spiritual Life Path Report, this month. Mention this offer.

How Do You Say I Don't Want to Die Alone

If someone asked you what were the most frequently-requested words and phrases for translation into another language, would you have come up with this list? From the How Do You Say website:

i love you
i miss you
how are you
go to hell
my love
thank you so much
i dont want to die alone
I love my wife

This reminds me of Verdi's beautiful quote: "Music is about the most important things in life. Love ... hate ..."

Sunday, December 7, 2008

In Every Woman There is ...

If you give a woman sperm, she'll give you a baby.
If you give her a house, she'll give you a home.
If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.
If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart.

She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.


FREE COMPATABILITY MINI-READING. EMAIL sdunn@susandunn.cc Good until December 31, 2008.

Comment from reader: I learned that one the hard way. By losing it. J.J.A.

Leos. December 2008.


If you're a Leo, living with one, or working with one, you can relate to this photo!!!

I wouldn't even try to put into words what's going on with Leos right now, but if you're a Leo, you know exactly (1) what this Lion is feeling, (2) why, and (3) what is about to happen.

I'm psychic, I read the cards, I'm intuitive, I've studied astrology ... and there's also a very common source of information that never fails me. The clients who call me, and what they call about. If I hadn't known about the Saturn/Uranus opposition in November, I could have figured it out by the clients calls. These things are not coincidences.

I get amped information on the days I read for dozens of people. For instance, today I read at the Dallas Psychic Fair, which is huge - Dallas' oldest and largest - and I'm booked all day. And here's the scoop. Like, if I didn't know anything about charts and planets, after today I could tell you that:
  1. Pisces and Leos are under tremendous pressure right now
  2. Sag comes in third place
  3. It's so foggy people aren't looking for an answer, they're groping for the QUESTION.
  4. As predicted previously, any social (or socialized) event this month is going to fall through, be under-attended, canceled, not come off, blah blah
  5. Scorpios were too pissed off to show up. (Astrologically, they are currently focused on finances. Stingy and sting-y.)
Best line of the day: Woman reading a brochure: "It says here 'do you struggle with anger and resentment?' Laughing. No I don't struggle with them, I'm quite at home with them."

Yes, nerves are stretched. Find the things that calm you. A reading. A magnolia candle (to raise vibrations). Lavendar bath salts. Massage.

And yes, of course, astrology gives the scientific reason. It was a beautiful day weather-wise (after a rough week). The Center was decorated for Christmas with beautiful music playing. Everyone there was in good health. All the regulars were there, and the psychics and astrologers are the best. The vendors had beautiful new things for sale for holiday gifts. Proudly featured was our new 2009 Inspirational Wall Calendar which features two full pages at the back of my astrological predictions for next year, quotes from readers, and beautiful photographs by Max Buller.

SO WHY WAS IT ALL SO SOMBER AND SERIOUS? Read the previous blogs about this month's energy. And then there are those who took the Pluto hit right square in every single area of their life.

Email me at sdunn@susandunn.cc for a reading, or call me at 817-741-7223. I read internationally - by phone, email, in-person if you live in the Dallas area. I'm clairvoyant so distance makes no difference.

If you'd like to order one of the Inspirational Wall Calendars and see my General Themes for 2009, click this link. Your Inspirational Calendar will be mailed to you. P.S. They make great gifts.

Here's a sample from the calendar. Photo by Max Buller and inspirational message by Sandra Larson.


Many believe that Spirit lives within us.
Did you know that your being also dwells within Spirit?

Spirit is your sacred sanctuary.
No matter where you go, you are always home.

~ Sandra Larson

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Where are you going ... and Why?

We are entering that holy time of year. In every culture around the globe ... a time of giving, of introspection, of getting in touch with Spirit. A time of love.

At this time of year, as the year ends, you may be wondering if you are on your spiritual path.

In her article about the 10th house (how others see us, our reputation, persona, and also how well we do financially and materially), Dana Gerhardt writes beautifully about the Spiritual Path. She says:

[I]t's nice to have an impressive 10th house calling card. Walk through any graveyard, however, and the 10th house quickly loses its importance. You won't see "wealthy banker," "top insurance salesman," or "the sexiest guy on the block" etched onto any headstone. All the worldly success people struggle for and achieve dissolves at the cemetery into more personal descriptions: "beloved husband," "loving mother," "devoted sister." These terms belong to the house opposite the 10th, the 4th, which rules not only family, but endings. In deathbed scenes, people rarely express regret or gather comfort from their life's career choices. They don't wish for a little extra time to finish up that memo or earn another few thousand dollars. Rather, they wonder if they loved well enough, if they used their time to touch life deeply enough, if they traveled far enough on the spiritual path. Rarely do the dying obsess about 10th house things.

Would you like to know why you are here? Would you like to order your personal Spiritual Life Path Report? Email me at sdunn@susandunn.cc .

O. J. Sentenced: A Cautionary Tale

O.J. is a cautionary tale, but will anyone learn from it?

From the article:

He didn't look particularly old. But so much of his story, so many of the details of his bizarre, self-destructive actions, and so many of the tired symbols he has come to embody, most certainly were.

When the sentencing was over, the 61-year-old Simpson was broken, first by the recognition that this time his celebrity, fame and charm would prove insufficient commodities to provide an escape for him, and finally when Judge Jackie Glass confirmed his suspicions by sentencing him to a minimum of nine and a maximum of 33 years in state prison.

He will be incarcerated at least until 2017, when he will first be eligible for parole. Prosecutors, though, said it is very unlikely he will serve just the minimum of his sentence. He will be 70 years old before he even has an opportunity to leave prison.

Watch the video below as Nancy Fenn, the nation's Saturn Return Expert talks about the second Saturn Return. What it can be. "A time when every chicken you ever dealt with comes home to roost," Nancy Fenn, Saturn Return Expert says:

Visit Nancy's blog or contact her at parklanenancy@hotmail.com to find out about your own Saturn Return - First (28-30), Second (58-60) or Third (88-90). It's a phenomenally important time in your life, and Nancy is the unchallenged expert in this field.

ON NOTICE: The next week ... and the backlash will last longer for people who pick fights, provoke, dig up buried skeletons, and annoy others at this time (sigh) ... or if you let "them" get your goat.

Important planetary aspects coming up:
Dec. 12 Full Moon in Gemini with intense Grand Square

A Gemini Full Moon is usually free-hearted and light-spirited. But this one is joined by a very intense grand square: Mars/Sun in Sagittarius opposing Moon in Gemini, and Saturn in Virgo opposing Uranus in Pisces.

So it's a time to "save it," as we say. Keep your mouth shut until you're sure what's going to come out of it is what you want. "Keep your words sweet. You might have to eat them." Ignore some things in order to preserve relationships. If you get nervous, don't babble.

Expect more seriousness around the holidays this year. Even that woman who ALWAYS gives the big open house won't do it this year. There will be cancellations, and events, even traditions, that never get off the ground.

Add to this the hyped newspaper and TV headlines, and the current (and predicated) economic situation (not a coincidence).

The way out is the way up. Gratitude and a slow pace.

Everyone's getting a refund on the pre-pay at the pumps these days because those gas prices just keep falling. What's not to like about THAT? An analogy? Take a long slow drive out in the country and enjoy it ... just because you can. Control "your" holiday. If it begins to get on your nerves, use the "off" button.

Nothing general ever works as well as a personal reading, so check in with me if you feel the urge or the need. EMAIL me to schedule yours.

Love and peace,

Thursday, December 4, 2008

How to Send Cards to Service People

Information about Walter Reed is incorrect.
Pitney Bowes has partnered with The American Red Cross to deliver 1,000,000 holiday cards to American service people, veterans, and their families in the US and around the world. Pitney Bowes is generously donating technology, resources and postage to make this holiday card program possible.

Please send cards to:

Holiday Mail for Heroes
PO Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456

ALL CARDS MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2008. Cards sent after this date will be returned to sender.

On their site you can download and print a card free and learn about other ways to participate.


If sending multiple cards, put them all in one envelope.
Sign your cards.
Use generic salutations such as "Dear Service Member".
Do not include
personal information such as your email or home address.
Do not send
Do not include inserts of any kind, including but not limited to
photos, glitter, confetti, gifts cards of calling cards. All items will be
removec during review processing.
All cards received may be used in
publicity efforts, including appearing in broadcast, print or online media.

NOTE: If you received an email about Walter Reed, Walter Reed is NOT accepting holiday cards. For more information go HERE.

Phone cards or gift cards/certificates? Read directions HERE.

Care packages cannot be accepted at this PO. To find out about Care Packages go HERE and click under "Homefront Groups."

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Peace and Harmony for the Holidays (and other times)

Sometimes what we are really after is peace and harmony.

If you use the free tarot readings on www.tarot.com, you will have noticed that the categories are romance, Celtic cross, and then "peace and harmony."

Here is a beautiful site if you'd like to pledge some time to building peace: http://www.pledgepeace.org/

The site is Catholic-oriented, but the 'work' will suit any work done by you, through Spitit, peace. Here are some of their suggestions:

I pledge to bring comforting messages of peace to the mentally ill.

I will walk with peace in my heart.

I will stop gossiping with my friends.

I will choose something to love in those with whom I have a grievance.

I will try to understand people of other nations.

I will not fight with my brother.

I will find music that soothes me and listen to it.

I will greet every situation with an open heart.

I will learn how to express my anger in helpful, not hurtful, ways.


Here are some suggestions by astrological sign:

Aries: Consciously allowing someone else to be right at some time.
Project: Say to someone: I am not here to fight.

Leo: Removing arrogant judgement from the repertoire.
Project: Suspend judgement. Be the high side of your sing: magnanimous.

Virgo: Stop nit picking!
Project. Learn to see and embrace the Big Picure. Diry socks on the floor don't maketter. Lying to a loved one, does.

Libra: Contemplating the scales of justice can be the source of altercation..
Project: Take a stand, a compassionate one. It sends a message.

Sagittarius: The 'truth' is relative and can be used to crucify other people.
Project: Before you send the arrow, put honey on the tip. Truth is of little use in human relations.

Taurus: Irrational, unmindful sutbbornness causes conflict and discontent.
Project: Discipline yourself to ignore some of the "red flags" raised in your face. You have a choice, you know. Choose peace.

Cancer: You can make your home extended - to your social group, your office, your in-laws.
Project: Great 'homemakers' that you are, extend your definitions and boundaries. Understand that a home means something different to each person, each culture.

Scorpio: Distinguish between courage and false bravado.
Project: Learn to choose your battles, and lose some of them, in order to Win the War (for peaceful). Eerything does not have to be a "10."

Gemini: The great communicators. Use it for peace.
Project: Don't let the nervousness get in the way of the message. It's not what you say, it's how you say it, and if you sound nervous, you create agitation, not peace. The request stated timidly will be refused. Worry creates the thing that you fear. It's the Law of Attraction.

Aquarius: Loving all mankind is a useless "concept" and your drive for individuality is innatelt devisive.
Project: Dare to love (in action) the person in front of you, the one that's driving you nuts. And reach to the hard-won place where you know you are just like everyone else.

Capricorn: Innately classy, but that's hierarchical.
Peoject: Get off the cliff, get off your hooves and join the rest of us. You have much to contribute on lower ground.

Pisces: The healing sign.
Project: Learn to swim with a school. Then you will have support and guidance, which brings peace.

To learn more contact Susan at sdunn@susandunn.cc/

In this "season of peace," we find our biggest challenhrd - to peaceful and to sow peace.

Finding ths holidays already causing friction, wearing you out, making you tense, annoyed and quarrelsome? Be the change you want to see in the world. Peace starts with you and it starts within.

Email, in person and phone consultations. Email me at sdunn@susandunn.cc.

Someone said, "Happiness is a large, close family - that lives in another state."

You love them. Want to get along with them and have peace. Take my Handing Difficult People course. It's on the Internet with email support. EMAIL ME for more information.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Spectacular Crescent Moon, Venus Jupiter


They've been approaching each other rapidly and tonight is the night. Check out the NASA Sky Map for Dec. 1. Jupiter, Venus and the Crecent Moon, the three brightest things in the night sky in close enough proximity you could cover them with your hand!

The little girl who called to tell me about it said it was a Smiley Face. The Moon tonight is 15% crescent and forms an isosceles triangle with Venus and Jupiter - a celestial triangle visible all over the world, unless you get cloudy weather. Mo just emailed me that they can't see it where she is in Canada.

This is an exciting event. Said one viewer, "MOST AWESOME THING I EVER SEEN."

The stars at night are big and bright ... deep in the heart of Texas, and fortunately tonight in Dallas, they are clear and bright and this is spectacular.